Patch 1.0.1

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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by Frib »

I'm PDX and I entered the supar sekrit basement of WC just after doing the spyware installation thingy on level 2. There's a few problems.

I entered via the vent on the parking garage. You then end up in the area with the two bots. There's a retinal scanner at the smaller bot, but the hidden door to the left of it is unlocked so you can just open it without having to do anything else. Bug?

Then, whilst having entered the complex that way, I see a dead scientist next to some debris. I get to the scientist and I get the 'cool explosion' award, but I never blew up that wall (I know it's possible, I entered that way on my first playthrough in 1.0.0). Bug, possibly caused by the first?

So after that I did a bunch of stuff in the labs, then I went back to the area with the bots. I noticed the big lift, and I hadn't checked the upper level yet. So I open the huge door of the lift, get on the lift, press the 'up' button, and the door closes. And then the game crashes with an infinite loop error, just before when the lift is supposed to be going up I guess. Bug!
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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by AgentSmithereens »

I got the same error when I pressed the lift button (something to do with the Carone Elevator Set), so I don't think it has anything to do with what you wrote before.
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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by Sergeant Kelly »

Yeah, I got the same elevator bug when entering on day 2.

On day 1 everything worked fine. Also, I think that door is supposed to be locked.

By the way, it is impossible to enter the space ship without the DXOgg.dll posted earlier. So make sure you dl it.
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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by irenicus »

The light aug doesn't work anymore if your bio-energie is used up, although it's upgraded and shouldn't need power?
Is this on purpose or a bug?
And a small inconsistency i've found reading the original description of the scrambler grenade...there is something like "should work on all bots manufactured since 2028"! But the game plays in 2004? :?
(i'm again posting not essential stuff, i know)
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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by DEIAdventurer »

Bad crash on Llama temple entrance when doing Llama's betrayal by Goat priest mission.
You can load the save game from the outside as many times as you wish, but in the end, as soon as the Goat dark dude start talking in the PM system, bang CTD.
And this is with patch 1.0.1 and the newest ogg dll file.
It never happened before (before patch 1.0.1 and ogg dll fix that is) that I had a repeatable crash before in the same area.
Version 1.0 crashed only randomly and it was not a repeatable process.
I wonder if can mute the Goat dark priest/dude whatever is his name.


Momentarily sorted out by using the original 1.0.1 ogg dll file.
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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by Jetsetlemming »

The Quickload crash definitely isn't gone. :(
Faulting application tnm.exe, version, faulting module unknown, version, fault address 0xc1f00000.
I was in DXE, in the elevator on the basement floor. It CTDs about 1/8 times maybe.
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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by hozz »

Small bug in DXEditing: the left glass door at the top of the main stairs leading upwards is nonsolid, you can walk through and see the dead end corridors then.
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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by deuxhero »

In ABi I have been getting critical errors about some sort of loop in a teleprompter function, does this patch fix that?

Also, it says it is not compatible with save games, does this mean the changes don't happen in maps I have alreddy been too, or that I have to start over again?
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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by JC_Helios »

@Trafalgar: Kill the dogs first at ABI, or use: killall tnmdoberman
Check the game freeze topic for why.

The sleeping dragon: I haven't tried this but a certain exploit is posed by knocking SD out after saving him... Essentially I'm making sure that after you save SD and leave the map that his unconscious body gets removed from the map just like if he had walked out? Basically it seems like SD remaining on the map could be used to play both sides. (join PDX, get all your rewards and stuff there, go back to the parking garage, kill SD's sleeping body, King says you scared him and still lets you join.) Please, please, please don't give the silver dragon a high tech blue shield of unknockoutability though, because that would be incredibly lame....

After joining WC and trying to access PDX Krissy will say "You don't respond well to rejection do you?" or some such, making it sound like you had already tried to access PDX once before, even if this is your first time trying.

I threw a baton in front of That Guy's server room, he came out to investigate and looked at the baton which was away from where I was. After I snuk into the room and there was a solid wall between me and TG he says "hey you there, get out of my server room" even though there's no way he could have seen me through the wall, he hen proceed to continue looking for the cause of the noise (since he hadn't really seen me) and then walked back to his computer. I accessed his computer from behind him threw a hazmat suit which distracted him long enough for me to escape back out of the room unseen. Back at PDX Trestkon says TG saw him.... just like with the apartment security guards. Do my ninja/ghost tactics get me nothing :( !?

