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Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:06 pm
by Jaedar
Cybernetic pig wrote:The website is just not the best it can be, ergo it's unrepresentative. The Ads and generic domain name suck too, but money doesn't grow on trees for the modder to remove them.
How much does a decent domain cost anyway?

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:43 pm
by Defaultplayer001
Jaedar wrote:
Cybernetic pig wrote:The website is just not the best it can be, ergo it's unrepresentative. The Ads and generic domain name suck too, but money doesn't grow on trees for the modder to remove them.
How much does a decent domain cost anyway?
Good question! I typed into my browser, filled out a form linked there, and got an email letting me know the domain is owned by a "Goi Media" and being offered for 7.5k lol.

After that got curious and typed in, which as it turns out, led nowhere at all, so I googled it and the domain was free and open for sale! And cheap!
Was surprised by this so I got it via Google Domains (only 12$/y!) and set it up with a redirect to the GMDX site.

I can transfer the domain ownership to Cyber/+have the domain ownership set up for the next few years anytime.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 1:22 am
by Made in China
I've had an idea regarding the security bot in Liberty Island.
If it is captured and moved to the armory, you could see it in various stages of repair as the game goes on (sparks, repair bot working on it, etc.). Deus Ex mostly takes place during one night (as you never see the daylight, and you don't leave NY until after defecting from UNATCO) so it makes sense.
The punchline is, that when you escape from UNATCO it patrols the courtyard (it being a test run of it) or is placed (as an active enemy) in the garage, where it is waiting to be properly deployed the morning after (maybe a datacube mentioning it?).

This will give some negative effect for going non-lethal or non-heavy/demolitions or whatever. Duality is something Deus Ex never excelled at in the long run, with stealth and the non-lethal option almost always rewarding you.

Some problems that may arise are that if you are quick on your feet, you will talk to Jock and escape while also being shot at. This can be sidestepped by not allowing you to talk with Jock whenever the combat music is playing.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 2:38 pm
by Cybernetic pig
Check DX lore. SecurityBot3 is considered a low-end bot:

"An inexpensive security bot, a favorite of Third World countries and corporate security divisions. Not so mobile, but don't be fooled: we've lost plenty of agents to its well-armored assault gun. Like other bots, it's difficult to damage with ordinary bullets."

Who has the order to disable it without destroying it and then transporting it back to base? Is it even worthy of salvage? Speaking of, how'd they get it down all those stairs?
Defaultplayer001 wrote: After that got curious and typed in, which as it turns out, led nowhere at all, so I googled it and the domain was free and open for sale! And cheap!
Was surprised by this so I got it via Google Domains (only 12$/y!) and set it up with a redirect to the GMDX site.

I can transfer the domain ownership to Cyber/+have the domain ownership set up for the next few years anytime.
Hey, thanks! Very kind of you. Inspires me to get to work on the mod today. PM me whatever it is I need to do for the website port to the new domain.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 3:20 pm
by Made in China
I do not know the contents of the Infolink message, as it was inactive until Revision discovered it (and I haven't played Revision). They say that Alex tells you it's been captured, and after you've taken over Liberty Island the UNATCO troops extract all munitions back to UNATCO HQ (specifically mentioned), and now that includes the bot.
I'm guessing it's worth a salvage because it isn't guarding UNATCO - it only guards the the Statue of Liberty tourist site.

How it got down the stairs, well - UNATCO should be handicapped-accessible, even if it isn't right now. No one complained so it's fine. But since you have agents that can lift heavier objects (Gunther, Paul and Anna), they could've carried it - it could've been carried by more than one troop, too - but those are the background logistics you never see in action, and leaving that open for interpretation is probably best as it is possible within the world constraints.

Another passing thought regarding the UNATCO HQ - no troop within the HQ should wear a helmet, as it is a (supposed) safe zone - they even have a common area for relaxation. The guards in the entrance should, excluding the receptionist, but all the others should be able to relax. I can't imagine what it's like to work a desk with a helmet on.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 4:10 pm
by Cybernetic pig
Made in China wrote: Another passing thought regarding the UNATCO HQ - no troop within the HQ should wear a helmet, as it is a (supposed) safe zone - they even have a common area for relaxation. The guards in the entrance should, excluding the receptionist, but all the others should be able to relax. I can't imagine what it's like to work a desk with a helmet on.
I only made three or so of them helmet and face mask-less per visit as there's only so many unique face skins I can give them. The helmet and face masks mask the fact they are all duplicates. All workers sitting at a desk should not have helmets and masks in v8.0, because indeed that was silly.

