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Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:28 am
by Bogie
SkrillaX wrote:Screw you GMDX wasn't such an authentic mod anyway. If it weren't for HDTP , New Vision , 2027 and other mods. This mod would've gotten a 0 .
post of the year 2016

SkrillaX wrote:I've always ranked GMDX as my number one mod.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:53 am
by Made in China
Comparing the new assault rifle design with the old one: ... hments.png ... -prefix=en

It appears the new design is magazine loaded bullpup design, such as with most modern rifles. It has an M203 grenade launcher or similar, which is single shot, and its sight (if non removable) is a projection sight for the grenade launcher - otherwise, it has no visible aiming mechanism for the grenade launcher.
The old design was a custom bullpup drum-fed design (I assume, loading mechanism is unclear), with raised range sights for the grenade launcher. Its grenade launcher is internal magazine-fed, which doubles as a grip. It's not likely to be used just as a grip, though, as such design is unconventional, and most attached grenade launchers have a flat grip and not a protruding one. Plus, it reinforces the fact that you don't have to reload while using the grenade launcher. In the current GMDX model, it has a projection sight for the assault rifle part.

As it stands, the new model is incompatible with the design of the old one, which is to be expected - but the new model doesn't completely fit the ingame properties of the assault rifle, mainly the grenade launcher part.
However, it fixes the loading mechanism of the assault rifle to something that's tried and tested, and therefore more realistic. The design of the original assault rifle's loading mechanism is somewhat odd.
My personal opinion of it as that it looks great. It has better size ratios, and if it's only the low poly model I'm assuming that it has more attention to finer detail apart from the design issues I've mentioned.

Seeing as its optional to use the new model, it's also not that big of a deal - but I'm hoping it can be improved so the entirety of GMDX will be an improvement over the original Deus Ex.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:55 pm
by Cybernetic pig
I will forward your concerns to the artist. Personally I disagree with some aspects of his designs too. It will definitely be the most unfaithful aspect of GMDX, so I intend to retain HDTP support as an option, not that HDTP was 100% faithful either but it was reasonably.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:43 pm
by Kelkos
Hello, I'm a new user. Recently joined. I just want to say that GMDX is a brilliant mod, the physics,the AI, the coding it acts as a true upgrade to deus ex. I just wanted to ask u 1 thing. Have you played Counter Strike, Team fortress and other valve games. Guess what they were MODS. So , like revision you could actually post your game on steam, earn a dollar or two by actually pricing the game. It should act as an update for steam dx users. So that they could pay for this completely new upgrade. Like TF2 was a massive hit, maybe GMDX might also be one. Just post your mod on steam. Set a price and tell GabeN that this product should act as an update for steam DX users. Revision did that and you should too. So that your efforts won't go in vain and you'll be able to make money.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:15 pm
by Cybernetic pig
As much as I want GMDX to go down in history as an "official work", and as much as it and I deserve that, I'm not sure I can on principle. It's bad for mods to do so, Revision showed that. I'm relying on the fans (those that are informed) to make sure it gets its just desserts instead.
Besides, while many core fans that bothered to play it may have come through and recognized it as the "definitive Deus Ex experience", there is not much hype surrounding it and therefore It doesn't justify Square-Enix's involvement. They can't cash in on a lack of idiotic hype. Furthermore its a preview into how Deus Ex should have evolved rather than their commercialized, dumbed-down divergence from the Immersive Sim. Can't risk showing the professionals how it's done now can we? And Square-Enix has ruined pretty much every IP they acquired, many of which I hold dear. Frankly I don't want anything to do with them.

So while I could desperately do with the cash and the opportunity to climb the game dev ladder, and while the mod deserves better, I don't want to out of principle, and nor could I even if I wanted to.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 12:57 am
by Cybernetic pig
So, basically I'm an idiot and if I declined such an offer I would have probably thrown away my only opportunity to be everything I wanted to be in this life (a game dev - preferably not some AAA corporate drone). I don't think the only place that I ever thought was for me (the game industry), actually is the place for me, because everything I once loved about it is almost non-existent now and it is also meant to be a soul-crushing career for many.
So therefore I have no true calling in this life, or I do but it is fantasy at this stage, and I feel utterly lost. Maybe I'll take a crack at indie, but the market is over-saturated with indies right now...besides that market is often as disappointing as AAA where hype machines are all that matters. Just look at No Man's Sky. Even Warren Spector bought that game, meanwhile I had my suspicions since day 1, purely out of skepticism for anything that is over-promoted. Off the bat it implies many things, namely high stakes investment, so therefore a "need" for mass-market design, or just all the budget thrown into marketing and little into actual development of the game. And what about other indies? It's as if there is no indie market, only No Man's Sky. Reminds me how GMDX was completely buried under the Revision hype, actually. the buried "definitive Deus Ex Experience".