Fist suggestions:

Stun gloves are very very helpful right now, and with them where they all now there's really no reason to upgrade fists beyond trained. I was thinking leave them as they are and just require advanced or master level to use them (They're certainly more technical and advanced than lethal gloves...)

EMP Gloves: right now the are really rather underpowered. They only effect bots and most of them will riddle you with bullets long before you ever succeed in disabling the bot. (except Mill bots, but come on! you get behind those with ANYTHING and they're gonna die.) Three possible suggestions I have:
1: take a page from Shifter's electrical discharge aug, make it work on alarm panels, turrets, cameras; yuki even got it to work on laser trip wires(Apparently it needed a small "spark" visual effect as like a radius).
2: up the emp damage so that it can disable bots in fewer hits (currently takes like 4-5 for small sec bots, and 7-10 for the bigger ones)
3: Lower the skill requirement to advanced or maybe even trained.
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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by Andy.G »

Just found this one today, I have uploaded the shadow AI into the non-networked computer in the old DXI server. However, my vision have been zoomed in as it was when the shadow AI was in Treskons head.

Even with a restart of the game and my computer, my vision is still zoomed in slightly. However, it seems to have effected all my saves aswell.......

FIXED: The game changed my DefaultFOV to 46.666666 and didn't change it back to 100 (for my widescreen). Just needed to edit this in the tnmuser.ini file to fix the prob

Also in the same level the door which leads you to the spotlight things which patrol the corridors (where you can get the access code for the storage rooms) doesn't automaticaly open. It makes the noise and everything, but it doesn't open. However, by walking back and trying again, eventualy it will open.
Last edited by Andy.G on Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by odawali »

During the mission where you disable the AI lock on the Space Station, I had trouble crawling through this duct:
I wound up dropping down from the ones below.

Note: This was during my playthrough on 1.0.0
Last edited by odawali on Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by Daggsy »

Yeah, that one was a little sketchy, seems to work only if you approach it from an angle.
Ignore anything I just said, I got killed by a foldaway counter in a Downtown coffee shop.
Eddy Way
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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by Eddy Way »

I have restarted since 1.01 and still only on first level but it hasnt crashed yet when previously it crashed about 10 times on the first level alone.

Small bug,
I noticed that if you KO and pick up the guard from the basement of Phas's apartment, you cant drop him outside of the basement!?
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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by Dr.Who »

My keyboard and mouse are still locking up whenever I go by Phas's apartment after telling Abom that I had delivered the fake plans and it's also doing the same thing on my WC playthrough (cause the other irreparably broken) when I'm in the large courtyard area by the giant metals crates in ABI.

I posted the crash log in the topic I made, but at this point I'm not sure if it's hardware or software (although it appears to be software).
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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Post by Jetsetlemming »

The Phat-rifle ejects shell casings despite its ammo being a singular large tube of blue stuff, and when it hits someone they bleed, even though it's beaming radiation into them and it's clearly soft enough that they don't notice if you shoot them in the back with it.

Also please make the phat-rifle at least slow people's movement speed mildly as it works. Right now it's just fine fine fine fine fine dead, with only a visual change. No flinching, no reactions at all in behavior to being blown up like a balloon. Considering it takes about two and a half seconds of sustained fire to pop someone, this is kinda weird.

Screenshots of things:
The armors in Raving's on day two aren't properly aligned in their containers. You can grab some thermoptic camo out of the top of its case because it sticks through.

Evil Invasion gets all... fucked up when he's playing the "tinker with firestaff" animation.

Mirrored texture weirdness in DXE

The broken monitors in DXE can be turned on.

This entire conversation plays out with that monitor blocking a full one half of the participants. :P

If you walk into the corner of Abomination's office you'll automatically trigger the convo for him for the second Llama quest through the wall somehow.

That bottom stair is non-solid and you can walk through it. This is the sanitation building in Goat City.
Speaking of this place the two news terminals in there, at the top of the elevator, both have no news and report themselves to be UNACTO terminals, instead of NARCISSUS/GAMESPY terminals like all the others.

Second floor of the Goat leader's apartment, it's a wooden texture there but it sounds like metal when you walk on it.

Compudoc's desk. Despite displaying 25% strength the DTS can't break it- at my current low-tech skill and Strength aug levels I can DTS up to 40% or so strength objects.

That message in the corner totally lies, I can't skip that cutscene at all. It worked on the followup scene with showing off the next level, but not the helicopter leaving.

The medbot smashed through this wall for me. :V