How much does the average wedding cost??

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How much does the average wedding cost??

Post by CashiWaku »

Hey all. New to planning and new here, nice to meet you all.

Im getting my budget in order and Im trying to break down my expenses correctly so I don’t get any big surprises later down the line. What does it cost to host a wedding properly? Would anyone be up for sharing what your cost per person is, approximately? I just want to get a general sense of how much the average wedding costs as we’re planning to pay for everything ourselves and need to start saving, I want to be a good host! Also how did you track your wedding budget, did you use a spreadsheet or an app? Did you include your rings in the budget or not?

Please share your advice on making a really good wedding cost breakdown!
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Joined: Wed Jul 26, 2023 2:11 pm

Re: How much does the average wedding cost??

Post by NaimaVaughan »

It feels like there's a million things to factor in, and everyone throws around numbers that can make your head spin.

I saw this gorgeous barn venue the other day (think twinkle lights and string quartets), and while it was dreamy, it also came with a hefty price tag. But then again, some folks manage to pull off beautiful ceremonies for way less.

I think the key is to figure out what matters most to you as a couple. Is it the venue, the food, the entertainment, or just having all your loved ones together? Once you know your priorities, you can start budgeting and get creative!

There are tons of online resources for DIY wedding planning, and sometimes simple touches can make the biggest impact.
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