Never mind. Such is life.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:11 am
by Made in China
Damn, dude. I agree with you that life can be unfair on a moment-to-moment basis, but history tends to favor the truth. Van Gogh was broke and unappreciated during his lifetime, and it's pretty obvious as to how he's viewed as now. On the other end of the scale, WW1 has gone from necessary in its time, to absolutely redundant and stupid in the history books (and to heroic in Battlefield 1, but that doesn't matter).

Popular opinion, while important for personal success, doesn't reflect on what you've done. Gaming buffs and Deus Ex enthusiasts know that GMDX is a clear-cut improvement over the original, and if Square Enix wouldn't have been so idiotic about how they handle their games it could've easily gone down as a sanctioned unofficial patch, expansion and full realization of Deus Ex and its potential, similarly to how the Unofficial Patch is treated in VTMB's GOG edition.

Don't let a big and successful company put you down. Ultimately, its current form will be remembered as destructive*, exploitative** and lacking in communication*** with its own community. I don't mean to bash them in case they do contact you, but their business practices so far have convinced that it is likely not to happen.

The entire gaming industry as a whole is ruled by comparable juggernauts with similar ethics problems, such as Ubisoft, EA, Activision, etc., and the whole indie fad is overdone to the point that it lost its way, and has now become a poor excuse to release unfinished or lacking games - the same practices employed by AAA game companies anyhow. I do not think gaming is about to fade, as it's an art form - and as with all art forms, it can go through some growing pains and be mostly crap - take pop literature for example. It doesn't make talent and vision go away unnoticed, as people, even if they are a small group, tend to hold on to things that are truly great as those are the things that can be passed on to others. Gaming will not die, nor will GMDX, and nor will most games (and mods) worth playing. If you will create something that's great, no matter the scale, it will be remembered - even in benign examples such as walking simulators with To the Moon and Gone Home.

For what it's worth, I keep all of my games locally on hard drive backups. Currently, GMDX is there, alongside the original 1112fm patch and Kentie's Launcher, as I consider it as part of the core experience. There is simply no other way to play Deus Ex since its release, and whenever I give Deus Ex to my friends I tell them to install everything from the patch folder, and only afterwards to install any mods. GMDX's outreach is longer than you'd expect, and I can assure you it (and you) will be remembered.

* ... rs-of-work
Mankind Divided's micro transactions.
** Eidos Montreal's (Mankind Divided specifically) employee treatment.
*** Many examples, the main example pertaining to our case is Revision's release only being supported on Steam copies as a way to enforce DRM for a freaking 15 year old game.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 3:46 am
by Cybernetic pig
Thanks for the support, and sorry for the rant.

You hear about the South Korean Shadow Cabal? Mad world.

Next mod news article may be one covering AI. Yeah, I think I'll go with that.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 6:32 am
by Salk
Cybernatic Pig,

you should be proud not only of what GMDX became and the legacy it is going to leave but also about the conviction of your ideas which is what made GMDX possible to begin with.

In the end, I believe you are going to find more fulfillment in developing a less hyped project that is a trademark of quality rather than work in an industry that would make you feel like you sold your soul to the devil.

My only wish for you is that you won't have to suffer for your brave choice.

I have done it before but I will make sure to show my support not only with words in the future as well.

Godspeed and long live GMDX!

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 3:58 am
by Cybernetic pig

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 8:33 am
by kdawg88
Yeah just chill out dude. You made a great mod, be happy : )

If anything you can put it in the hobbies section on your CV.

You have to 'be the change that you see in the world.'

Other people who share your interests and passions are out there. Find them.

The above is coming from a ruthlessly cynical malcontent who often believes he exists in a kind of cultural nightmare. But I know that this is not exactly true. I unwaveringly hold principles that I cannot get rid of and that have an undeniable (though sometimes rare) manifestation in reality.

