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Gunther Opinions Please.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:37 pm
by Phasmatis
Hello everyone. Gunther has gone through quite a few changes in the last week or so. In fact today I went through around 5 revisions but it's come to point where I am happy with the result and I need feedback from the community.

Please only comment on the model, not the textures as I can't change model easily once I've rigged him.


Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 3:13 pm
by Jonas
Wow, that guy just went from 30-something to 45 in a few weeks!

I can't really comment on the likeness unless you post a comparative shot between old and new Gunther where they are both in-game, but disregarding the old model, I really like his look. His profile is a lot scarier now.

I like your modelling style.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 3:25 pm
by Master_Kale
His eyes look more like marbles than optical implants. I'd say, make his eyes one color and add a sheen...

Just my two cents, but I do believe a "Good work!" is in order...

Good work!

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 3:37 pm
by Trestkon
Master_Kale wrote:His eyes look more like marbles than optical implants. I'd say, make his eyes one color and add a sheen...

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 3:41 pm
by Master_Kale
Trestkon wrote:
Master_Kale wrote:His eyes look more like marbles than optical implants. I'd say, make his eyes one color and add a sheen...
T_T We're only looking at the modelling?
Trestkon wrote:Please only comment on the model, not the textures as I can't change model easily once I've rigged him.
Man, I really shouldn't skip I'm every an other idiot word...

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 3:45 pm
by Mr_Cyberpunk
That model is going to look competely nutz with the lighting!

He actually looks german now! good work... The old model was too bulky, it looked like Gunther was a steriod addict that paraded in strongman competitions, this model make it look like he's more of a killing machine that he's been a healthy person and not over obsessed about his muscular structure... hence his necessitiy for Mechanical Augmentation. I like the model, it gives us something to think about as well as question wether Gunther is a threat or not? given that he looks a lot older. Something that people who haven't played the game will get a shocked by..

Funny thing is that it really shows Gunther is getting old, and that JC Denton is far superior. Something that Ion Storm really never showed. I definately think you did well at this, I'm refering to both model and texture here. Ion Storm intended on showing this (refer to the concept for gunther) but it was never put into the model. You've done well.

Yes gunther is no longer the bulky brute we all came to love/hate, this new depth will add something great and new to the project. Well done!

Cannot wait to see Ingame !!!

I'd be interested to see the varants though just to see what you were thinking about keeping and removing.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:02 pm
by Nexto
Two things which hit me right at the first glimpse are that the jaw and the bones over the eyes (dont know how they are called in english) are totally different from the original gunther. First, he originally had a much wider jaw and additionally a really stron "bull neck". Removing the bullneck (which was clearly oversubscribed in deus ex) may be a good idea, but additonally removing his concise jaw (and mouth) changes him to much, imo. You should atleast try to stick a bit more to the original there (or perhaps its the texture that makes him loo so different, but i dont think so.)

Another thing is that Gunthers eyes always had a very unique shape in deus ex. They were a bit, well, how should i say? They looked like small versions of 70's - Style sunglasses or the ones the bad cops always wear in movies, sth like this:


Here is a gunther poortrait as reference, just compare:


The eyes from your Gunther look totally different, although very cool, they look more like neo's shades from Matrix, but i think, the 70's - Style bad cop - sunglasses are burned in our subconscious, i couldnt live without them ;)

Hope this helps :)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:45 pm
by Dragon
can't help myself but he looks a bit like bob page :? . i think this comes as gunther's head has been modelled back then rather squary, whereas your head is more rounder.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:42 pm
by Master_Kale
I think the modelling is fine. If anything, it makes me feel sorry for Gunther. Looking at all his external augmentations, he must have been through hell to get them, because he certainly looks like it. No wonder he was jealous of JC; JC at least looked human :(

And I know this point was supposed to come across in the original model, but the new one makes his "deformities" much more pronounced.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:46 pm
by Shadowtruth
I totally agree with Nexto his jaw and his eyes should be more like the original... but the rest of the model... OMG!!!! It?s so beautiful!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 7:15 pm
by Jonas
I agree with what's been said about the shape of the eyes, but I don't know about the jaw. I like his new jaw, it makes him look more human. And I think that in Gunther's case empathy = teh win.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:10 pm
by Phasmatis
Thank you everyone, you've given me some very good points to work on. The eyes I think I can sort out, however I'm not sure about the Jaw I don't think I can make it wider as it will make his face look very strange, I will experiment though.

I'm glad you think he looks German, I was really having trouble getting that right, I scrapped the first head because no matter what I did, I couldn't make him look German.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:28 pm
by JF
Looks awesome! A few suggestions: I think the lower lip is set too far back compared to the upper lip, maybe try to nudge it forward just a bit? Also, the ears have too much "skin" in the back part, maybe the UVs can be adjusted so that the center covers more of the ear in general, and not have a lump of skin in the back area. Also, didn't the original Gunther have some red/blue wires/circuits on his face? Maybe you could fill the scars with some colour, it looks a bit monochrome at the moment. If the original didn't have colours then all is well, stick with the original design :)

Great work! Keep it up :)

edit: just saw the part about commenting only on the model...oops

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:08 pm
by Ajare
I'm afraid I don't like this version of the face. It looks awfully thin in the third shot. This was my favourite one.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:51 pm
by Trestkon
Ajare wrote:I'm afraid I don't like this version of the face. It looks awfully thin in the third shot. This was my favourite one.
I agree, actually.

Opinions are as plentiful as the polar bears in my back yard:p