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Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:44 am
by Morpheus
I am working on a new mod called "Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy". It is set directly after the endgames. I have already got music and some code done, but as for actual maps, I am getting code done first. I want to upgrade some AI stuff. Here is storyline:

Well, my mod starts directly after the 3 endgames. JC decided that Tracer Tong seems like a good person, has a lot of good ideas, but his idea of destroying the Aquanis HUB and Helios would bring about a collapse, which would be very bad as with no communications, what would the world do? Its depended on these for a very long time now, many decades.
Next, JC does not like the idea of the Illuminati and what they are trying to do, shaping the world based on how they feel it would run, by getting the people they want into power, rather than people just electing them and actually wanting them (like how it happens in a real democracy).

JC also thought about what would happen if he and Helios merged. He thought he would lose who he was, may not think straight with another intelligence inside of his head. He had no idea what would happen and that seemed kind of scary.
Ne decided to Kill Bob page, but wants to go back to Tracer Tong. This way the communications network could stay running smoothly and he could find a way of fixing the world after the gray death is going, soon to be gone, thanks to help of Gary Savage, Tracer and the Universal Constructor, the gray death will soon be over.

Next, a pilot arrives at Areal 51 to pick up JC. It is someone called “Ava Johnson”. In Deus Ex Invisible War, Ava was an AI that was constructed by Tracer in 2040s but never finished until 2052 and was to be used in 2052 to pick up JC from Area 51, so I ran with this. I made it that when Tracer went to Vandenberg to heal himself after getting sick, he helped finish construct an AI there to help JC if he ever needed it, and maybe do other tasks as well.

Now my problem is, how would I deal with Morgan Everett? He is still a part of the storyline, but he is upset that JC went to Tracer Tong instead of him. So anyone got suggestions on what I could do with his storyline?

I my mod, Jock is alive and well (JC found bomb), Paul is alive and he has a good part to play and Jaime and Alex Jacobson are at Hong Kong, triad compound.

Now since this mod picks up after the original game endings, you'll get to choose one aug for each slot when the game starts (all at level 1, cause the game assumes you still played it from entering Area 51 and have all your augs). What things (modifications to HUD, Screens, Pawns) etc.. would you like to see to make the game feel more realistic and better to play? (Modifications to the AI). Thanks to DDl, I already have Pawns that can show cold breathe in cold areas and soon, Pawns that can show bloody footprints when they walk on blood, just like when the player walks on blood, which I am adding too.. I was thinking of modifying the HUD so you can see how much heath your target object has like in Deus Ex 2, just need some ideas.

Re: Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 2:39 pm
by Morpheus
I made a change to the start of the mod. At the start you return to Tong house, not the HK Triad compound. This is because the compound is near the Versalife building that JC broke into, now JC would not be 100% safe there, would he? So in the mod now, Alex Jacobson was told to look after his house in Hong Kong until he got better and returned with Paul. I am doing concept designs for his house, which will have a big garden, a pond and a chinese style fountain, and be set in the day time. I have already done the music.

I already have 7 peices of music done and a lot of textures too.

Added weather effects, and one or two skyzones will change so you'll see a transition from late night to early morning, if I can get my skyzonetrigger working, but you won't see the skyzone change, you'll be somewhere like a sewer or something when this happens.

You will notice a few similarities to parts of the DX2 storyline and my mod, but they will be slightly different to tie in with the current storyline.

There will be three endgames to choose from, one will happen if a certian event happens, other two will be your choice.

You'll see a few familiar locations, but most of them will be new locations.

I want to make a HDTP version when the HDTP is finished, mainly for NPCs new models. I am tracking all modifications I am doing to NPC skins so I can do the same with HDTP versions.I am not adding any new weapons as of yet, nor am I adding new augs or anything like that, but maybe

Edit: Could someone move this thread to new DXEditing sub forum? Be a better place for this thread now

Re: Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:55 am
by Suvlaco
Sounds quite interesting. What weather effects have you got planned/running? I'm also interested to see how your daytime Hong Kong apartment will look.

Re: Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:08 am
by Morpheus
Suvlaco wrote:Sounds quite interesting. What weather effects have you got planned/running? I'm also interested to see how your daytime Hong Kong apartment will look.
So far I just have snow effects, might add rain on one map, not really sure also if I do that, planning random thunder rumbles too. I'll post a few screens when I start working on the HK map, its more getting lighting exactly right on that map, so that outside you don't get shadows or any dark areas in open.

If Deus Ex was set in a 24 hour time, then it should be daytime somewhere now right? So I decided to show this in 2 maps so far, maybe adding a sunset sky in another.

Re: Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:55 am
by Suvlaco
Sounds good. My own mod has some HK parts in it, alas they are going to be at night time because I love all the neon lights. If you pull of a day time map though that'd be good =)

Re: Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 6:15 pm
by YeomanTheCastle
Sounds Epic. I'll be playing this when it comes out. Will it include Voice Acting?

