JC Denton.

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Post by Deus.EXE »

Hm.. the tip of the nose should be a liiiiiittle bit wider.

Sort of reminds me a bit too much of Micheal Jackson...

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Post by Mak Denton »

James T wrote:Oh no! Now JC's having a script malfunction!

GREAT! :lol: :lol: \:D/
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Post by Zandor »

Jonas wrote:He's supposed to be latin though, so it doesn't really matter what you think ;)
It doesn't really matter what he is supposed to be, the fact is that his "hispanics lol" version looks more like an italian who sunbathed too much, the black one looks like an ethiopian and the "default" looks like some kind of action movie villain, like "This is Igor Ivanov, a terrorist from chechenia and he kidnapped a nuclear bomb and wants one million dolars or else!". This reminds me that luigi was a palette swap of mario

(I'm talking about the new version)

If the head didn't have half of the width of the original it would be a lot better. Here's a diagram:

The original:


Your version:


But don't get me wrong. The textures are excellent, it's just that he looks like someone who had way too many plastic surgeries done on him (like Michael Jackson, as someone said) to have a smaller nose and other things.
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Post by Deus.EXE »

Hm... I think it would look a bit better if his face was molded just a little bit more like...
The JC Denton "Over 9000" Model.

Oh, whoops...
I meant-
(Left side is the edit...)

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Post by justanotherfan »

He is quite good. Surprising, since many people would have different conceptions of how "JC looks" since the original is pretty basic. I like the attention paid to the back of the coat.

He's very action-hero looking, maybe a bit too badass for people who saw him as more non-threatening (he's a nice guy who often kills everyone in sight). I wouldn't say he's too thin, however I had thought the originals had a bit more difference in the alternate models. Perhaps a larger/wider version would be nice, along with differences in facial hair (style, etc). It's difficult to please everyone, but maybe some variety in the other options could help.
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Post by Dead-eye »

Has anyone seen the movie The Boondock Saints? JC looks realy irish with that 4-O clock shadow. Kinda reminds me of that movie.

Wall where on the track of 'Progressive criticism' His coller needs to be titer to his neck, and shorter. Also The old models coller smoothed into the coat better then the new one, I think the coller in this model should do that two. To deminstarte lets look at the 3 JC's.


The part where it said "CUT" thats where I think the coller should be brout down to. Also move it closer to the neck. The sweeter looks so big Under his coat that you would think he was Gorden Freeman. One last thing in order for the coller to blend better into the trench coat I think you should look at the two other JC's and look at there collers for exampules. Ether one is fine with me. He just looks a little like a vampier with that coller.
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Post by Dead-eye »


Oh my god JC is a Jewish Snow-Border from Japan.

BTW: Maybe I think his collers not close enofe to his neck because his heads a little thin.
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Post by IncrediErus »

i know its kinda bad mannered to criticise in my first post, especially on a masterpiece such as this, but its constructive and i am definitly not blasting it. now, as zandor and james have pointed out, the base of his nose is a little too thin. also, his upper and lower lips are too, puckered, showing his top teeth, only seen in bucktoothed individuals. a suggestion would be to spread the lips wider, and bring them together, making a more subtle yet stern look, also making him look more inteligent.
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Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

He just looks a little like a vampier with that coller.
Actually he kinda looks like one of the Un-dead EuroCorp agents from Syndicate with the jacket like that. Albino JC particularly.

I'd say flatten it like with the REAL leather jacket, at the moment i'm having trouble understanding how exactly you'd zip that thing up lol. Has anyone noticed his shoulders are very much smaller than the others?!

Also have you noticed that the original JC model, his eyes are further apart?
Somethings telling me it needs to be corrected as he's looking a little bit Asian atm.

OVerall i was very surprised with the model, Its amazing :D
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Post by James T »

Zandorlol: Do you have some sort of emotionallol problemlol?... :?