As for the bot stuff, it was probably scrapped by Ion Storm for a reason and I don't particularly care to delve into it all to properly determine if it should or should not be done, and if so get to coding it all (sorry).

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 5:11 pm
by Made in China
I don't expect this to have all of the unused content - if something doesn't fit, it was probably removed rather than forgotten. Researched a bit about other unused content in Deus Ex, came up with this:

-Manderley's safe is present in UNATCO HQ visit no. 2, but is blocked - it could be integrated to the final UNATCO escape as you have to kill Manderley then. He could even become hostile the moment you open it and have your back turned on him.
-Tong and Lebedev's VOIP convo (code can be adapted from Shifter).
-Voice message on Paul's phone - will also explain why is he running towrds the train station in Hell's Kitchen, but may be giving away too much.
-Alternate couch textures! I remember it being brought up a while back, and apparently they are already present within the game files. Y|yukigachi said in his Deus Ex v2 patch notes that various couches are assigned different textures, but a certain flag wasn't set to allow for the alternate ones - so they all used one texture.

Carter's infolink icon might be used in the GMDX features tutorial (no idea how, though) - he is the one instructing you, after all.

Sources: ... ed-content ... -deus-ex-1 - Gunther's unused lines for cut training missions. There was supposed to be an open range, apparently. Some of these lines could be reintegrated in another form.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 5:20 pm
by Cybernetic pig
-Manderley's safe is present in UNATCO HQ visit no. 2, but is blocked - it could be integrated to the final UNATCO escape as you have to kill Manderley then. He could even become hostile the moment you open it and have your back turned on him.
Indeed, it requires a reaction from Manderly, which isn't really feasible. So you integrate it into the final level so that he is killable there, but then why is this wall-embedded safe not present in the previous visits?
-Tong and Lebedev's VOIP convo (code can be adapted from Shifter).
-Voice message on Paul's phone - will also explain why is he running towrds the train station in Hell's Kitchen, but may be giving away too much.
Maybe to these two. Again, why were they scrapped though? Is there a legitimate story reason or was it something the devs simply overlooked? We should probably discuss these.
-Alternate couch textures! I remember it being brought up a while back, and apparently they are already present within the game files.
Low res.
Carter's infolink icon might be used in the GMDX features tutorial (no idea how, though) - he is the one instructing you, after all.
Hmm? There's no specific NPC giving instructions. You're warned there will be no assistance on the course (aside from the notes). Purely because there are no voice actors of course but it works fine as it is more fun, as the player has to figure stuff out themselves from time to time (sort of) as a final optional advanced test.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 6:14 pm
by Made in China
Cybernetic pig wrote:Indeed, it requires a reaction from Manderly, which isn't really feasible. So you integrate it into the final level so that he is killable there, but then why is this wall-embedded safe not present in the previous visits?
With some shuffling around, this could make a lot of sense. On previous visits Manderley expected an appointment and his door was unlocked - by locking his door and placing a key on the cupboard behind Janice, you're essentially surprising him when opening his door.
His bookcase can be slightly ajar when doing that, to signify it being different from other visits.
Cybernetic pig wrote:Maybe to these two. Again, why were they scrapped though? Is there a legitimate story reason or was it something the devs simply overlooked? We should probably discuss these.
The VoIP conversation is pretty benign. I think it was left unused due to it being implemented differently from other convos, and due to hacking time limit which might end the conversation sooner than it should've - which I kind of support.
Paul's answering machine is some pretty heavy foreshadowing. I don't know if it should be implemented, but it could be. The pros and cons are pretty clear:
+Gives reason to Paul leaving Hell's Kitchen.
+Gives reason as to how UNATCO found out Paul's treachery.
-Heavy foreshadowing.
Cybernetic pig wrote:Hmm? There's no specific NPC giving instructions. You're warned there will be no assistance on the course (aside from the notes). Purely because there are no voice actors of course but it works fine as it is more fun, as the player has to figure stuff out themselves from time to time (sort of) as a final optional advanced test.
Just shows how much I remember from the tutorial. I was always under the impression Carter was laying out the notes for you, and I thought it might be possible to integrate his portrait into those.
Also, if there are many datacubes bunched up in one area, it might be better to use a news terminal for it - however, my memory is foggy about it.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:35 pm
by Cybernetic pig
With some shuffling around, this could make a lot of sense. On previous visits Manderley expected an appointment and his door was unlocked - by locking his door and placing a key on the cupboard behind Janice, you're essentially surprising him when opening his door.
His bookcase can be slightly ajar when doing that, to signify it being different from other visits.
Why all this effort and tip-toeing around the original setup just so that we can have a safe? What will even be in the safe? I don't see the point. Why do you think it is worthwhile?
Just shows how much I remember from the tutorial. I was always under the impression Carter was laying out the notes for you, and I thought it might be possible to integrate his portrait into those.
Perhaps I'm the one forgetting and I signed one of the notes with "-S. Carter" or whatever. Just had a look and there isn't any such thing, but perhaps there is in the build you have. I definitely remember considering it at one point so it could be the case.