Re: Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:28 pm
by Morpheus
YeomanTheCastle wrote:Sounds Epic. I'll be playing this when it comes out. Will it include Voice Acting?
Probably not. If I wanted voice acting, it should all have voice acting or none at all and since I don't know who sounds like Bob Page, Alex Jacobson, JC/Paul, Tracer and some other old DX characters, I decided against it. But, might be AIBarks like ones when a NPC turns hostile or you frob an NPC etc... But thats it really.

I think the game length will be about the length Zodiac mod is, or there abouts. Trying to make maps as detailed as possible to make them as good as possible, even thought they may not be that big.

Got kinda a few personal things to sort out first, then I'll get to work on the mod. I am working on a "Storyline" cinematic that basically sums up the whole game up to where this game starts, JC in Area 51. MIght take a little thought, but might go into 2-3 maps for that.

I originally had a Security Bot 2 that when rockets and other projectiles came towards it, they flew around and blew up somewhere else, but that was buggy as once I tested it, one test the rocket missed the robot and the robot moved and the rocket just flew around in a circle non stop and somehow crashed the game.

Anyone know about creating custom screens? When you start the game, after choosing your skills and face look, I want a screen where you can choose an aug for each slot, must be right aug for right slot and when you press "ok" and start the game, those aughs will be on player, all at level 1 so you can still at least upgrade them and not be instantly powerful.

Hey Suvlaco, what mod are you working on?

Re: Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:30 am
by Morpheus
I am currently working on the Tongs house map. I am having a few problems. I can create the garden, pond and most stuff, but wondering if anyone could hep me make the house itself on the map if no one is busy?

Re: Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 12:11 am
by Morpheus
Well its time for a few screenshots. Now I can't say what maps they are (even though you can cvlearly see the map name on shots, oh well), but these are just early editor shots, not had much time to work on mod latley. The second screen is of one of my new sky textures, a starry sky. Click Link to view image

I'll post more soon, when I have more done. Still have not worked on Tracer Tongs House yet. I tried and ended up making the house 3 times bigger than any actor, NPC or player for some reason (even though I made the main house cube only 1500x1500x1500) or something like that, so still taking time on that.

Re: Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:53 am
by bobby 55
Nice, will those hieroglyphs in the first image be in the finished product?

Re: Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:55 pm
by Morpheus
bobby 55 wrote:
Nice, will those hieroglyphs in the first image be in the finished product?
Its early days, but yes it will look very similar to this in the final map. I may need to change the textures slightly to make things look 100%. I'll post more screens later. I didn't realise but a few of my textures are 512x512 and 1024x1024, but I don't think that size really matters.

I need a little help though. How do you get two telepors to work on same map? I have a button in an elevator, but because of where the elevator is, it won't actually move, so what I wanted to do is create two elevators and have a sound play like the elevators moving, then teleport the player to the second teleporter in map, at the other elevator, but how do I do this?

Re: Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 3:03 pm
by Jonas
Morpheus wrote:Its early days, but yes it will look very similar to this in the final map. I may need to change the textures slightly to make things look 100%. I'll post more screens later. I didn't realise but a few of my textures are 512x512 and 1024x1024, but I don't think that size really matters.
No that should be fine, it just means the textures will look extra crisp if the player is using one of the enhanced renderers. If not, the game will automatically render them as 256x256 anyway.
I need a little help though. How do you get two telepors to work on same map? I have a button in an elevator, but because of where the elevator is, it won't actually move, so what I wanted to do is create two elevators and have a sound play like the elevators moving, then teleport the player to the second teleporter in map, at the other elevator, but how do I do this?
You can't trigger teleporters, so you'll need to code up a new teleporter class which is triggerable. You might be able to use MapExits instead, but since those are meant to take you between maps, that may have unforseen consequences, so I wouldn't advise it. If you rummage around in the TNM code, you can grab our triggerable teleporter class.

Though I must say it sounds like a terrible way to handle it, since the player will almost certainly notice the teleportation - it'll probably be quite jarring.

Re: Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 9:48 pm
by Morpheus
Though I must say it sounds like a terrible way to handle it, since the player will almost certainly notice the teleportation - it'll probably be quite jarring.
Maybe it is, but for some reason brushes on the map don't want to play ball. They don't seem to want to place exactly where I want them, they seem to either move slightly under or beside where I want them to be and I don't know how to fix it, or I'd just stick stairs in the map that connects the two areas.

Re: Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:20 pm
by Jonas
They... move?

Do you know about pivot points and grid size and snapping?

Re: Deus Ex: After the Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:44 am
by Morpheus
Jonas wrote:They... move?

Do you know about pivot points and grid size and snapping?
Never really used it so not really