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Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:15 pm
by Jetsetlemming
What's the ETA on 1.0.2 anyway? I'm waiting for the next patch before doing a Worldcorp playthrough.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:33 pm
by JC_Helios
@Scotch: Extinguisher, water, Energy shield, regeneration. Any of these makes fire more bearable. Still... it is weoird that no one knows how to stop, drop, and roll; especially in ABI.

@Jonas: The laser sight is mentioned in the EMP pistol's description.

@Jet: the 20th.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:45 pm
by odawali
JC_Helios wrote: @Jonas: The laser sight is mentioned in the EMP pistol's description.
The description says it accepts laser sight, implying it doesn't come pre-installed but can be modded with one.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:48 pm
by Jonas
odawali wrote:
JC_Helios wrote: @Jonas: The laser sight is mentioned in the EMP pistol's description.
The description says it accepts laser sight, implying it doesn't come pre-installed but can be modded with one.
Actually it doesn't talk about the laser at all, it talks about the red dot sight. Put a scope mod on it and you'll see what I mean.

Also regarding fire, DDL just checked for me to make sure, but Trestkon burns exactly as long as JC Denton. Also not only does the extinguisher take up the same inventory space as it did in DX, it's also reusable now, so if anything we made it easier to put out fire than in the original game.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:21 pm
by JC_Helios
Ahh, oops.... The first time I saw that I didn't quite get what it meant, used the laser sight activation button and then went "Oh, okay."

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:21 am
by Made in China
Jonas wrote:so if anything we made it easier to put out fire than in the original game.
Well, except the fact that a lot more things can set you ablaze, and they sometimes come in hordes. Not that I care, it should be like that - you can torch them with the flamethrower, naplam launcher and Deus Diablo's fire blade, so it's fair. And anyway, if you can't stand the heat, use stealth - Deus Ex rewards the stealthier approach anyhow.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:22 am
by Scotch
Okay, here are some suggestions that are actually reasonable. Sorry about the fire rant, I was just pissed at that moment. I'm kind of a hothead.


- My first encounter with the mini-alien at GameSpy HQ was in a vent with a bright, lava-like walls and sides. The problem is, it is nearly impossible to spot the alien with the bright walls, so I thought I was being shot through the floor, or at least the subject of a glitch. I think that an introduction to the mini alien should be made prior so that when you encounter it later you don't die six times trying to figure out what the hell is killing you.

- The Gamespy level is nigh impossible for the stealthy gamer, especially in the final room. More stealth options would be highly appreciated.

- Finding your way around forum city can be difficult. On these forums, we are all used to the lack of guidance in terms of where to go, since in DX you never had a map or anything like that. However, sometimes you need to find obscure, hard to find, or specific locations. I believe an optional arrow pointing to your goal (or just a green arrow on your compass, like Oblivion) would help the directionally challenged gamer immensely.

- Make it more obvious that you have more than one option in terms of battles and missions. I did not know that you could knock ZP unconscious, or that killing so-and-so drastically changes the course of the game.

- I read a review that complained about how in one level you have to have carried over lockpicks and multitools from a previous level since the level did not give you enough lockpicks to complete it. Lockpicking and multi.....tooling have been downplayed in TNM, but still, I felt highly restricted with which doors I wanted to unlock.

- Vending machines should say what they dispense. I came across a multitool dispenser, and while the Bob the Builder parody is funny, maybe having a sign that says "MULTITOOLS AND LOCKPICKS" could help people realize that there is help if they need it.

- Lava platforming section......NO. Mixing deus ex with platforming is like mixing banana splits with dog shit. That's not to say that platforming is dog shit, but you get the idea :P.

I just want to congratulate all of you guys, however, for making such an amazing mod. This seriously must have been a pain to program, but you guys did it. Your level of dedication to DX is staggering, and your notion of fun is right on. I look forward to what OTP does in the future!

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:11 am
by DDL
I have a few suggestions also:

1) could you make it so tantalus is permanently bound to the left mouse button?
2) could you make opensesame permanently bound to the E key?
3) could you make it so right mouse button toggles godmode?
4) how about replacing the entirety of forum city with a mass effect-style galaxy map, so instead of walking anywhere you can just select the location you want and instantly teleport there? If you could replicate mass effect's occasional cutscene CTDs as well, that would be sweet.
5) could you make TNM into a rail shooter?
6) how about making the game LESS FUCKING HARD?

