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Missing Textures Fix

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:08 am
by Mr_Cyberpunk
yeah if you screwed up your install its because the readme states to just copy the NVTextures over, this isn't right because its missing the DeusExUI.utx files which causes the game to not load anything (you'll know its screwed up because your menu won't have any text).

To fix this simply make a copy of your existing default Deus Ex Textures folder so C:\Deus Ex\Textures, copy that into NVTextures first, then copy over the contents from the NVTextures file inside of the .rar, this should fix the problem.

so to repeat:

Step 1: Make a copy of Deus Ex\Textures and rename it NVTextures
Step 2: Open the NVision.rar
Step 3: Copy NVTextures folder over to your new Deus Ex\NVTextures folder
Step 3: Overwrite everything.

This should fix any missing UI or effects textures.

Re: Missing Textures Fix

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:32 am
by DaveW
I thought it should simply revert to the normal Textures for anything it cannot find in NVTextures?

Re: Missing Textures Fix

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:27 am
by Mr_Cyberpunk
It's because you're replacing the Textures.utx Path, that's why its doing that. Anyways all good you fixed it with the hotfix now ;).

Re: Missing Textures Fix

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:55 am
by DaveW
Did you replace it? You're supposed to add it above. That way, I assumed the game should look for something like DXFonts.UTX in NVTextures, realise it's not there, and move down the list to the old Textures directory and find it there.

But the hotfix will get it anyway, as well as fixing some issues I thought I'd already fixed but..turns out I didn't.

Re: Missing Textures Fix

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:04 am
by Mr_Cyberpunk
We QAs do not follow instructions.. we purposely go out of our way to mess shit up lol. I do things like this all the time at work actually with the programmers going "why didn't you just follow the instructions" and my reply being "because then you wouldn't know how to break it" lol.

Re: Missing Textures Fix

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:37 pm
by flib
Wouldn't an easier fix be to just have them add the line to the DeusEx.ini, rather than messing around with a bunch of directories? People who manage to mess it up to begin with will certainly mess up this fix.