Gaslighting and Gang Stalking

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Gaslighting and Gang Stalking

Post by GeryDvery »

Gaslighting and gang stalking are two different forms of manipulation and abuse.Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or group makes someone question their own sanity, memory, or perception of events. This can be done through denying facts, planting false information, or manipulating evidence. The goal of gaslighting is to make the victim doubt their own reality and trust the manipulator instead.Gang stalking, on the other hand, is a form of organized harassment in which a group of people systematically target an individual with harassment, intimidation, and abuse. This can include physical stalking, verbal harassment, and even destruction of property. The goal of gang stalking is to isolate and control the victim, and to make them feel paranoid and paranoid.While both gaslighting and gang stalking can have serious and detrimental effects on the victim, they are different forms of abuse and manipulation.
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Re: Gaslighting and Gang Stalking

Post by EmmaGold »

I've actually experienced gaslighting before, and let me tell you, it's a rollercoaster of emotions. There was a time when I genuinely felt like I was losing my mind, but thankfully, my family had my back. Their unwavering support helped me cope and regain my confidence. So, sharing these insights and warnings about these tactics can seriously make a difference for those going through similar situations.
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Re: Gaslighting and Gang Stalking

Post by Rob55 »

Thank you for sharing this valuable information about such important concepts. It's crucial to recognize these tactics and understand how they can affect people. In today's world, any of us might encounter gaslighting or gang stalking, so understanding what we're dealing with is crucial to prevent any negative impacts and seek help if needed. Speaking from my personal experience, I went through such manipulations before, which led to anxiety and even depression. However, specialists at played a significant role in helping me cope with these consequences and eliminate those obsessive states. It's a reminder that support and knowledge are essential in such situations.
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