Bugs/Errors/Etc. in GMDX

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Bugs/Errors/Etc. in GMDX

Post by CorinthMaxwell »

[Foreword: If there's another topic already on the message board where this particular subject matter belongs, feel free to let me know.]

Greetings, one and all. I've been spending quite a bit of time playing through the latest version of the GMDX mod, and while numerous things have been going better than "right", there's still a couple of things here & there that seem to have been accidentally overlooked. Despite its rather punishing difficulty, I find this game mod to be rather amusing & enjoyable, and would like to help contribute to its continued development. Therefore, I am documenting all of the issues and/or errors I find within the mod, so that they can (hopefully) be resolved whenever possible. I invite others to do the same if they so desire.

1. The "double-click to holster weapon" function glitches when attempting to move bodies; JC will end up permanently "carrying" a body with him, and any bodies subsequently moved afterward will be replaced with a large cube with the "Report This As A Bug" description. (already mentioned/resolved)

2. Certain television sets automatically default from regular "news broadcasts" to "white noise & static".....one such example is in the MJ12 sewer facility beneath Hell's Kitchen. (listing this because I don't know if that was intentional or not)

3. A door in the 747 hangar (to the left of Lebedev's jet) leads to........absolutely nothing. Open it up, and there's a couple of shipping containers on the other side of it. (unknown if intentional or not)

4. Upon JC's second visit to Hell's Kitchen, Jojo Fine is spawned on the second floor of the 'Ton Hotel, and from that point onward, he remains rooted to the spot where he's standing, essentially breaking the "Jojo Fine vs. JC & the Rentons" sidequest (i.e., no confrontation with Sandra & Gilbert means that Sandra will always end up running away).

I will continue to post any others I find in-game.
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Cybernetic pig
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Re: Bugs/Errors/Etc. in GMDX

Post by Cybernetic pig »

CorinthMaxwell wrote: Despite its rather punishing difficulty
I am not too fond of such statements when I went to great efforts expanding upon new game difficulty levels to accommodate all player types better than vanilla ever did. If you pick the higher difficulty levels it will be punishing, but it's not a constant thing. Easy/normal mode exists. Even stealth and exploration are directly influenced by difficulty now, when previously it was combat only.
I would like to help contribute to its continued development.
I appreciate it.

All your reports are already known, fixed where appropriate and reported as such in a moddb news announcement, but all feedback is welcome.

Perhaps you could lend your game dev skills to the project when you've finished your playthrough too (If you recall, a couple lines of your code are already in GMDX).
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Re: Bugs/Errors/Etc. in GMDX

Post by CorinthMaxwell »

5. In the hidden MJ12 laboratory beneath UNATCO, blast doors now seal off the Transgenic & Nanotech Research wing whenever alarms are sounded (to prevent the Greasels from escaping), but the doors somehow cannot be reopened once the threat is neutralized. Also, I'm not sure if this was deliberate or not, but Agent Sherman (the agent who is supposed to be taking over Manderley's position for Walton Simons) is no longer found in the lab, or anywhere else in the entire complex (or the entire remainder of the game, for that matter). Kind of an issue, because the nanokey for the filing cabinet in the Nanotech Lab is in his possession, and it's the only one found in that map.

6. Using the Speed Enhancement aug (or a series of carefully-positioned crates, barrels, etc.), a player can jump outside the bounds of the supposedly-insurmountable "invisible" walls surrounding the UNATCO facility & helipad. Surprisingly (and thankfully, since I'm doing all of this testing on a "cheat-proofed" difficulty!), those same methods can eventually help a player get back inside the same boundary walls.

7. At the MJ12 helipad in Hong Kong, when you've unlocked the weapons on Jock's helicopter, he fires off a missile or two to destroy the blast doors & help you escape. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, he fires a missile near the area where he's expecting you to "stand clear", before he's even positioned to aim at the blast doors.

8. For whatever strange reason, every Chinese Military Police Officer goes on high alert if you sneak into the little storage area next to the Police Substation, even if the officers and/or the camera pointing directly at the entrance cannot see you.

