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Faulty ammo vending machine - and summoning query

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:38 am
by robocop
I've recently finished the second major mission for PDX, and the ammo vending machine in Raving's eats my money whenever I try to buy .45 rounds, or any other ammo type for that matter.

Kind of annoying, as I'm going for a ninja-with-pistols build, and I would have already run out of .45 ammo if I hadn't picked up assault rifles and pumpguns to waste all my accumulated 7.62 and buckshot.

In case I can't fix this for my savegame, does anyone know the item name for .45 bullets, so that I can summon the ammo when I want to? I'd guess it's ammo45, but it could just as easily be ammo13mm or ammotrestkon or a myriad of other possibilities.

Re: Faulty ammo vending machine - and summoning query

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:47 am
by Kee715
Just to be sure: Are you aware that it does not give you the ammo but instead spits it out on to the ground like the DX vending machines?

I do not encounter problems with it, but I could have sworn it kept a 30.06 clip I purchased...

Re: Faulty ammo vending machine - and summoning query

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:30 pm
by that guy
Its Ammo45