In other words, be angry but don't let it blind you from the truth.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:33 pm
by Kelkos
CyberP, I've made a new fireball class. To use with the flamethrower. It's animated upto 43-44 frames. You can use it for GMDX. But don't forget to credit me.

Unfortunately, I can't post the .uc file.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:59 am
by SlySpy
Might be good to post screenshots or video so that he knows what the projectiles look like before deciding to download a random uc.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:37 am
by Cybernetic pig
Taking a break currently and replaying the almighty System Shock 2 once again. Been feeling a little burnt out to be honest, but I need to get back into the Deus Ex advancement.

Kelkos: indeed screenshots would be preferable, but send what you got my way if you think it is better than HDTP's flame effect. GMDX also updates the flamethrower stream in a number of ways quite nicely, by the way. Although most of those improvements were already in v8.0 if I recall.

Here's the v9.0 changelog in its current state. Criticize whatever you think doesn't qualify, if you can find any such thing. Naturally it doesn't list every change in v9.0, nor does it list anything from the previous versions.

Testers should probably ignore as there's very little added since the latest beta build due to my slacking the past week or so.
Artificial Intelligence:

-Human NPCs now sometimes lay down suppressive fire.
-Human NPCs in combat sometimes strafe around corners already facing the player. This is quite the significant improvement to how NPCs move around the world, and how believable and competent they are in combat.
-AI are no longer "psychic" and will not know your location when fighting with other NPCs, unless they have actually spotted you.
-Spiderbots can walk on the ceiling.
-Reduced the radius of NPC pain screams, resulting in leniency when attempting to silently take out enemies without the whole area becoming alert. Vanilla the radius was a little loud.
-Hostile AI attempting to move to a location will immediately stop and attack if they bump into the player, rather than attempting to move around him to get to that location.
-Added minor diversity to what an NPC decides to do after triggering an alarm.
-NPCs in combat that are moving to a location and see the player often will immediately stop and shoot, rather than continuing running to that location without opening fire.
-Improved behaviour related to NPCs opening doors in combat.
-Robots ram down doors blocking their path.
-AI are somewhat less accurate if the player is moving at high velocities.
-Enemies set on fire no longer run into walls if they can't find water.
-Enemies that are melee-based and can't reach the player will run away and hide (e.g player is on ladder, Karkian cannot reach so will go hide).
-Enemies with blast radius-based weaponry may open fire even if the player is right in their face, if their health is critical. //consider removing this
-AI accuracy with grenade throws has a touch more randomization to it to cut down on frequent perfect pitches, and
LAMs are thrown by more NPC types.
-NPCs no longer break open footlockers by running into them.
-if the player is blocking the path of an alarm unit an NPC is attempting to get to and press, the NPC will instead attack, if equipped with a weapon.
-AI stealth-related stats have been nerfed a little on realistic mode.
-The advanced security bot now uses a new/previously unused model.
-Greatly diversified how an NPC behaves when seeking the source of a disturbance.
-Minor improvement to the new NPC melee attack/gun bash system.
-If an NPC runs into glass in combat they will stop and shoot it rather than steamrolling right through it.
-Removed v8.0 feature: NPCs are no longer scared or turn hostile when the player is running around with a crate of TNT.
-Enabled some overlooked NPC vocal reactions to the player clowning around (like throwing a basketball at them).
-Hitting the torso of the enemy now has a damage multiplier of 4. (vanilla = 2. GMDXv8.0 = 3). //consider setting back to 3
-Security camera FOV is higher on hardcore mode.
-Snipers now take their time to fire on all except hardcore mode.

Things not vanilla friendly are often bundled in hardcore mode:

-Walker bots suffering critical levels of health attempt to suicide self-destruct near the player if specific conditions are met (Hardcore mode only).
-Military bots that have spotted the player take faster strides/move faster, returning to normal when no longer in combat (Hardcore mode only).
-Grays have a new psychic attack (hardcore mode only). //perhaps remove, as too lore-unfriendly, even for hardcore mode
-The advanced patrol bot met later in the game now reacts to sound disturbances (Hardcore mode only).