The Latino version does look a bit dark to me; he just looks like 'black guy version 2'. Of course, he was a bit that way in the original, so it depends on one's sense of 'fidelity', you could say...

Are the other races any different at model level? DDL was saying that multiracial troopers shouldn't merely be colour-swaps, but it looks, from the preview pic, like JC himself is. I thought there might have been some model changes for the black guy, at least (kinda like the black Alex Denton in DXIW (ugh)). Again, I'm not that fussed at the idea, per se, but JC's slightly miniature nose starts to look increasingly unlikely on the darker-skinned iterations.
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Post by Solid_Choke »

Personally I think the black and latin versions look just fine. I don't have a problem with them all having more or less the same face. You have to keep in mind in the future many more people in the US will be "multi-racial" so it isn't the end of the world if they have a similar face structure . ;)
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Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

That wasn't the case with Blade Runner. Asians looking like Asians, Latin looking like Latin, ect, ect. There weren't any Hybrids!?! That's cause of racial enclosure in a Multicultural society. In some cases they embrace the local culture and interbreed, but in other cases they isolate themselves into what Australia calls "Cultural Ghettos" - similar to China Town and Little Italy, only on a much smaller scale. This in turn causes them to remain in the cultural barriers - as if being a safety blanket. Hence why Hybrids would still be very rare in the future. (as going by Blade Runner, Neuromancer, and every other Cyberpunk ever written)

- thats my meaningless rant for today :D

my opinion is though that doing separate models is not a good idea as it just adds a whole lot of modeling that really isn't needed, but hey if Phas is bored than by all means lol.
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Post by James T »

Psst -- 'cultural ghetto' is a tautology, Cyb'!

I do actually like the 'multiracial' quality of the black JC having a facial structure like a whiteboy -- perhaps he's got Sri Lankan blood or something! -- but his nose is noticeably too small in all the iterations, white, black or purple. But 'scool, the high-definition JC's not gonna hit our PCs' runways for a long time yet; plenty of time for tuning.
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Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

Psst -- 'cultural ghetto' is a tautology
I know it's a contradiction, the word Ghetto is cultural no matter what. It is really a press term. I'm the founder who coined the phrase "Organizational Ghetto" in one of my essays, where organizational cultures are divided based on class, race ect. Very interesting, despite the fact that my essay failed - purely cause my Lecturer was an elitist fuck wad that pushed us too hard. - Besides the fact I passed that course on 50, 1 mark less and I would have failed :D

My problem with the various racial JCs is that, if we do a custom model for one character, we have to do it for ALL of them. Aka, Characters in France and America = European Models, African characters = African Models, Asian Characters = Asian Models. That would multiply our work by 3 almost.

Very bad idea.. :D Stick with what worked originally.
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Post by Solid_Choke »

Mr_Cyberpunk wrote:That wasn't the case with Blade Runner. Asians looking like Asians, Latin looking like Latin, ect, ect. There weren't any Hybrids!?! That's cause of racial enclosure in a Multicultural society. In some cases they embrace the local culture and interbreed, but in other cases they isolate themselves into what Australia calls "Cultural Ghettos" - similar to China Town and Little Italy, only on a much smaller scale. This in turn causes them to remain in the cultural barriers - as if being a safety blanket. Hence why Hybrids would still be very rare in the future. (as going by Blade Runner, Neuromancer, and every other Cyberpunk ever written)

- thats my meaningless rant for today :D

my opinion is though that doing separate models is not a good idea as it just adds a whole lot of modeling that really isn't needed, but hey if Phas is bored than by all means lol.
Well maybe I have a biased world view because I am somewhat mixed myself. I am Portugese(from Madeira Island near Africa)/German/Slavic/Scandinavian in that order. Depending on what I'm wearing and where I am people call me everything from Latino to Arabic to Indian to "white"(whatever the hell that is). But good point about the ethnic enclaves. I suppose the future could very well have many ethnicities still very much intact, but I stand by my statement that it will be much more mixed then present day.