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Need the help of a web designer

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:43 am
by DaveW
Basically as the title says: I need the help of someone with web design skills (i.e. some javascript and general layout knowledge) to help me put together my personal website. I honestly don't know where else to look except at 'professional' freelance web developers and I'd rather not pay their prices, if I can avoid it.

I have a web template in mind, but it's seperated into individual pages and I preferably want a single page format. So most of it would be taking the elements from different pages and combining them. There might also be a bit of coding involved to get the porfolio working the way I want it. I have a mockup of how I'd want the site to look so anyone's welcome to view it if they want.

Not sure what I can offer in return, I have a little money left after buying my new computer if that's an issue. But I figured it might be worth a shot to see if there are any web developers floating around here (or people who know such developers) willing to help me out! :)

(Also, just to clarify in case of confusion, this is strictly my personal portfolio - nothing to do with New Vision.)

Re: Need the help of a web designer

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:36 am
by Akerfeldt
I develop web apps at my job, I've used, straight up html with ASP and javascript, I've also done jsp pages and servlets(even tried oracle's APEX and ADF(what a piece of shit)) and most recently, silverlight.

First thing you might want to look into is some freeware sites for portfolio-ish hosting. Can't think of anything off hand but there might be something out there.

Depends on what kind of hosting options you have available. If you server can host silverlight apps I'd say go with that. It's so easy to make a good looking site in silverlight. Only drawback is it only works on windows. If you do decide to go the custom route, I could give you a hand.

Re: Need the help of a web designer

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:31 am
by DaveW
I already have the template I want to use in mind it's just a case of modifying it, but I wouldn't want to use Silverlight because not many people have it.

Re: Need the help of a web designer

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:54 am
by Akerfeldt
What format is the template in (visual studio project, master page, straight up html)?

If it's just html and you link all your pages together you won't have to write any code. Which would be optimal. For building the site you might wanna try this:

It also has a pretty cool previewer that shows the site in different browsers.

If you do have to write code, I could help you out there.

Re: Need the help of a web designer

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:05 am
by EER
I could help coding for a bit as well, if required. Expression is definitely a nice package, best WYSIWYG editor I've used so far.

Re: Need the help of a web designer

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:52 pm
by Morpheus
I agree, I use expression web and its far better than front page was. Looking back on it, I still have an old version of Front Page express, a sort of dummed down web editor designed for IE5 (I think) whihc has an interface like old wordpad but has HTML features.

Re: Need the help of a web designer

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:59 am
by LTNObvious
What do you think is better, Adobe Dreamweaver or Expression? I decided, on a whim, to start making a personal site, and I've used Dreamweaver before.

Re: Need the help of a web designer

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:11 am
by Jonas
I like Notepad.

Re: Need the help of a web designer

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:56 pm
by Trestkon
Jonas wrote:I like Notepad.

Re: Need the help of a web designer

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:47 pm
by Mr_Cyberpunk
I noticed a site called Square Space when watching the shows on Revision 3, (which if you use their codes they give you a discount- just have to watch 1 show to get the code). Its worth checking out I guess but I've never used them before though.

And yeah just go to revision 3 and watch one of their shows, you'll get a discount, I think its 10% or something.. (Highly recommend film riot to you dave, its definately your kind of show). Worth noting that the cheapest option has a 20MB Limit on media options.. so that might not be ideal for what you're likely going to be doing.

Should point out also that I can do some flash work if you need it (So long as its not dynamically scaled.. I can't do that.)

I'd say its probably best to just build the site yourself, Photoshop can easily generate HTML which isn't difficult to code, as for the gallery stuff.. well I could try to build one in Flash for you I guess.

Re: Need the help of a web designer

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:37 pm
by EER
I used to use Notepad++ for my webdesign, but once you know what you're doing I think it's not necessary to be masochistic anymore. I prefer Expression because it does everything in CSS, haven't used Dreamweaver in a decade though so they might have improved too.