Player-Controlled Mechanics:

-You can now jump from ladders.
-You can now lean over edges, as in System Shock.
-You can now pick up objects that have other objects standing on top of them, providing they aren't too heavy.
-You can now attempt to jump from water even if there is no reachable ledge to grab.
-Mantling has been improved considerably.
-Right clicking while looking through a weapon's scope will stop looking through the scope as opposed to holstering weapon.
-When throwing objects with a normal right click throw, throw accuracy is precise (vanilla had very noticable randomization, resulting in it being difficult to get a basketball in the hoop for example).
-The GEP Gun's remote controlled rocket steering is no longer inverted on the Y axis & pressing the left mouse button will boost the remote rocket.
-With nothing in hand, left clicking on doors will put either a lockpick or nanokey ring in your hand.
Doing the same for hackable electronics will put multitools in hand.


-New simulated reload movement effects.
-More weapons accept a wider variety of modifications than even v8.0.
-Throwing knives can now be retrieved from the bodies of organic enemies you've killed with them.
-Heavy weapon sizes are reduced from 4x2 to 3x2, taking up 6 slots as opposed to 8 and actually making heavy weapon builds viable (although if you carry all three you'll have little room for much anything else).
-Improved new recoil handling system further.
-Weapon damage displayed in the inventory now changes based on the ammo type currently loaded.
-Improved dynamic cover animations.
-Improved camera firing effects.
-Explosions ignore geometry at a radius of 20% the explosion's blast radius.
-Improved a large number of vanilla technical flaws with the Assault Rifle.
-The assault rifle now accepts rate of fire mods.
-Crossbow darts are not visually present in the weapon until halfway through the reload process.
-Ejected shell casings are no longer visually different if you attach a silencer, as in GMDX shell casings differ based on ammo type. //perhaps re-add as it represents sub-sonic rounds despite that ammo type not existing in DX
-Improved flamethrower handling effects.
-Optimized the new flamethrower flame effects for better performance.
-The laser sight attachment no longer automatically turns off when mantling.

User Interface/HUD:

-The health and augmentations screens now display a variety of general statistics (can be disabled).
-Added a number of functional & cosmetic improvements to the augmentation screen.
-Improved dynamic crosshair behaviour.

//TO DO: make HUD scale based on res better.


-Climbing ladders now has sound effects.
-Vent Crawling now has sound effects. //consider removing as it is inconsistent with crouching making footsteps silent
-Added some new subtle UI audio effects.
-Added a variety of new collision sounds when thrown objects hits walls etc.
-Landing from height while crouched will play the appropriate footstep/land sound you'd get when falling while standing.
-Movers will play the appropriate footstep sounds as opposed to defaulting to concrete sounds.
-Hitting corpses with melee weapons will play the appropriate body hit sound as opposed to the sound of hitting the floor underneath them.
-Security Bots play their unused critical damage sound if health is less than 20%.
-Restored some unused music on the small "Dockyard_ShipFan" level (ventilation system with spiderbots).
-Gunther's movement sounds now sounds different to the bot's.
-Various other miscellaneous tweaking and additions.


-Added two "new" augmentations. One is combat strength, now separated from combat speed.
-The Cloak and Radar Transparency augmentations now have new visual effects each.
-The spy drone now bounces off of level geometry upon collision, rather than losing all velocity.
-The Vision Augmentation now displays in full screen and has some aesthetic alterations.
//-The vision augmentation now amplifies light, aiding you see in darkness. //Need an engineer goddamn it
-Improved the microfibral Muscle augmentation's physics and it now drains minor energy.
-New item: the "Augmentation Override Cannister". No spoilers as to what it does!
-The EUAS Aug player light levels HUD readout now represents how visible the player is more accurately.
-The Target Augmentation's scanning text has now been moved to the location of the target window so as to not distract the player.


