Deus Ex 3 poll (HA HA HA I AM EVIL)

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Biggest Feture Back in DX 3?

JC Denton Player Charector
The skill system back.
OMG this is the dumbest poll ever, EVERYTHING YOU TARD!!!
Only a few things not much.
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Invisable War ROCKs!!!
Both 1 & 2
Total votes: 18
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Post by DDL »

I wonder if it's something to do with the engine, since TDS had a similar (if less pronounced -yay moss/water arrows for contrast) pastel look.

Admittedly, it could be worse: Project Snowblind (I was BORED, ok? :D) tries to simulate the effect of nanoeyes by overlaying a very very slight field of static over your view ALL THE TIME. I also thought that was a videocard issue, until I got in a vehicle (in one of the very few 'yes, you can drive' bits that are shoehorned in for no reason), snapped to 3rd person and I COULD SEE AGAIN....
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Post by Jonas »

Smike wrote:Note: a fundamental concept is, by definition, low-level.
Rrrrrrrrreally? Maybe I got the term "high-level" wrong, but I've heard it used about overarching attributes such as "high-level concept" which is a very brief summary of the game. But uh, I think I just confused myself.
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Post by Smike »

You know it's a damned murky difference and I can easily see them being used interchangeably. The bottom line is that a "high-level concept" is what you ideally have before you start work. It describes the ideal result of the end-product BEFORE you have any product at all. A "fundamental concept" includes the more basic elements OF that "high-level concept", such as the things you were describing: the important parts and pieces that make up the complete higher-level idea. Character philosophy, themes, tone, ambiance, genre, atmosphere, setting - Sci-Fi vs. Cyber-Punk, for example - would indeed all be fundamental distinctions.
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Post by Dead-eye »

Brain stopped working... Please Stand by... OK.

The real problem with IW was it insulted the intelligence of gamers, even console gamers.

I would like to see JC come back, Deus Ex could be called art but Deus Ex 3 is not going to be art, and really DX has a kinda Comic book plot line, (not to say it's bad) I don't think it''s a bad idea to bring JC back as the player character. He's kinda a movie star kinda guy.

Taking universal ammo out is a given in my eye, in DX 2 all I could use was a freaking sword the hole time because I was out of ammo. DX1 I don't think I ever ran out of ammo with all my guns, and you should never run out of ammo with all your guns. only with some, that way you think hmm... shouldn't use the revolver I may need it latter.

But without rambling on too much I really would like too see everything come back form DX1. And you know the people who will buy the game are people who like games like Deus Ex, so for that matter Deus Ex was not too complicated. It was just a little hard at some points.
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Post by Master_Kale »

Dead-eye wrote:I would like to see JC come back...I really would like too see everything come back form DX1
If DX3 is indeed a prequel, how could JC be an active character? At best, 23-year-old JC would be a dream in an ambitious scientist's eye due to the possible 30 year difference between DX1 and DX3. And for that matter, UNATCO may not have even been formed! True, the date of the inception of that organization is a bit murky, so there's room for its inclusion. Other than that, I think the most we can expect of characters from Deus Ex 1 making a comeback would be a young Anna, Gunther, and Manderley. Reyes would be too young, in my opinion, so he'd be useless as any kind of key character.

I hope events in DX1 are set into motion in DX3, to make the game a true prequel. Other than that, DX1 should stay in its own universe, 30 years in the future (relative to DX3).
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Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

and really DX has a kinda Comic book plot line
No I'm pretty positive Spector got the mood from the GURPS Cyberpunk and Illuminati PnP RPGs as a lot of the artwork looks very similar to Deus Ex, that and Spector worked on Toon suggesting he was a big fan of the companies work (else why did he end up working for them at the start of his career?).
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Post by Dead-eye »

uge... we don't even know if Deus Ex 3 is a prequel we only sall an image of a ballet in 2027 means nothing really.

As to Deus Ex is comic book story line, I mean that Deus Ex in general feels a lot like a 21st century comic book. I don't really agree that Deus Ex is storyline, character development and some other quality's go into the realm artistically of lets say great books like Huck-finn or The Sea Wolf. To show this we can first look at JC Denton. JC Denton was the all out bad ass that you get to play as in Deus Ex. And as a bad ass there was no real hardcore character development in this area other then to make the player feel bad ass. However I do admire that there was some thought put into this (JC's parents deaths) but other then that JC character was really there to insight the minds of young men. (easily understandable if you Imagen what an old man would think of JC) And as far as I understand this is done allot in many Dark Comics. But to say that JC character compares to that of lets say Wolf Larson form The See Wolf is not vary easy to argue.

Also if we look at the general story line of Deus Ex it's primarily based off conspiracys and Super Science. Most of these things would bore the minds of old men. But young men find theses insightful, and most of these Ideas are found in some good comic books.

The part ware Deus Ex stops being a comic book is the part were it lets you make choices. This is the true art in this game. Were you got to make hard decisions, that affect the way the plot-line unfolds. Thats the true art of Deus Ex.

So with that said I don't think that Deus Ex 3 will really be able to capture that same feeling. All I can really hope for is that the other things in Deus Ex are there, the comic book feel of fighting a secret group with your bad ass skills. The Robert Ludlum style spy vs spy settings. And the good game play.

But I don't expect to see anything like what DX 1 had to offer in the area of choices. And even if it dose offer that I can't Imagen they will get anything near as good as the part were you can save Paul's life. That truly showed me something I never imagined done before.
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Post by justanotherfan »

Dead-eye wrote:uge... we don't even know if Deus Ex 3 is a prequel we only sall an image of a ballet in 2027 means nothing really.
That's what I've been trying to tell everyone!
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Post by EER »

I think the new Deus Ex will be RTS, much like Syndicate was. Ahh, syndicate :)
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Post by Fulgrymm »

metche_steele wrote:I love the feeling you get when you have to jump across to Jocks apartment - i wish games had more stuff like this ^_^
Sod that, I just get the key from Tong's lab. But I do jump from the roof of Chow's place and move around with like 5 health in torso, slowly getting my health back up by eating all the food I can find before running off to invade Versalife.
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Post by Mr_Cyberpunk »

I think the new Deus Ex will be RTS, much like Syndicate was. Ahh, syndicate
As much as I'd love that to death, sadly it won't happen :( thanks alot you FPS fanboys :P I'm joking btw :D
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Post by justanotherfan »

It's the feeling in your stomach as you fall. I've gotten that in few games. Thank dog Deus Ex wasn't a platformer, but having that optional crazy thing possible, it's just cool.

Oh, and Syndicate, I would have played that. I actually bought the Mac version, except it needed a two button mouse, and it didn't support the MacOS way of representing that (right click on a mouse triggers option-click IIRC). Not sure how they managed porting that. I should play it on Windows...I really liked Base Wars.
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