Custom player class (altered default inventory/skill points)

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Custom player class (altered default inventory/skill points)

Post by Jetsetlemming »

I've got a concept for a Deus Ex mod as part of a dev competition on SA, but in order to pull it off, I need to alter the default player to have a different inventory (no pistol, some multiools), and different starting skills/skillpoints (Different default skill instead of trained pistols with no spare skill points to alter the starting build). I can't quite figure out how to set this up, could someone point me in the right direction?

Edit: I found in DeusExPlayer.uc how they spawn a new game inventory:
anItem = Spawn(class'WeaponPistol');
anItem.Frob(Self, None);
anItem.bInObjectBelt = True;
anItem = Spawn(class'WeaponProd');
anItem.Frob(Self, None);
anItem.bInObjectBelt = True;
anItem = Spawn(class'MedKit');
anItem.Frob(Self, None);
anItem.bInObjectBelt = True;
And I think that's pretty fucking funny. I've got this mental image of the gun and prod and medkit growing arms and climbing into JC's coat of their own volition.
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Re: Custom player class (altered default inventory/skill poi

Post by kdawg88 »

Personally I think that the DX skill system isn't elaborate enough for the need to have classes, as opposed to a game such as System Shock 2. One idea would be for the game to automatically assign skill points related to the class chosen at the start of the game, or to merely recommend those skills Adding in augmentations at the start for particular classes would help, but this of course contradicts the whole point of collecting them through the game. I do agree with the altered default inventory idea, though.

This reminds me of a multiplayer mod I was playing at one point, called something like DX Team Fortress, which had a great class system - inventory, augs and skills all in conjuction.
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Re: Custom player class (altered default inventory/skill poi

Post by DDL »

A class is the name for a discrete entity in object oriented programming languages, so a playerclass is just a new file containing code for the player. It has nothing to do with classes a la team fortress.

Jetset, the pistol skill is (believe it or not) internally coded to set itself to trained at startup (hence the pistol bug), but this is fairly easy to work around...but you'll need more than just a playerclass, I suspect.

Will give it some thought if I get the time.
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