Understanding P2P: What does it stand for?

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Understanding P2P: What does it stand for?

Post by Bartholomew »

I'm exploring different tech concepts and stumbled upon "P2P." Can anyone clarify what P2P is and how it's used in technology?
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Re: Understanding P2P: What does it stand for?

Post by Frand »

P2P stands for Peer-to-Peer, a decentralized network model where each party has equal capabilities and either party can initiate a communication session. This model is widely used in file-sharing networks and cryptocurrencies to ensure that transactions or data are distributed without a central authority. For a deeper understanding of P2P and its applications in today’s digital environment, check this link: https://paybis.com/blog/glossary/what-is-p2p/ It offers a comprehensive look at how P2P technology works and its significance.
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