9. This happens fairly often throughout the game (at least, if you're not careful)......When trying to climb ladders or "mantle" onto high ledges while carrying an object (crate, barrel, etc.) in your hands, the object will sometimes inexplicably slip right out of your hands, fall through whatever you were jumping onto or climbing up to, and continue falling through the ground (possibly to the center of the Earth?), never to be seen again.

10. The perk that allows you to carry more medkits & biocells is glitched; when entering new areas, the maximum amount reverts to the game's default setting.

11. Head gibbing with high-caliber weaponry is very inconsistent -- possibly an error with NPC "head" hitboxes. Sometimes a head will be gibbed, and sometimes it won't (for example, if you should have to reload a previous save for any reason, firing the same shot the exact same way at a target will not make the enemy's head go "boom").

12. Carla Brown, despite being nowhere near anything that could even be feasibly considered as a threat, gets spooked for no reason shortly after you arrive at Vandenberg, and subsequently runs downstairs to get herself turned into Swiss cheese by the sentry turrets.

13. The conversation between an MJ12 trooper and Stephanie Maxwell is glitched, and without this conversation having taken place, the player is unable to speak to her (once the threats around her have been neutralized, anyway).

14. Despite being able to find a different kind of plasma ammunition in-game, the Plasma Rifle does not have a secondary ammo type enabled.

15. HARDCORE DIFFICULTY: CRITICAL SYSTEM FAILURE DISCOVERED. The scripted conversation that takes place between Bob Page, Gary Savage, and JC Denton does not occur, because Bob Page's "avatar" does not spawn in the holo-projector. Without this conversation taking place, the game cannot proceed, and gameplay will have to be indefinitely suspended until the error can be corrected.
Last edited by CorinthMaxwell on Wed Aug 31, 2016 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bugs/Errors/Etc. in GMDX

Post by Cybernetic pig »

I assume it is a rare vanilla bug as I have not touched the scripting on that map. I'll look into it shortly. Short term try reloading an earlier save.
14. Despite being able to find a different kind of plasma ammunition

Thanks again for the reports. Much of it is already fixed, but there's a couple overlooked ones there.
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Re: Bugs/Errors/Etc. in GMDX

Post by CorinthMaxwell »

Cybernetic pig wrote:Short term try reloading an earlier save.
Well, if they haven't all been overwritten, I can (and probably should) start the level over from the beginning. :wacko:
14. Despite being able to find a different kind of plasma ammunition
The "Plasma (Gamma-Ionized) Clip" ammunition. Been finding it in random places here & there, but no weapon in the game (including, of course, the Plasma Rifle) that I've seen so far can use them. :?
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Re: Bugs/Errors/Etc. in GMDX

Post by Cybernetic pig »

Yes, but where did you find them? I can put in a script to just remove them but I'd rather just delete them individually from the maps. I thought I got them all but I guess I missed one or two.
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Re: Bugs/Errors/Etc. in GMDX

Post by CorinthMaxwell »

Cybernetic pig wrote:Yes, but where did you find them? I can put in a script to just remove them but I'd rather just delete them individually from the maps. I thought I got them all but I guess I missed one or two.
Unfortunately, I don't remember specifically where I found the alternate ammo clips. Also, I don't have a save from prior to arriving at Vandenberg (due to autosaving overwriting save slots), and it took a month (in-between little things like reality, hunger, and sleep interfering with playtesting) to get as far as I did in-game, so I'm probably not going to be playing (or continuing) on this difficulty for a bit of a while until there's a fix for the holoprojector. :/
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Re: Bugs/Errors/Etc. in GMDX

Post by Cybernetic pig »

Well I just added a failsafe to the script. It will certainly ensure such a thing never happens again. Hopefully that's the last odd vanilla scripting issue that breaks the game I have to fix (been about four or five in total).

If you send me your save file I can repair it for you, if desired.
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Re: Bugs/Errors/Etc. in GMDX

Post by CorinthMaxwell »

Cybernetic pig wrote:Well I just added a failsafe to the script. It will certainly ensure such a thing never happens again. Hopefully that's the last odd vanilla scripting issue that breaks the game I have to fix (been about four or five in total).

