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Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:44 am
by JC_Helios
Set on an EMP grenade on the wall right by A2, if the guards respond to A2's disabledness this is already fixed in 1.01 . A guard patrols inside Jonas' lab so to keep him out you might want to spawnmass crateunbreakablesmall .

Spell error in the cult escalation news report: "Goats and planted" should be "Goats had planted".

Did I get an image of the llama tablets? They looked like 3 unimportant gravestones to me, even when I noticed they brought up crosshairs with my gun I was still surprised to get 500 skill points... By the way, what were these security measures the tablets were supposed to have?

Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:55 am
by Dead-eye
I killed beef man the on the first Goat mission. When It's time to kill him he's already dead.

Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:10 am
by Daggsy
JC_Helios - Thanks for the tip, seems to work okay.

One more minor thing, noticed "Destroy the power distribution box" in goals just before leaving for ABI.
Could be due to not accepting Beeblequix's help offer this time around. Because he doesn't mention the power box, it probably appeared in goals AFTER it got blown up?

Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:31 am
by Kayl
Wow you guys are amazing, I can't believe you've done all this since the game was released. That's gotta be one of the biggest patch ever made. Everything that needed fixing seems to be in that list. Thanks a lot for all your work and commitment to this mod guys. Can't wait to replay it.

And jonas go get some rest you've deserved it.

Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:52 am
by JC_Helios
Scara's "you make me feel" track doesn't play, but the "bang bang mystery man" one does. Also a lot of people, when you frob their stereo you just get "Stereo off" repeatedly.

Kylie calls me an arrogant prick for I knocked ZP out at the bar... when I'm at DXI.... and with World Corp.

Bit of a funny bug, but if you walk into "embarrassed guy"'s stall he still tells you to close the door, and then if you do close the door with you in there with him he will STILL says it. :P :lol:

Beebilquix won't tell you the code for the independence day room if you enter from the vents(hard to exit from the vents without the code).

Is it just me or do World Corp people have the option of interacting/joining the cults before PDX? I went to Goat city once to join, came back later for the WC mission and noticed this odd sight(I hadn't even been to this part of GC on my first visit.

Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:35 am
by Raistlin
Great work on the patch guys! Heaps of changes there :)
But, back to work, slackers! (I'm kidding :P)
  • Desks: Most chairs can be destroyed by opening the cupboard or drawer near them
  • Possibly Bug/Seems silly: It seems that most PC's I hack give me access to all the accounts. Makes it feel pointless to hack each PC individually.
  • I didn't see it, don't forget it! :P - The lockers in Ravings with Inf strength lock can be destroyed by the sword.

Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:01 am
by Stefan
I'm wandering if this is a bug: When your muscle augmentation is on, you can pick up a few things you weren't meant to (I only remember the fountains in Goat City).

Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:29 am
by TheXGhost
hey, i was in the middle of posting a reply when i had to go afk, and when I came back the bugs topic was locked, heres what I had typed, just for patch 2:

hey, this one is pretty weird. I'm with WC and on the mission where you have to download the admin password, after exploring the entire complex, found the incinerator thingamajig and well, just had the urge to throw a trashbag in (not before jumping in myself lol). So then it tells me that now the elevator to somewhere has power, and upon walking near the door to what i think is this said elevator, the long since deceased evil invasion pm's me about shutting down servers to trap shadow code, and gives me a note with all of the codes. I think this is from the PDX storyline

Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:18 am
by odawali
I made a save after closing the threads to enable the surface elevator at DXI. This save file would not load giving the following error:

Code: Select all

Failed launching URL
Can't find file '..\TNM\Save\Current\21_DXI_Ruins.dxs'
I tried saving a couple of more times while at DXI, but all the save files would give the same error. I left DXI and made another save at the start of Day 2, and that one worked.

Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:38 am
by JC_Helios
Kylie is one confusing woman. After the friendly chat, KO, Friendly chat, getting all pissy about Zero a few hours too late, I meet her in the Lobby and she asks me to go to hell... I take this as meaning the sub basement and I sense a key on her soooo... I knock her out again, take the key from her and go to Zero's office. Here I find her turning down Zero because she found someone else... jeez make up your mind! ( I know this is already fixed by making her on KO-able but I thought the whole back and forth was a little funny. )

Actual bugs:

Scara's stereo has no music on the 2nd day.

