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Training Map?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 11:54 pm
by Moonbo
You know, I was wondering. Will there be a training map for the mod? With new things like the detonation system (mentioned in this week's post) and other differences maybe it'd be good to have can also be a good way to introduce the player to the different factions in Forum City (via a gallery similar to the one at the end of the DX training sequence).

Maybe Phasmatis is guiding Trestkon into rebooting his forum account?

Anyways just a thought (though given that it'd require more map geometry *shudder* maybe it's not the best idea at this point).


Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:17 am
by Trestkon
Actually, we've thrown the idea of a training map about for quite some time, but never firmed out any plans. It's pretty much decided that it *will* be done, though.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:57 pm
by Jonas
I like the idea about Phasmatis guiding you through the rebooting of your account. Could also be a nice place to mention that the reason for Trestkon's lack of augs is an update to the augmentation system.

I don't think we strictly need training though, everything is described with great detail in our manual. Besides, where are we going to put the button? The original training button is being replaced with a Bonus Material button :?

I guess we could commandeer the multiplayer button though.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:51 pm
by Trestkon
Lazy people read as little as possible:p

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:21 pm
by Moonbo
Yeah, I agree w/ Trestkon, I never stop to read massive amounts of text with complicated instructions...of course given my line of work I probably should be good at that 8) .


Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:24 pm
by Jonas
Alright, it's decided then. We'll put the Bonus Material button in the place of the Multiplayer button and use the Training button for our own tutorial :)

Next question: In-game or out-of-game? Do we do a tutorial with PM's from the team or make it part of the game world like the DX tutorial? In case of the former, we need to figure out which team members to put in charge of the training, in case of the latter, we need to figure out exactly how to do it; Gelo's suggestion with Phasmatis is one option that I like.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 2:40 pm
by that guy
Personally I don't like in-game tutorials. They're just not realistic. I'd prefer the team members approach.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 3:43 am
by Trestkon
I have teh feedbacks! But first, very leet training, feels very much like the DX training and gets the point across.
  • Perhaps we need to find some way to slow down the infolinks? I fancy myself a fairly fast reader, but I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up with some of the longer ones.
  • Add the ATM info to the goals/notes?
  • In the camera room, can they actually start as disabled? ie: Not emitting light, and then the old camera can start rotating when it gets turned on?
  • In the room where Phas is looking in from the window, he seems to have barks, and occasionally says things that make no sense in training.
  • In this same room, there seems to be some kind of really annoying beeping, I couldn't pinpoint a source. I also heard it in the last room (with the holos). Maybe my DX was just freaking.
  • I'm not sure if there's much we can do about this, but in the last room, if you continue walking around the room while the first discriptive infolink is playing, they all queue up and play one after another. Is there a way to make them so that you can't trigger more than one at once?
  • Secret door doesn't appear to have any keyframes.
Lastly, awesome job on all that, Jonas:D

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 5:26 am
by Moonbo
On the stacking PM's and the character's barking, maybe it's enough just to see how they got around those on the original training map. With bug stomping, originality isn't always required :smile: .

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:38 pm
by Jonas
Trestkon wrote:Perhaps we need to find some way to slow down the infolinks? I fancy myself a fairly fast reader, but I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up with some of the longer ones.
Have no fear, infolink messages in Deus Ex time themselves to the voice acting. Because there is currently no voice acting, they scroll by real fast, but once we put Phasmatis' voice in there, each message will stay on-screen until its corresponding sound file ends :)
Add the ATM info to the goals/notes?
Actually I'm going to add everything to the goals/notes, I just didn't get around to it. Thanks for reminding me though, I'd have probably forgotten otherwise :P
In the camera room, can they actually start as disabled? ie: Not emitting light, and then the old camera can start rotating when it gets turned on?
Good idea, I'll look into that.
In the room where Phas is looking in from the window, he seems to have barks, and occasionally says things that make no sense in training.
Yeah, I've noticed this too, but I don't know what to do about it. Problem is, if he has a bindname, he will use barks, even if his barkbindname isn't set! If he has no bindname, his name won't show on the targetting aug window. I've even disabled ALL his reactions, which should turn off his barks in theory, but that doesn't seem to help...

Ooh! I just had an idea! :idea: I'll set his bindname to "Phas", then the game should think he has no barks because all his barks use "Phasmatis" as bindname! Mwahahah, I bet that'll work.
In this same room, there seems to be some kind of really annoying beeping, I couldn't pinpoint a source. I also heard it in the last room (with the holos). Maybe my DX was just freaking.
You won't believe this, but that's actually coming from Phasmatis. I have no idea why he beeps... he doesn't seem to do that in the apartment map. I think I need Shane to look into this for me, as I haven't the faintest idea why it happens :?
I'm not sure if there's much we can do about this, but in the last room, if you continue walking around the room while the first discriptive infolink is playing, they all queue up and play one after another. Is there a way to make them so that you can't trigger more than one at once?
Well yeah, I can set some flag triggers if you think this is a problem. But is it okay with you if all I do is prevent any of the descriptions from playing before the first PM from Phas is done? Because if I have to set them up so the descriptions themselves won't stack in case the player runs from hologram to hologram, things could get pretty confusing.
Secret door doesn't appear to have any keyframes.
Eh? What do you mean, exactly? It opens fine for me...?