Deus Ex 3

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Post by Jetsetlemming »

Jonas wrote:I doubt they'd get away with that.

It's only been 7 years.
Capcom remade Resident Evil 1 six years after it was released. *Shrug* The original game came out in 1996 and the remake is from 2002.
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Post by Deus.EXE »

Jonas wrote:I doubt they'd get away with that.

It's only been 7 years.
They're remaking the 2004 Xbox "Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butchers Bay".

Nuts be unto you.
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Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

Okay so on the fact of Open Worlds. I think they should do that, an open world would be cool and utilize DirectX10 effectively more so due to the procedural geometry loading thing Microsoft and Nvidia keep bragging about.

On the subject IWar was more non-linear.. However I think the idea would be to focus on improving Deus Ex's design as IWar did some things that a lot of people found a bit stupid (like the Universal Ammo and Computer Interfaces)
Hence why focusing on Deus Ex's design is more important - However the story has to incorporate IWar as it was by right a sequel.

And Augmentations would be mainstream in Deus Ex 3 (as we can assume the Omar did a pretty good job at distributing them illegally) I'd like to see the Omar return as a Mech faction - Minus the stupid frog suits though.

On the subjects of races.. I thought it'd be a cool idea if you were restricted to where you could Legally go by race. There would be scanners like in Total Recall that scan for Augmentations (Xray :D) If it found one then you'd have to deal with the guards. (in a similar fashion to Total Recall :D)

That'd bring some cool strategy into the game requiring you to avoid these scanners and find some form of Illegal back door. (Or even hacking the scanners and turning them off :D)

You should be able to carry weapons everywhere by removing specific Augmentation that you are forced to get at the start of the game (like in Neocron with the Law Implant that stops you from holding a weapon in Civil Zones.. but when you remove it you can shoot who ever you bloody want :D)

And then you'll always have the option of Removing Augs (including Mech) and selling them.. Even selling your Organs (Ala Neuromancer) to make up for the cash. "Enjoy your plastic replacements" -Chin

Weapon mods should be limited to 1 each like in IWar using the Slot system I mentioned earlier. Mods can be removed like in STALKER.

I'd be happy if the game was a "Make your own character" style of thing. And featured multiple voice options like in UT1 (it had multiple voices for your character to choose from) I'd love to have a lot of custom stuff.

I was thinking about this the other day.. I'd love to see a Liquid Augmentation that lets you turn your body into a pool of liquid (similar to The Terminator or that stupid Alex Mac show) allowing you to sneak under doors and through drains in order to get to your mission objectives in a really different way. I also thought of the idea of Digitalizing yourself through computers (like hacking) using an Augmentation - but you could die if the ICE gets you. (cool huh :D)

I'd also like to see Jet Packs :D Imagine having to shoot down flying units :D (reminds me of Minority Report with the cops).

I'd also like to see demolitions that actually knock down walls too :D (imagine a battling ram like the Swat use)
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Post by Master_Kale »


In all seriousness, though, it'll be interesting to follow this game and see what path Eidos Montreal will follow. Right now its just talk, who knows how far into it they are. Only time will tell!
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Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

More ideas.. An augmentation that stores weapons (like Robo Cop) hahaha Deus.EXE? Are you there? that'd be cool. Theoretically then you could hold a Flamer and Gep at the same time.. only if you had the Aug to store it though.

Then you could select from all kinds of play styles.. if you like being a Tank then you can go for a Gunther style of Mech augs that stop damage. If you like being an agent then you could go with JC style augs that give greater agility or Anna's augs (for mechs). With humans you could be uber hackers like Alex Jacobson.

Also I'd like to see people's limbs getting chopped off in this game. Prostetics would result in you becoming more "mech". There would be augs for instant REGEN where your limbs re-grow quickly.. that'd be hilarious! "When my arm grows back you'll be sorry!" - Picalo in Dragon Ball Z.

I think abilities are going to be what really progresses the game design. Being able to do crazy things that we'd consider not possible in previous games. We've got the technology to do all this now so why not!?

Also I'd like to see Augs like in Jhonny Mnemonic (film and story) for storing Data.. You'd have limits to how much data you can store... NetRunner anyone?! :D I'd like to see characters storing all kinds of Data and smuggling it out of high security databases.. "If you get caught using that stuff I DONT EXIST! You hear me?" - Neo in The Matrix.

Now we're getting Cyberpunk :D
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Post by Jetsetlemming »

Bad ideas. :evil: What he described would be a Vista exclusive, and might as well just be a next-gen Neuromancer or shadowrun.