None of the guards inside WC feel like talking to me, but the outside ones will

Just like with PDX, visiting the sub basement on the 2nd day resets most everything, including That Guy's warnings.

I notice the rewards for exploring/stealing on the 2nd day are usually worse, sometimes non existent. On the 2nd day the waste management building for the goats only has a fire extinguisher, and in the sub level I broke a 50% cabinet drawer to find nothing in there.

Speaking of the sub level: Scara says there was no signs of intrusions when Slicer escaped... I know That Guy is good, but I'm not sure he is good enough to cover up ALL that havoc I caused before Slicer's escape.

Trestkon talking to himself in PDX server. I did the side mission for Jim, at first I asked him for more and then accepted his offer, did the mission, and at the end Trestkon says:..... bah thought I still had the convo, but the DXIshift got rid of it. Something like

Jim: "here's your mods"
Trest:"Alright thanks"
Trest: "Great, lets see what these do!"
or something, seemed like Trest was playing both a neutral response and then a enthusiastic one.

Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:42 am
by Jonas
JC_Helios wrote:None of the guards inside WC feel like talking to me, but the outside ones will

Just like with PDX, visiting the sub basement on the 2nd day resets most everything, including That Guy's warnings.
These have been fixed in 1.0.1. Guess I missed them in the notes.
in the sub level I broke a 50% cabinet drawer to find nothing in there.
The stuff in there probably only appears on lower item difficulty settings. I guess that's sort of a bug, but then lockpicking in DX has always been a bit of a lottery.

Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:50 am
by JC_Helios
Well I am playing with abundant items, fragile Trest, Pushover enemies, and horde. So there should be something? it was the compute which is on the opposite side of the test subject cells.

Which reminds me: 2nd day, one of the logs is on the ground, not attached to the Wall

Also I noticed I didn't get any notes for .... Ahhh I see it in the patch notes now. Sorry, hard to remember everything on there, and the only alternative is reading the patch notes everytime I find something, and if it's not in the notes.... I'm likely to forget the bug by the time I finish reading. #-o

Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:52 am
by Jonas
JC_Helios wrote:Also I noticed I didn't get any notes for ZP's datapad about the teleporter code or what he was doing in/with that image.
Fixed and in the patch notes...

Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:30 pm
by Jetsetlemming
I noticed a few mentions of slicer, but none on him being hostile in the WC prison. Is that intentional, then?
Edit: Here's some things I didn't see mentioned:
1) The Melk fountains in Goat City, in front of the Goat Temple, don't highlight but you can right click use them and a "It's too heavy to lift" message will pop up. ... 015139.png
2) A LAM planted on the side of the stairs to the Goat Temple main area won't trigger when the worshippers run past it. I think their AI path makes them run up the far side of the stairs for some reason, taking a long way around to get to the antechamber and chase after me. ... 410350.png
3)These little boxes t the bottom of the spiral staircase in the slums leading to a small part of the sewers: ... 363920.png
I dunno what they're there for but it looks bad (for the 1% who for whatever reason would even notice them :P)
4) Yardbomb killed me and the death camera didn't swirl above me, but instead pointed right at Yardbomb standing over me. ... 363920.png
5) Whomever made the Downtown hub map went way overboard with the reflective surfaces. These are the stairs up to the locked coffee shop. ... 114612.png
6) ... 160821.png
Puh-lease, it's called a traffic cone. [-X
7) Cleaning bots disabled with EMP (at least with the emp gun, didn't try nading them) (At least the ones in Raving's, didn't try others)... aren't disabled. They still run around and respond just fine, with a Disabled tag flashing uselessly above them. ... 413051.png
I know the screenshot doesn't actually show anything, but it helped me remember. :P
8) Throwing a molotov at the conveyor belt the bottles move on in Raving's will cause the fire to move along the conveyor belt with the bottles, including looping in the teleporter on either side, destroying all the bottles in the shooting range. This is awesome. :P ... 405426.png
9) There's a mis-aligned texture on the building to the left of the voodoo shop. Forgot to take a screenshot of this, you'll have to take my word that it looks pretty assy. The door to the building cuts through a window part of the texture.

Re: Patch 1.0.1

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:34 pm
by stucuk
In the Goat Templae(TM) if you are on there side and you want to go on a killing spree, then killing Athena and DT don't make the Goat worshipers hate you. Also when you turn the valves near the melk(TM) in the same map you get the "3 valves to go", etc.