-Updated tutorial.
-Receiving ammo during conversations now displays how much ammo you were given.
-If the player runs/jumps/falls into glass at high velocities the glass will break and the player will go right through it.
-stamina now regenerates when crouched (if idle), among other stamina system improvements.
-Approximately 15 new interactive objects.
-The conditions for picking up carryable objects are more lenient (less "no room to lift that").
-On hardcore mode breath/stamina meter is not automatically refilled when entering water.
-Tied a number of new headbob and camera interpolation effects added in GMDXv8.0 to the vanilla headbob option for those that suffer with motion sickness.
-There is now a displayed name distinction between quicksaves and autosaves.
-Pressing the "Secondary Weapon" key while your secondary weapon is in your hand equipped (as if a primary weapon), you will attack with said weapon.
-Added some new config options, including the ability to decline the game's hundreds of combat knifes when looting.
-Dropping stacks via the inventory results in the dropped items spread out over a slightly wider area, to prevent immersion breaking towers.
-Standing on objects that cannot be stood on will throw you off more realistically.
-The MJ12 Attack force that "converges in on your position" in the final visit to Hell's Kitchen can now lose track of the player. Once they do, they will
patrol the streets extensively looking for you.
-In addition to the above, many of the game's scripted events have been updated and polished in a faithful manner.
-Log object is now flammable.
-Hard difficulty mode is restored.
-More types of fragile objects break when something lands on top of them.


-Further improvements to the armor system.
-Thermoptic camo only enables you to pass through laser alarms undetected if you have the "Tech Specialist" perk.
-The "Nimble" perk now makes climbing ladders silent, in addition to mantling.
-The "In Bulk" perk has been replaced with the "Focused: Heavy Weapons" perk now that heavy weapon inventory sizes are more reasonable by default.
-The Tech Goggles now amplifies light, aiding you see in darkness. //Nope. Maybe look into an alternate method.
-The 'Neat Hack' perk grants +50% credits, as opposed to +20%.

Level Design:

-The focus of GMDXv9.0. The "Enhanced Artistic Direction". In addition to new interactivity, polish, balancing, all the usual goodness.

Graphics & Effects:

-New hi-res textures.
-A bunch of new 3D models.
-Additional level design detail.
-Fixed a modern renderer lighting issue where all meshes didn't blend into their environment well.
-Set all translucent water to "low translucency" mode, as default was far too clear.
-Fixed LOD issues with HDTP's Trashcans and Barrels.
-Added new skin for the stealth pistol.
-Added a new optional realistic headbobbing effect.
-Gore effects toned down and further polished.
-The laser dot is only larger when emitted by weapon laser sight. Laser trigger dots are vanilla size.
-The UNATCO boats sway in the sea more subtly.

Bug Fixes:

-Vanilla Bugfix: stacked items left in the armory upon capture by UNATCO are no longer dupicated when frobbed.
-Vanilla Bugfix: fixed the item duplication bug where items are dropped at the feet of NPC vendors when your inventory is full.
-Vanilla Bugfix: ensured an end-game scenario cannot be met at the Hong Kong Helibase event if Jock misses his shot at blowing up the door.
-Vanilla Bugfix: finally got that darn new game inventory bug.
-Vanilla Bugfix: fixed the speed enhancement super jump exploit.
-Vanilla Bugfix: you can now successfully throw objects while running forward (originally you'd run into the object as it is thrown, causing it to drop
straight to the floor).
-Vanilla Bugfix: Projectile-based weapon accuracy now matches the current crosshair representation closely.
-Vanilla Bugfix: Fixed an edge case game breaking bug where sometimes Page would not spawn in the holoprojecter at vandenburg.
-Vanilla Bugfix: the assault gun's fire sound plays per bullet rather than playing a five round burst sound regardless of # of shots fired.
-Vanilla Bugfix: Weapons dropped to the floor by NPCs give ammo, as opposed to none.
-Vanilla Bugfix: When burnt to destruction, fire goes out as the object is destroyed, rather than 1 second before.
-Vanilla Bugfix: fixed a moderately rare bug where Paul refused to converse with the player in the Hotel after having sent the NSF signal.
-Vanilla Bugfix: shooting unconscious NPCs, throwing them in water and so on kills them.
-Vanilla Bugfix: saving while crouched, then loading that save game doesn't force you to the standing position.
-Vanilla Bugfix: when picking up objects under rare circumstances you are no longer forced to drop it.
-Vanilla Bugfix: carried/throwable objects will no longer magically disappear from your hands when climbing ladders and under other rare circumstances.
-Vanilla Bugfix: Added a successful (this time) fix to the amount of ammo Kaplan and Carter give you.
-Vanilla Bugfix: Starting a new game after completing the training with items you found on the final test will no longer start you with those items.
-The "do not place" test box bug when interacting with corpses if you have the the interaction auto holster option enabled is now fixed.
-Fixed an ai cooldown issue affecting a bot activated via an alarm being triggered in the dockyard map.
-Fixed a BSP error on the Brooklyn Bridge Station map.
-fixed a rare issue where pawns with the pistol would not immediately turn to face the target before shooting.
-JoJo now finds a path to the Rentons, and the UNATCO ambush event happens without error.
-The "Short Fuse" and "Combat Medic's Bag" perks now actually work properly.
-The advanced security bot with cloaking now deactivates it upon returning to patrol (just like the humans with cloaking do post-GMDXv6.0), and can also be destroyed by the plasma rifle without error.
-Fixed occasional crashing when quickloading upon death.
-Pepper spray and other gasses no longer trigger laser alarms, same as in vanilla.
-Fixed a pathfinding error on the batterypark_02 map.
-Fragments no longer spawn splash effects when hitting water for performance reasons.
-The "Death Perspective" option no longer causes occassional crashing if set to First Person.
-Throwing Knives assigned as a Secondary Weapon no longer can be thrown underwater.
-Tear gas doesn't produce splashing effects when entering water.
-Fixed bug where right clicking inventory icons while dragging another caused the dragged item to disappear.
-Fixed a minor visual inconsistency on the Skills UI screen.
-The 'Neat Hack' perk applies to credits frobbed from corpses.
-Max Chen appears at the bar for drinks, and stays at the bar rather than returning to his desk.
-Ensured the player cannot set all custom color theme colors black, as this will result in a broken menu.
-Used a superior method of playing a sound effect when a body hits the floor after being thrown.
-Amended a couple typos.
-You no longer "auto-mantle" at the top of ladders if you press the jump key while on the ladder at any point.
-Made some additional performance optimizations.

