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Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:42 pm
by Morpheus
Chris wrote:MW2's "No Russian" was sad enough. MW3's Version of "No Russian" was sad too.
Seeing Soap die left me one tear.
I wouldn't go as far as tearing up, but I did find it sad when Soap died also.

Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:01 pm
by Chris
Morpheus wrote:
Chris wrote:MW2's "No Russian" was sad enough. MW3's Version of "No Russian" was sad too.
Seeing Soap die left me one tear.
I wouldn't go as far as tearing up, but I did find it sad when Soap died also.
Soap's death was saddening... yes. But i got a teardrop cause ive been playing for 6 straight hours... :D . And its BACK TO SCHOOL! :roll:

Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:40 am
by Cybernetic pig
Please. The only emotion I feel when playing that game singleplayer is anger. Anger that this is the present & future of singleplayer gaming.

However the multiplayer is an absolute blast, at least when going on mad rampages: throwing knife to the ass of the player running past, quickscope dragshot to the chest of the dude mantling the wall, an enemy hears this and comes charging round the corner thinking he has got an easy kill only to meet my blade due to quick reflexes. Shit out of ammo! And the enemy randomly did not drop his gun, have to pick off the scout across the map with my gold plated desert eagle. Then I could go and rush up on thier spawn real quick or go the sneaky bastard route and play it safe.
The thrill of taking on whole teams by myself, AND getting rewarded for it in-game (Challenges, MOABS, titles, killstreaks, theatre mode ect).

But when I play the SP I just get mad because it influences many other developers and gamers, and gives them the idea that that is how a singleplayer game should be. Mostly bad design imo. It is strange how at the same time I think the Multiplayer has good design, so much so that all other FPS multi just seem bland. Its probably to do with COD MP having the most gameplay features out of all the MP shooters I have played, and how they work so well together.

It's a love/hate relationship, but I wouldn't ever cry over it :P

Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:03 am
by YeomanTheCastle
I didn't cry when Soap died. I laughed. Yeah, I'm a sick bastard, deal wit tit.

Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:33 am
by Cybernetic pig
YeomanTheCastle wrote:I didn't cry when Soap died. I laughed. Yeah, I'm a sick bastard, deal wit tit.
Suppose I cannot comment on that exact moment, its in MW3 right? Havent even touched the singleplayer, I played all of MW2 and hated every second (was VERY bored at the time so thought why not?). Blops was more of the same- shoot, take cover, shoot, take cover with "epic" set-pieces inbetween. Cod 4 was the only one that seemed to pull off good set pieces and overall story, but gameplay still sucked. Cannot be certain I only played a third before giving up out of boredom. Although I helped my gf do the sniper assassination and "ghost" level. Games are the best entertainment medium imo, why developers try and make them like movies (restricted AND done to death) is beyond me. Its a shame cos those set pieces like that can be a great addition to a game if used in moderation.

It is the same with Metal Gear Solid too, cutscene after cutscene. But at least the gameplay is solid and the cutscenes are somewhat interesting. Skip all the cutscenes though and you only have a 4 hour long game. Again, more developers should look to LGS, Telling stories without interrupting gameplay (System Shock) or splitting up long conversations and big plot points well (Deus Ex) and telling half the story through the level design and optional content (Both).

Now all games shouldn't be the same, no of course not. But If DX and SS2 had as much impact on the industry and the masses as MGS and COD then there wouldn't be nothing to moan about.

Most saddest game= CoD. for all the wrong reasons. MGS1 was actually epic though and was the only one I actually took seriously story-wise.

Why am I ranting anyway? What a waste of fucking time that was #-o

Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:04 am
by AgentOrange
I've played the BO campaign. The story of that game was just one huge cluster fuck. It was like some bad Hollywood film. Not to mention the ending.

"Holy shit man, YOU ASSASSINATED JFK!!!"

I honestly prefer CoD1's "I met an American guy and we were bros" ending. At least it's more than crazy confusing camera angles.

Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:30 am
by DaveW
AgentOrange wrote:The story of that game was just one huge cluster fuck. It was like some bad Hollywood film. Not to mention the ending.
Well, yeah - you've basically summed up the entire CoD series. At least Black Ops tried to be a little more inventive with the story, I'll give them that.

Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:30 pm
by shadowblade34
The CoD 4 story was still the best though, not just for the great set pieces and mission, but the plot was actually good.

Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:40 pm
by DaveW
Not sure I'd go that far - but it was certainly the better of the Modern Warfare stories. The player character dying part way through was relatively surprising, which was nice - though that makes it more of a shame they utterly raped that concept in MW2.

Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:33 pm
by Chris
DaveW wrote:
AgentOrange wrote:The story of that game was just one huge cluster fuck. It was like some bad Hollywood film. Not to mention the ending.
Agreed. Kind of. The ending was the most cliche ending ive ever seen. It was like "Oh yay! We killed the villain! Lets get some champagne and let the 'Blue Angels Jets?' fly above us! Two ships on the sides of the screen and " We did it. Its over. "

Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:37 am
by AgentOrange
Chris wrote:
DaveW wrote:
AgentOrange wrote:The story of that game was just one huge cluster fuck. It was like some bad Hollywood film. Not to mention the ending.
Agreed. Kind of. The ending was the most cliche ending ive ever seen. It was like "Oh yay! We killed the villain! Lets get some champagne and let the 'Blue Angels Jets?' fly above us! Two ships on the sides of the screen and " We did it. Its over. "

Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:31 am
by Mr_Cyberpunk
I'm kinda shocked at how few games have made me a bit upset.

Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:13 pm
by silensurvivor2012
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2

The atmosphere of the game is more than enough to make you feel depressed, a truly dark game. The characters who will accompany you in your journey, aren't trustworthy and you always have the feeling you're going to be backstabbed.

Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:09 am
by nerdenstein
silensurvivor2012 wrote:Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2

The atmosphere of the game is more than enough to make you feel depressed, a truly dark game. The characters who will accompany you in your journey, aren't trustworthy and you always have the feeling you're going to be backstabbed.
I was quite touched by Kreia and her speech just before she dies at the end.

Speaking of which, one of my saddest was probably the ending of Half-Life 2:Episode Two.
Simply because just moments before he's killed, Eli speaks to Gordon in private, telling him about the GMan (that he's the only other person aware of him got me) and how he 'couldn't be prouder if we were is own son'. Then he died.
Made worst by the fact that Alyx is cry during the credits etc, yeah. That last scene got to me. I found that Episode Two was generally the best overall because of its pacing and story.

Re: The Most Saddest Game you played.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:29 am
by DDL
Huh. I never even finished it because I got pissed off trying to fling stickybombs at the walkers. Maybe I should go back and finish it off. Though I guess I could wait until ep3 is out... ;)