TNM Triggers

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TNM Triggers

Post by Neveos »

I'm interested in what some of these do, and if yall have the time, could you briefly tell me what they do?

"fader"- is this "screen goes to black" or some kind of cloaking trigger? Or is this something used on ghosts or something to fade into view?

"Alliance toggle trigger"

"KnockableMover"- is this a mover which activates when the player bumps into it?

"LimitedTrigger"- not sure what this does.

"tnmOrdersTrigger"- just wondering how, and if, it is different.

"tnmzoneinfo"- Appears to allow an oxygenless place to become oxygenated. Also seems to reference a "noFireZone". Did you guys ever implement this because I can't find it?

"TriggerablePlayerTeleporter"- wondering if it is different form a map exit.

"WeaponSenseTrigger"- I noticed Zodiac had this ability, but I haven't checked how. I always thought I would use a conversation for it. Just wondering, since weapons have a property which denotes them as being metal, whether DX already comes with a trigger for checking metal weapons.
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Re: TNM Triggers

Post by Jonas »

Neveos wrote:I'm interested in what some of these do, and if yall have the time, could you briefly tell me what they do?
I'll see how much I remember.
"fader"- is this "screen goes to black" or some kind of cloaking trigger? Or is this something used on ghosts or something to fade into view?
It's a screen goes to black thing, as far as I recall. Probably used for our cameras.
"Alliance toggle trigger"
Changes the alliances of its target pawn back and forth between two sets of definitions when triggered.
"KnockableMover"- is this a mover which activates when the player bumps into it?
It basically behaves like a button: when you frob it, it triggers whatever you put into its KnockTrigger property. But it can also move like a mover when triggered another way. Look at Admiral Justin's makeshift torture chamber in the slums on day 2 to see an example.
"LimitedTrigger"- not sure what this does.
It only triggers its target as many times as you specify in its properties, then it destroys itself. Useful if you need a non-proximity trigger that only activates once, since bTriggerOnceOnly works only if the trigger is activated by proximity.
"tnmOrdersTrigger"- just wondering how, and if, it is different.
I don't remember. Took a quick look at the code, and I think the new thing is "bSetInitialOrders", but I don't remember what it does.
"tnmzoneinfo"- Appears to allow an oxygenless place to become oxygenated. Also seems to reference a "noFireZone". Did you guys ever implement this because I can't find it?
Altergravzone, which is used in the cylindrical room in the space station engineering level (24_SpaceStation03) expands tnmzoneinfo and makes use of the oxygen code. The nofirezone stuff I think was for an earlier design for the weapon shop which was ditched (the weapon shop was redesigned several times, and a lot of code went into each version).
"TriggerablePlayerTeleporter"- wondering if it is different form a map exit.
IIRC, mapexits can't move you around inside the same level, I think it causes problems.
"WeaponSenseTrigger"- I noticed Zodiac had this ability, but I haven't checked how. I always thought I would use a conversation for it. Just wondering, since weapons have a property which denotes them as being metal, whether DX already comes with a trigger for checking metal weapons.
Don't believe that Deus Ex has such a trigger. We use it for a few metal detectors, one is in the DXI HQ level. I think it's also used in the small hostage situation in the slums on day 2, to make the DXO guys shout at you to put down your weapons if you approach with weapons drawn.
Jonas Wæver
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