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Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:56 pm
by Jaedar
I wish they'd make the combat in shadowrun more challenging though. Even on hard, all you have to do is use heal and aim to make basically everything a walkover.
Jonas wrote: One other thing I noticed about Dragonfall which I haven't seen anybody remark upon yet is that being set in Germany, it actually had a cast of Germans. Since it's made by Americans I was fully expecting the game to feature a full cast of Americans going to Germany to save the day. I'm very positively surprised at how respectful it ended up being, even down to featuring a Turk and a Roma as the Token Minorities.
Soykaf ist Menchen.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 10:46 pm
by Cybernetic pig
fantsu wrote:Started Deus Ex.
Will play it through on realistic, without breaking any boxes (to cut down the stuff i get) and saving only after a load.
Won't use computer skill and I won't use any deadly weapons or weapon skills.

Should do it in 2 or 3 days.
Thats what my last like 15 or so playthroughs have taken.
Hello? There is a certain mod that will cater to you. It's still not particularly difficult but it would be if you added those self-imposed restrictions on top.
Also just finished a console game (I rarely play console games), well actually handheld game. Zelda: Link's Awakening DX.
Its pretty good, not bad not fantastic. Not an fan of Zelda games but this was worth it I guess, much better than Link to the Past at least.
For it's time it was amazing. It was my first "wow" experience and the start of a lifetime addiction :) I was a little squirt lost in that mysterious world, it blew me away. Sure it's no Deus Ex, but it was a game for the original gameboy, black and white (DX version developed a couple of years later just added colour and a secret dungeon). because of how good it is on such limited hardware it definitely deserves top marks.

I'm back on Trials again. The new one though. Developing another mini-game. I can read your mind: "developed a Deus Ex mod and now returning to making mini-games in a console game's editor? lol wtf?" but here is why:

In three days from scratch I have coded plenty FPS player class systems: movement (including jumping), looking, shooting (including effects such as camera shake, sounds and recoil), aiming down the sights, idle sway anim (all anims custom made via engine interpolation), footstep sounds, health system, weapon swap system, sprinting (including animations), reloading (including anim) for the one gun that requires it, AND made the guns themselves (not from scratch though) AND done a bit of level design. Three days, all by myself, using a console pad. This is the beauty of Trials and it's editor. It's devastating that there are limitations in other ways, for example you can only upload the finished work to the Ubisoft servers, which have file caps. If there was no limitations such as this the possibilities that I can achieve all alone would be unreal. Another downside is you have to use art and sound assets already made, but there is a decent selection and you can get very creative.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:56 pm
by CrocMagnum
Jonas wrote:Awesome.

Anyway I did like Dragonfall a lot better than Dead Man's Switch as well. It had a hub, it had actual characters, it had some choice and consequence, and the story didn't devolve into save-the-world bullshit with boring monsters and a special gun that punished characters without Rifle specialisation. In fact the ending of Dragonfall was really compelling, since the main antagonist turned out to have very understandable motivations (if still wholly despicable methods).

One other thing I noticed about Dragonfall which I haven't seen anybody remark upon yet is that being set in Germany, it actually had a cast of Germans. Since it's made by Americans I was fully expecting the game to feature a full cast of Americans going to Germany to save the day. I'm very positively surprised at how respectful it ended up being, even down to featuring a Turk and a Roma as the Token Minorities.
True that. I should have talked about it. :mrgreen:

The German setting was refreshing and gripping. I was pleasantly surprised. This is another aspect of Dragonfall that really makes it stand out. Also the dialogue trees are well-crafted.

Now the sad thing is that Dragonfall makes the Dead Man's Switch look bad in comparison. It pains me because the original (especially the one-of-a-kind opening) is really well done.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:14 pm
by Jaedar
CrocMagnum wrote: Now the sad thing is that Dragonfall makes the Dead Man's Switch look bad in comparison. It pains me because the original (especially the one-of-a-kind opening) is really well done.
I wish we lived in a world where all predecessors were shit in their sequels eyes.

I've also been playing the longest journey. Adventure games, y u have to be so long and obtuse?