If you send me your save file I can repair it for you, if desired.
I've backed up the original save files I had from when this bug occurred. I'm speedrunning the game on Hardcore so that I can see if it gets replicated, and if so, we'll know that there's a major problem somewhere. (UPDATE: Game cleared on Hardcore. As the MIBs are so fond of saying......"Must have been a glitch." 8) )

Also, a note on that little bug with Jock firing missiles at JC in Hong Kong......If the player waits for a few seconds to exit the stairwell until Jock is in position to fire at the blast doors, the helicopter won't blind-fire in JC's general direction.

Finally, as for that other issue you had with the ammo placements......I'm not entirely sure if I'd found all of them, but as far as I can remember, one clip was inside the irradiated/poison-gassed barge in Hong Kong. The other one was inside one of the sailors' lockers aboard the PRCS Wall Cloud, inside the submarine pen.

Now, then.......on to the matter of a few other random things I've noticed and/or forgot to mention.....

16. The conversation between Gordon Quick and Max Chen in the Lucky Money Club does not take place, because while Quick is at the bar, Chen goes right back to his office. Consequently, their attempts to one-up each other by offering JC different kinds of wine does not occur, because there's no way to get the two of them to continue having their conversation.

17. Slight bug that may unnerve people a bit -- When applying your first recoil mod to the Sniper Rifle, the recoil stat goes from 1.17 to 1.5, almost as if recoil is somehow increased. Strangely enough, recoil drops below 1.0 (as normal) when applying a second recoil mod to the weapon. I'm guessing that the lowered recoil was meant to say 1.05.

18. Slightly more annoying bug with the same weapon -- Applying Rate of Fire mods to the Sniper Rifle causes its ROF to drop below 1.4, and then it only slowly increases with the application of additional mods.

19. The UMP has a "weapon zoom" animation that causes the weapon to shift position in JC's hands, despite not being able to be modified with a zoom scope. The animation is only corrected when JC unequips or reloads the gun.

20. I've never had much occasion to use the Flamethrower until a few weeks ago, but since the MJ12 troopers hiding out in the mini-laboratory of Maggie Chow's penthouse annoyed me by not dying fast enough, I figured they should suffer for taking so long to run out of breath. <_< Anyway.......When I fired the weapon, I got some REALLY weird framerate/FOV/IDFK-what-kind-of errors that essentially had me "rubber-banding" into empty space outside of the penthouse, and then back to my firing position until I ran out of fuel & had to reload. That might be something you'll have to see for yourself, because I'm not sure if that's the most accurate description I could give to the problem. :-s

21. Poking around in the map files, I discovered that Manderley has a hidden wall safe behind his bookshelf in UNATCO HQ #2 and #3. Yukichigai made a passing comment about this in Shifter, and I never thought to look for it until now. Unfortunately, neither the bookshelf nor the safe door behind it are "movers", and therefore, cannot be opened. Which is too bad, because there's a Recoil mod inside the first one.

22. This is from an earlier run.........That little issue that allowed players to sequence break their way to the New Dark Age ending was fixed a little too well........The panels wouldn't even open as they were supposed to, despite having followed the procedure(s) to do so.

23. (EDIT) Found one more, although I don't know if this is "original recipe". Since an EMP grenade failed to disable that annoying little security bot from the beginning of the game, I decided to have Paul "assist" me in destroying it. This was apparently a bad idea, seeing as how he got so annoyed at being riddled with machine gun fire, he decided to take his frustrations out on me.
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Re: Bugs/Errors/Etc. in GMDX

Post by timothyferriss »

Giving useful information in a constructive way will enhance the likelihood that your feedback will be taken into consideration since mod developers My Singing Monsters typically devote their spare time to creating and maintaining these mods. Wishing you success and hoping that your efforts will enhance the GMDX mod!
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Re: Bugs/Errors/Etc. in GMDX

Post by jackfrostenson »

this is error ok? 7n7
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Re: Bugs/Errors/Etc. in GMDX

Post by meeloun »

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