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Need help in producing a new mod

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 4:00 pm
by Kelkos
The other thread's currently dead. So, here exists the summary.
Greetings to all. I am Kelkos. A new user here. Equipped with Unrealed and having a wild imagination, I'm thinking of making my own mod. Sadly, I don't have any team members. No support from anyone and it's my first post on this site. I have no experience in coding and animating. But I'm a relatively nice level designer. I need some support with anyone who's contributing to freelance mod-making. I wish to team up with the creators of this stunningly outstanding mod. GMDX. Which holds a lot of acclaim for it's physics and stunning visuals. I need some help with coding and etc. So those aspirations and dreams that died a long time ago could finally come back to life. :smile:

Thanks for replies and support

Re: Need help in producing a new mod

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 4:02 pm
by Kelkos
I need someone who has skill in coding. I need a script. A damage increase script. Say for example a weapon has 8 damage. I want that weapon to double and triple the damage when it's fired by a pawn. The player damage should remain the same and the pawn damage should be doubled and tripled. The player should kill the enemy in 4-6 shots while the enemy should kill the player in 2-3 shots.

Thank you

Re: Need help in producing a new mod

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 8:32 pm
by Cybernetic pig
8 damage double or tripled in combination with the game's other multipliers (headshot, combatdifficulty) is enough to kill the player in one shot.
It's also inconsistent. The player's weapons and the enemies weapons doing the same damage is intentional.

But if you want to ignore this, check the TakeDamage function in deusexplayer.uc, which is a class found in DeusEx.u. A simple script can be added there like:

Code: Select all

if (instigator.weapon != None && instigator.weapon.IsA('WeaponAssaultGun'))
     damage *= 2.0;

Re: Need help in producing a new mod

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:06 pm
by Kelkos
Does this only work for the assault gun or all the weapons.
Also, where is it found. Which code line ?
This does increase the PAWN's weapon damage, right

Re: Need help in producing a new mod

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:16 am
by Cybernetic pig
Assaultgun only unless otherwise specified by the code.

Place it in the body of TakeDamage(), near the top.


Re: Need help in producing a new mod

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 6:54 pm
by Cybernetic pig

Code: Select all

if (instigator.weapon != None && instigator.IsA('ScriptedPawn'))
     damage *= 2.0;
Will apply to all weapons used by pawns. Added a check for scriptedPawn to exclude damage you deal to yourself, if you want it.

Re: Need help in producing a new mod

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:25 pm
by Kelkos
Where do I have to put this code ?

Re: Need help in producing a new mod

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 4:26 pm
by Cybernetic pig

Code: Select all

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// TakeDamage()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

function TakeDamage(int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, Vector momentum, name damageType)
	local int actualDamage;
	local bool bAlreadyDead, bPlayAnim, bDamageGotReduced;
	local Vector offset, dst;
	local float headOffsetZ, headOffsetY, armOffset;
	local float origHealth, fdst;
	local DeusExLevelInfo info;
	local DeusExWeapon dxw;
	local String bodyString;
	local int MPHitLoc;
	local GMDXFlickerLight lightFlicker;
    local float augLVL;
    local DeusExRootWindow root;
    local GMDXImpactSpark AST;

	if ( bNintendoImmunity )

	bodyString = "";
	origHealth = Health;

	if (Level.NetMode != NM_Standalone)
	  Damage *= MPDamageMult;

     //Add the code here  
      if (instigator != None && instigator.IsA('ScriptedPawn'))
         damage *= 2.0; //UnrealScript is not case-sensitive, so no need to capitalize the d
added additional condition/argument as environmental hazards probably pass none. I also removed the check for instigator.weapon there.

My help will be less frequent as of now. I have my own huge project to manage and you haven't exactly proven yourself deserving of my undivided support.