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Old Server Complex: Ideas

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 4:23 pm
by ZeroPresence
I've attempted to create a room which I felt would be a focal point of goodness for this map but it ended in about ten GPFs. That, is a concrete sign that what I want to do just isnt going to work. I would like ideas for the way the map should be continued now. First, I want some just thrown out of the blue ideas which sound cool. Then, I will show screenshots of the map, and give more intricate details. But for now, just throw neat ideas at me.

Jonas and I are coordinating layout, so like I said for the third time: I just want cool sounding ideas for an old server complex. Just want to make that perfectly clear.

So, discuss. Please.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:48 pm
by Pointman
Just a stray thought: why don't mess with the player's FOV?

PDX discussion led me to some funky experiments with corridors. With FOV set to sth like 120, things look like they were much farther that they really are. That creates an image of a large mirror with "Objects in the mirror are much closer than they appear to be" written in blood... and stuff...

And -
TeH FlesH oF RoTTen An3ls!!! stuff, a zone that influences player's FOV, 'endless' corridors and... well...

yeah, I'm too sober.
</stray thought>

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:10 am
by that guy
Are you asking for ideas of dangers in the map or concepts of what the map should look/play like.

There was a thread a while back witha bunch of ideas for traps in a thread exactly like this started by CritikalError

If you want ideas for appearances, theres a map made by carone for Jim's engine which looks exactly how I envision the old server complex. I believe I showed you this once before but I can do so again if you would like.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 12:39 pm
by Jonas
He doesn't mean ideas for traps, we already have all the traps laid out and most have been prepared for implementation. I'm not sure what he actually means though :?

If you mean ideas for the layout of the map (which you said you didn't?), I think that idea which didn't work for you sounded perfect. I can't come up with anything as good at all.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:29 pm
by ZeroPresence
Just stuff like "Hey, it would be cool if there was a big energy tube you could blow up when shot to get passed a locked door easier, or perhaps destroy some enemies! :twisted: "


"ZeroPresence, you suck. You should just submit a 256x256x256 box and say you're done because you're a n00b."

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 10:08 pm
by Trestkon
ZeroPresence wrote:"ZeroPresence, you suck. You should just submit a 256x256x256 box and say you're done because you're a n00b."
Oh man, you can build cubes?!! And all this time we've only had to making curves:-(

I'd really enjoy shooting some cables and having a walkway fall down...but that's slighlty crazy:p

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:14 pm
by that guy
I was thinking exploding a pipe to bridge a gap. Particularly if you have to crawl through the pipe to get to the other side of the gap.

dangling wires with sparks would be cool.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:02 pm
by ZeroPresence
that guy wrote:I was thinking exploding a pipe to bridge a gap. Particularly if you have to crawl through the pipe to get to the other side of the gap.

dangling wires with sparks would be cool.
That sounds particularly ace. I'll be looking for an area to impliment this.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:13 pm
by ZeroPresence
Just to let you know... Trestkon and I ran into a major error in SC. Its a lighting issue in that warehouse type area with the pipes and multiple elevators (about seven I think).

The lighting must be crapified. :oops:

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 8:15 pm
by Jonas
Pretty old topic, but I thought this'd be the best place to post this feedback, as the pictures take up quite a bit of space. I don't know why I didn't think of commenting the screenshots in-game before, but it really makes everything easier. Without further ado, my feedback on the current first part of the OSC (there will be 4 parts IIRC):


Now about that radioactive sludge texture: If you just put a sheet with the dirty water texture from DX on it, your green light makes it look pretty radioactive and sludgy. Especially if you don't make it transparent. You can also have some radioactive barrels floating in it if you like :P

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:41 am
by ZeroPresence
"There is no god."

lol, good. My job is done there then. :P

that's not zoning problems... just a reminder that I need to put something back there. That's where the fans that blow out smoke are going to be. Those doors just need to be keyframed, and those vents are where the halon gas come out of. Remember that server area was gonna be haloned?

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 4:46 am
by Trestkon
This level blows my freaking mind. I can't wait to play it with the Shadowcode AI functionality added in :-)

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:34 am
by Jonas
ZeroPresence wrote:"There is no god."

lol, good. My job is done there then. :P

that's not zoning problems... just a reminder that I need to put something back there.
Are you sure? Because you can see right into the void and into the rooms back there...
those vents are where the halon gas come out of. Remember that server area was gonna be haloned?
Oh yeah. Cool, I see it now. Shadowcode: "Is that a fire in the server room? I think I smell smoke, heheh... heh... I guess we better fill it with halon gas!" *Pssssscht.* Player: "Fuck." Let's hope he picked up that gask mask we'll place back after the pipe tunnel :D

Also: There's one of your nice little backdrop areas above a down-ward sloping tunnel somewhere in there, you need to put some glass in it, you seem to have stopped after just adding the glass brush to the world. I think it'd be cool if you made it breakable, just for the sake of interactivity.

BTW, Trest and I are gonna use that "Nietzche room" as I have hereby named it (because "God is dead" and all that) in our POTW, it'll probably be up by the time you read this.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:31 am
by that guy
Holy crap. If jonas' shots are anything to go off, this map is totally hard core. I'm going to download and play it now.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 2:08 pm
by ZeroPresence
the picture was not up, you shall be punished.