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List of Bugs in Vanilla Window

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:18 pm
by Hanfling
Hey guys, as I'm fixing some stuff with RF, i would like to have a list of bugs in Window related code (e.g. in classes the expand upon Extension.Window).

Some list out of my head:
- Sound channels is needless limited to 16 channels whereas Galaxy supports 32. Also it does not account for ALAudios increased channel count.
- List of selectable resolutions is needlessly reduced.
- Clicking MedKit icon on health screen doesn't update info window.
- Clicking BioCell/AugUp icon on aug screen doesn't update info window.
- Conversation font falls back to small font for large widths.
- Missmatched alignment of crosshair related stuff.
- [A lot of shitty hardcoded checks for classes like Animal or Robot.] ("it's a feature, not a bug")
- [Highly resolution/overrall drawscale dependend size of scope views.] ("it's a feature, not a bug")
- SaveGame screen regards GameDirectory.GetSaveFreeSpace() as signed int, where it is in reality is an unsigned int (so just GetSaveFreeSpace() >> 10 works right up to 4 TB free space, whereas GetSaveFreeSpace() / 1024 just works up to 2TB right) (Clamping the native function is another story and out of the scope of this topic)
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