But no, seriously, bad ideas. Deus Ex isn't supposed to be open and free-form. It's style was to be closed in and tell a story with you playing a part. You get some freedoms in each area it takes you to, but you go where it takes you; no wandering off and doing your own thing with nothing to do with the plot. I'd like to see a little bit of freedom and exploration and side missions, but going totally free-form like Oblivion or shadowrun or something wouldn't fit the Deus Ex form. If DX let JC leave Hell's Kitchen and wander around new york, he never would have gotten anything done.
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Post by EER »

Mr_Cyberpunk wrote:Now we're getting Cyberpunk :D
Now you're getting totally crazy :P

Not that it wouldn't be funny to have all that, but really, WTF :P
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Post by fox »

Lots of good ideas but they'd fit better in a new Cyberpunk-MMPORPG I think. Some things you describe don't fit into the DX-universe (like the LiquidAug or regrowing limbs). I don't like the idea of styling and multiple voices. They should concentrate on one but perfect voice which should be expensive and difficult enough to implement. The 3d-cyberspace is cool but it isn't associated with DX.

I am all for many weapon-mods and different ammo-types. And i liked the inventory system of DX1 very much. Upgrading it with different bags would be cool though.

I really like the scanners you've mentioned, removing augs (for cash) would be cool.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to play a game that contains all you're ideas but I wouldn't call it DX3
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Post by EER »

I'm wondering, in DX1, did anyone ever actually USE all that cash that you may gather throughout the whole game?
fox wrote:Don't get me wrong, I'd love to play a game that contains all you're ideas but I wouldn't call it DX3
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Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

Hey I'm just throwing them out there. Don't start this whole Fanboy bitching like the Fallout 3 boys do.. We're better than them and shouldn't act stupid like them.

I understand my ideas are a tad bit Un-Deus Ex (particularly the Liquid Aug.. I just thought it was a cool idea for a gameplay feature).

Making a new Neuromancer is the whole point of Deus Ex as its based mostly on WGibson's works and Blade Runner.
I don't like the idea of styling and multiple voices.
Yeah I understand all that but you could use a pitch modifier to alter the voices. (there are technologies that do that now and work rather well to alter people's voices)
What he described would be a Vista exclusive
By the time it comes out Vista will be the standard PC operating system (except for them Linux and Mac people.. you'll need some emulators) If you look at the trends everyone is going DX10 these days. I don't see why Deus Ex wouldn't follow as it'll most likely use the Unreal 3 engine.
If DX let JC leave Hell's Kitchen and wander around new york, he never would have gotten anything done.
Your forgetting that JC was built for a specific job. This time we should have a bit more choice in what kind of person we'll be playing as. (I don't like the idea of using an existing character as they have already defined stories and that creates limitations on the story's perspective - don't forget new people will be playing this game for the first time and won't know who the heck JC is.. Or the Illuminati for that matter)
but going totally free-form like Oblivion or shadowrun
Open world means NO load times... not Freeform.. however it does mean you can revisit previous locations at your own will. (Which is what I would have liked in Deus Ex 1 and 2)
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Post by Jetsetlemming »

But you can't revisit old areas at will.... You can go back to old areas as part of the story, and you can travel between different levels as part of a single mission, but once you hop on that helicopter, there's no going back. You return to the UNATCO HQ a number of times, and Liberty island even, but the game-makers locked up the UNATCO gates instead of letting you explore the island again because they knew players would be curious and want to, but they want you to get on with the damn story they're trying to tell and not wander off on your own. The point of Deus Ex wasn't some new neuromancer game or whatever. The point wasn't to be as cyberpunk as possible. The point was to tell a damn great engrossing story that was fun to play through and kept the player's attention from start to finish. Wandering off on your own and hacking through cyberspace and selling your organs and augs and doing side missions and making money is detrimental to your rush to stop a madman from taking over the world.
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Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

Yeah there is just 1 problem.. Page is dead.. there ain't any need to save the world anymore. :D
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Post by ewanlaing »

i think augmentations should no longer come in canisters, but only come as surgery. i had this idea that mako, due to it's large popularity as an arms manufacturer, and the increasing need for weapons in post-collapse society, could gain enough power to purchase panzerwerks and piezochem and become some kind of universal shop, taking over the entire market. this could easily be linked to all kinds of evil plots. now you can get biomod surgery at a legal mako clinic, or an illegal omar one which needs to be discovered by the player. surgery would be expensive, like 5000 credits. this makes them difficult to achieve. most rewards in the game are credits, so credits become the dx3 equivalent of dx1 skill points. you do any job for anyone, get some credits and reward yourself with a new skill (via biomod surgery).
i liked the dx 2 biomods more than the dx 1 augmentations. i think things like
the strength mod will work well in a game world that is far more interactive physically, like hl 2.
picture a typical dx1 scene with dx2 and hl2 prinicpals. there are several mj12 troops to one end of the scene, armed to the teeth. they are guarding a locked gate, that can only be opened from the other side of the scene, which features a rather nasty military bot. your strength mod is maxed out, so you emp the military bot, and trigger the gate mechanism. so far, so dx. now a the mj12 guys are racing toward you. so, using your strength, you lift the military bot and send him sliding into the troops, knocking most of them flat.
this kind of real world interaction is likely in a sequel.
p.s. seriously, any thoughts on my last post about the endings? i'm quite proud of the idea and would appreciate feedback. :)
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Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