..yeah, that's about it. Oh, though seconded on the mini aliens. FUCKING MINI ALIENS....

Incidentally, scotch: there are several places where you can first encounter the mini aliens: you just picked a bad one. Such is non-linear gaming.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:38 am
by Jetsetlemming
Scotch wrote: - Make it more obvious that you have more than one option in terms of battles and missions. I did not know that you could knock ZP unconscious, or that killing so-and-so drastically changes the course of the game.
-As soon as you kill him Kylie pms you berating you on abandoning your morals and calling you a hypocrite
-You shouldn't need to be told non-violent options exist in a Deus Ex game.

That said it is kinda annoying how some major characters can be knocked out and some can't. I tried for a while to knock out Kylie in the space station and eventually just set her on fire with the admin staff then ran away. The burning from it only does ~30% damage, so it's not fatal, and a burning enemy is completely disabled, much like an enemy choking on a gas grenade.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:14 am
by Jonas
I can't say I'm happy with that jumping puzzle in DXI. If it's any consolation we originally had two of them, and the second one was utterly ridiculous - like 20 times harder than the one we kept. We cut it, replacing it with an elevator, because it was outrageous. I certainly agree that jumping puzzles have no place in regular FPS games, but originally it was born as the closest we could get to actual climbing in Deus Ex in the absense of mantling, and once it was implemented, it was difficult to replace. So you'll just have to live with it, sorry.

Minialiens: I've already drastically reduced their number for patch 1.0.2. You'll no longer meet any of them in the annihilation plant if you're playing on Understaffed or Normal NPC quantity - if you're playing on Crowded you'll meet 4 and on Horde you'll meet 8. You'll still meet them in the tunnels under the AI module, but they'll be far fewer than before, and you can still bypass that entire section if you have speed enhancement.

I will never, ever, ever implement a quest arrow in TNM. It is not the way of Deus Ex. Deus Ex trusts you to have the patience and the inclination to properly explore its world and get to know the different routes and locations in the levels - that is the last bastion of trust in the player that we haven't already done away with in the face of increasingly hopeless user testing, and I will never give it up.

I'll have another look at the enemy distribution in that last room. I think the main problem is that there are so many wandering enemies, not just patrolling. I'll go over their difficulty filtering again and see if I can reduce their numbers a bit.

What Jetsetlemming said about being able to knock out or avoid major fights is spot on. We rely on Deus Ex to train the player in such things, but we've implemented fairly obvious hints that different approaches are possible - Kashue's and Phasmatis's killer/pacifist dynamic being the major one. I agree with Jetset that all enemies who can be killed should also be knockoutable, but sadly we failed to account for that far too often in the game logic. Kylie being invulnerable to knockouts is a direct consequence of us never having implemented a proper reaction to a PDX player not killing Kylie at some point in the game. It's one of my major regrets, but it's too late to fix it now. That's the problem with using full voice acting, I suppose.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:26 am
by Jetsetlemming
There isn't any reaction to her being ignored, either. If there's a reaction to directly outright killing her, I never saw it.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:55 am
by Jonas
No but it's sort of assumed that you kill her, because you're not meant to be able to complete the mission without killing her, so she doesn't need to appear in the denouement. There is no denouement response for Kylie being alive at the end of the PDX storyline.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:14 am
by odawali
Jonas wrote:you're not meant to be able to complete the mission without killing her
I suppose if you really wanted to make PDX players kill Kylie, you could give her a critical password key to pick off her corpse, but I'm not sure that would be an improvement. Right now it's pretty easy (and tempting) to leave her alive.

Is there any way you could recycle the ending where she gets pissed and leaves FC? (Never gotten it, so I have no idea if the voice over would be compatible with a PDX ending)

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:15 am
by Jonas
Not as far as I can see, no.

Re: Unofficial: Suggestions, Gameplay Help, and Questions topic.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:19 am
by JC_Helios
I was half expecting a "Game Over" scene of her Kamikazi-ing me with her space shuttle when betraying WC, joining Ryan, and running right past her. She certainly seemed in the right frame of mind to do something like that.

No voice acting required there :).