Anyway, I went over the known cut content already way back. The result in v8.0 is what I thought was most appropriate to restore (so not a whole lot), but the phone message and Tong - Lebedev convo I wasn't sure of, especially as it is major plot point foreshadowing. And if I'm highly uncertain about something (especially because I lack experience as a writer and consider myself lacking judgement in this case) the rule is usually to back off the idea, so they never made it in.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:56 pm
by Made in China
Regarding the safe:
Everything can be in it - a lot is hinted about Manderley and little is shown. The following items, from a world-building standpoint, belong in there:
Employee bonuses; definite proof of Manderley's corruption (such as the Zurich account number); his own barrel of Ambrosia; Paul and JC's killswitch (essentially random letters and numbers) or Anna's/Gunther's (probably Anna's, because it's too-little-too-late and doesn't have any effect on gameplay) killphrase.
However, it should also probably contain some sort of gameplay bonus - credits satisfy that (especially if they are also the employee bonuses), but it could also contain pistol AP rounds or a weapon mod as it did originally.

Regarding the conversation between Tong and Lebedev:
It doesn't really foreshadow a lot. It says that a couple of maps later Lebedev will try and make you betray UNATCO and that someone named TT exists and researches the Ambrosia vaccine.
However, it does say that Tracer Tong is paranoid - his first response to you is "kill him!" - so it fleshes out his character. I think that it does more good than harm.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 11:25 pm
by Cybernetic pig
Good suggestions for the safe, but you know I stay as far away as possible as I can from direct story content if I can help it. Little environment details here and there are fine, but conclusions to open ended sub-stories, or text in general I keep away from.
There's a lot I can do but tell a good story through text or add to a pre-existing one is something I do not consider myself qualified to do on Deus Ex's level. Sure you got the Dockyard logistics area in v9.0, but this is one special exception that I'm not sure I even want in the release, but as an add-on. It is good but is it Deus Ex worthy, testers will decide.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 4:06 am
by Made in China
EDIT/DISCLAIMER: This post was made after not playing GMDX for 3 months, what I'm saying might be completely wrong and I might be misremembering things.

Disregarding everything else*, the logistics area is well done but probably requires a bit more work. I feel like that it's composed of two parts - the actual logistics area and the offices; the former focuses on combat and doesn't have many rewards, and the latter focuses on stealth and has a very big reward.
If those two parts could be connected, it'd be best. I think that it could be done by moving one end of the vent from in front of the elevator to the actual logistics area, and will require a jumping puzzle to reach - which will probably require combat beforehand. The vent would also have to be traversable both ways.

Or, you know, you can buff the actual logistics area with a Thermoptic camo and/or more goodies and/or a security terminal to help you with the stealth section.

Also, it doesn't affect the story at all, so I don't think I understand why you'd see it as detrimental. It makes the game world more complete as it makes the game function like real life, with areas dedicated to behind-the-scenes activity most people don't think about - but once they do, they can't deny it's there.
What would a warehouse worker playing this think, in comparison with the vanilla Deus Ex?

*Because we're basically discussing whatever goes through my mind at a given moment with random suggestions coming out of nowhere.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 6:52 am
by FastGamerr
Made in China wrote:What would a warehouse worker playing this think, in comparison with the vanilla Deus Ex?
The most important question.

IMO, the safe sounds more like a Deus Ex: Revision feature. It'd be neat, tho'.

Re: GMDXv9.0 Announced

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:52 am
by Cybernetic pig
Disregarding everything else*, the logistics area is well done but probably requires a bit more work.
It just so happens that it has had more work!
I don't think I understand why you'd see it as detrimental. It makes the game world more complete as it makes the game function like real life, with areas dedicated to behind-the-scenes activity most people don't think about - but once they do, they can't deny it's there.
Probably just paranoia on my part. The latest iteration of the area is pretty damn good, but it has to meet Deus Ex/Looking Glass-tier design ingenuity, and I'm not 100% confident it does. That's the most important question.
Also I worked in a warehouse when I was younger as a summer job, for what it's worth, and I had the experience in mind to some extent when working on the level.
I wouldn't be interested so much what a warehouse worker has to say nearly so much as what a game designer would have to say, but of course it feeling and functioning like an authentic place is still somewhat important.