The cannisters are there for transportation purposes.. And they do require surgery anyway.. (Except in IWar.. which seemed rather odd)

Mako becoming a Mega weapons corp is a good idea - however that'd reduce the amount of weapons featured in the game.. this maybe a good or bad thing. Rest assured there would be a lot of illegal weapons.

The Omar would be a stronger presence in the world making Illegal Augs more widely available.
so, using your strength, you lift the military bot and send him sliding into the troops, knocking most of them flat.
Like in Crysis... Good idea.
p.s. seriously, any thoughts on my last post about the endings? i'm quite proud of the idea and would appreciate feedback. Smile
EDIT! I saw it.. and No I don't think Alex and Leo should be the same faction.. I think Leo should be the Omar leader and Alex an agent for the Illuminati controlling Helios. Then JC and Paul will go into hiding rather than Die (though they'd get pretty hurt in the last battle with Alex denton). Most of the factions would be evenly powered then.. With the exception of the Illuminati. (Ruled by Nicolette and Chad)
Last edited by Mr_Cyberpunk on Sun May 20, 2007 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jonas »

Mr_Cyberpunk wrote:Hey I'm just throwing them out there. Don't start this whole Fanboy bitching like the Fallout 3 boys do.. We're better than them and shouldn't act stupid like them.
Dude... not liking your ideas is not stupid, you're proposing a whole different game. We're entitled not to support your turning the Deus Ex franchise into Neuromancer - The MSPG*. The reason why the Fallout fanboys are annoying is because they're making a ton of presumptions about how the game will be even though all they have to go by is a single piece of concept art and some background music from a placeholder website. What we are doing is basically just telling you to chill ;)
Making a new Neuromancer is the whole point of Deus Ex as its based mostly on WGibson's works and Blade Runner.
I strongly disagree. Deus Ex' setting was somewhat cyberpunk, but first of all it seemed a lot less stylized than traditional CP, secondly it should be apparent from IW that they were moving away from that particular iconography and advancing the setting to something more traditionally sci-fi. I'm not saying I approved of that, but to say Deus Ex was supposed to be a mixture of Neuromancer and Blade Runner really just offends me. Deus Ex was meant to be original, THAT was the point of the game. Near-future semi-sci-fi (or cyberpunk if you prefer) simply allowed them to tell a conspiracy story in the way they wanted. At least that's the impression I got.
you could use a pitch modifier to alter the voices. (there are technologies that do that now and work rather well to alter people's voices)
That's actually not a bad idea. I wonder how well it'd work in practice.
Open world means NO load times... not Freeform.. however it does mean you can revisit previous locations at your own will. (Which is what I would have liked in Deus Ex 1 and 2)
"Open world" means jack shit unless you define it. If you mean the game should stream its levels, tell us if you mean like Prince of Persia (which is completely linear) does or like Boiling Point (where EVERYTHING is one big world, even the interiors) does. If you don't mean streaming, tell us what you mean then. Different people use different terms to describe all these things, and you gotta understand that streaming is a technology, sandbox games are a category, and open world is not a term I've ever heard outside of a marketing context, so you really need to be more specific.

Personally I think Deus Ex could well work as an Oblivion-like single-level game. Remember, guys, that you don't HAVE to include a ton of stuff for the player to do if he wants to ignore the story, you can easily have a large single-level structure that only has story-related events and missions. This is actually what Warren wanted to begin with (remember the old quote about modelling a section of New York City?), but Deus Ex turned out differently because of budget and tech limitations. The benefits of a single-level structure is that you don't have to worry about creating new levels every time you want to include a new mission, you just choose an existing part of the game world to put it in (case in point: Boiling Point reuses certain locations for different quests - I'm sure it can be done more elegantly, but the basic premise is there).

This means you could have a large city area (return to NYC, anyone?) and litter it with faction headquarters, gang territories, secret Illuminati labs, etc., and send the player around on missions based on his choices and his allegiances. It really makes way for a very unique and dynamic story structure which I don't think has been fully realized yet. THAT is the sort of stuff I'd like to see, a game with 150 missions like Oblivion, but where they are ALL related to the story. And for the grand finale, send the player to the moon base to deal with AVA or something, you can always add little special-case locations for the major plot points.

But that's just my opinion.

* Massively Single-Player Game ;)
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