Balancing & Difficulty Adjustment:

-Reduced Synthetic heart energy drain considerably and halved the light aug's drain.
-Grenades are inaccurate on hardcore mode unless you have the respective skill.
-There was already more ammo available on the lower difficulty modes. Now even more is available.
-Further additional handicap tweaks for lower difficulty modes.
-You now cannot assign any melee weapon as a secondary weapon without the "inventive" perk.
-Reduced the damage of the starting melee weapons.
-Altered stamina drain values.
-Toned down the ranges at which AI hear you smacking things (like crates) with melee weapons.
-TNT crates are set back to their unstable, extremely dangerous former self.
-Raised the assault gun's damage by 1 by popular demand.
-Reduced the health of the minature spiderbot variant.
-The MJ12 ambush in Area51 now detects if the player has been ghosting/non-lethaling, and if so this ambush event does not happen.
-Minicrossbow steel dart damage reduced by 4.
-Prod default clip size increased to 3.
-Biocells are half as effective at recharging suits and armors.
-Taser darts incapacitate enemies for half the duration the riot prod does.
-Cameras have slightly less health (to increase the effectiveness of AP 10mm ammo and sabot primarily).
-Mini crossbow darts hitting walls alerts guards at a more realistic range.
-Added a couple extra assault gun clips in the interest of ammo balancing.
-The large green metal shiiping crate can now be destroyed.
-Enemy assault rifle ammo drops range from 1-5 bullets, with additional odds in your favor of a good drop.
-Nerfed the damage of rubber bullets & thrown inventory items, and improved rubber bullet behaviour.
-Increased the plasma rifle's effectiveness VS bots.

Scrapped content:

-Removed UMP, USP and Laser Rifle (to be available via optional add-on).
-Removed 20mm EMP grenades.
-Removed "drops of blood on your shades" effect.
-Removed plasma rifle gibbing.
-NPC Head decapitation is disabled as was originally intended (because it's incomplete).
-Removed power-throwing of corpses.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:17 pm
by Kelkos
I have some things for GMDX too

1. Can you replace all the GM_Jumpsuit meshes with mp_jumpsuit? It has a new running animation and more of a slim and sleeker design for NSF and UNATCO troops.

2.Can you use my FleshFragment class. Head,Guts,legs and even forearms can be spawned if and enemy is gibbed

3.I have many models and classes for GMDX. Hand dryers,lanterns,ashtrays,etc. You can use them as decoration