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 3:15 pm
by Hassat Hunter
Because otherwise they will be crap like Dreamfall... talking about sequals being worse.
Yeah, even worse is when aim assist gets to PC. Saint's Row IV, I look at you! No way I could see to turn it off either... and so I occassionaly had to endure my char making full 360 degree turns on it's own following a jumpy opponent. Very annoying. And making a ridicilous easy game even easier...

As for Original Sin, should be a new patch in a few days. It's really buggy at the moment, and hugely unbalanced, we'll see if that upcoming 'huge patch' will change all that. I still wouldn't hold my breath until one or 2 more patches.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 5:25 pm
by Jaedar
Hassat Hunter wrote:Because otherwise they will be crap like Dreamfall... talking about sequals being worse.
Why does using a calculator kill alchemists?

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 6:05 pm
by gamer0004
Wait, what?

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:09 pm
by Cybernetic pig
Hassat Hunter wrote: Yeah, even worse is when aim assist gets to PC.
Aim assist's origins are on PC. Doom (1993)...which is this case is fair enough because you couldn't look up, but why did Duke Nukem 3D have it when you could look in all directions? Sure mouse look became commonplace shortly after, but an option to disable would have been nice regardless (which was later done via source port).

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:50 am
by Jaedar
It should be noted that the original fps was just as much if not more about exploring the environment and dodging enemy projectiles as they were about shooting.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 4:36 pm
by Cybernetic pig
Jaedar wrote:It should be noted that the original fps was just as much if not more about exploring the environment and dodging enemy projectiles as they were about shooting.
The good ol' days.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:37 pm
by Jaedar
Well, I finished the last journey. The ending was not very satisfying.

I started playing homeworld. This game is hard, since I typically find RTS's easy, I must be doing something wrong.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:44 pm
by Jane_Denton
Been playing a variety of things... recently Tropico surprisingly... it was a really good sale. I'm kinda burned out on games, but Tropico isn't that hard on the head.

Oh and The Simpsons Tapped Out... I posted a separate thread about it looking for friends... kinda forgot about this thread.. been off for awhile so I'm a bit rusty. Anyway to save time... my ID is tappedoutaddict1 if you play the game and want to add me as friend.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:55 pm
by Jaedar
I've been playing Dark Souls 2. It's not as good as the original. The purest gameplay is a bit more refined, and the porting job is better(controls are still pretty bad though, it's nigh impossible to do jumping and shield breaks with the mouse. At least Ds1 controls were completely functional once you got used to them), but beyond that the game is worse. The world design is poorer and more linear, the story is gibberish when it even bothers to show up and enemy variety has been almost entirely reduced to big guys with bug weapons.

It is pretty cool to play one of these at launch though. Lots of people around to invade.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:43 pm
by Mirrorman95
I've been playing Deus Ex 3 Director's Cut. I've had it in my Steam library for months, but it only just came out on Mac a week or two ago. I'd played The Fall, which is very similar in gameplay to Deus Ex 3, but I'd never knew the original was this good. Except for the fact that The Fall has unlimited inventory and two rechargeable aug batteries, DX3 is equal or better in every way. Of course I know those two problems can be fixed with the Cheat Engine battery patch and the expanded inventory mod for the Debug Menu. Unfortunately, both of those mods are only available for Windows, and FPS is total crap running the Windows version in Wine. Doesn't anyone care about modding for Macs anymore?

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:11 pm
by Jane_Denton
Jaedar wrote:I've been playing Dark Souls 2. It's not as good as the original. The purest gameplay is a bit more refined, and the porting job is better(controls are still pretty bad though, it's nigh impossible to do jumping and shield breaks with the mouse. At least Ds1 controls were completely functional once you got used to them), but beyond that the game is worse. The world design is poorer and more linear, the story is gibberish when it even bothers to show up and enemy variety has been almost entirely reduced to big guys with bug weapons.

It is pretty cool to play one of these at launch though. Lots of people around to invade.
You should check out my friend's vids for that game they are really good. We went to school together, worked together, and he only lives a few blocks from me... LOL