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Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:53 am
by Cybernetic pig
Marcelo wrote:Hey just throwing some ideas around and see what sticks. :D
Hey, any ideas are appreciated.
Is there some whay to adjust the time between each passive damage hit? :-k
Yep, chances are you think of it it can be coded up, as long as it's within the engines capabilities. I think :/

About the toilet thing, that's something I've always wanted to know. I think it might not be possible since otherwise the developers would have placed some AI at several bathrooms with some fart sounds or something silly/funny like that.
I'm guessing it is possible, even if you have to resort to creative work-arounds to get it to work. It probably was never done as the NPC would have to have his/her pants down. More work for what would probably be one encounter. Just a blind guess though.

I will try it later though as you have got me curious :)

Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:26 am
by DDentonas
I would like to expand on the idea of Marcelo, about the bleeding damage.

First of all, the duration that the bleeding effect on the enemies starts when they are bellow 20-40% in health and only lasts for 1/3 of the time that it does on the player. They are soldiers and they would probably got training about how to stop the bleeding. Mech Augmented don't trigger this response if they are hit at the body parts where they have their augmentations. Advanced enemies only bleed for 1/4 of the original time. Lastly, the bleeding does not trigger a pain animation or stop the soldiers from doing anything. We just see the blood running out of them (this is already in the game, when enemies run away, they bleed (but take no damage) and leave a trail of blood behind them. So i hope that it will not be difficult to integrate it to your mod.

The player bleeds for 10 rounds, but this can be brought down by upgrading his medical skill. As he gets better with medicine, he know better how to stop the bleeding. Also if the player uses any form of healing, like medkits, beer, or water, the bleeding stops (alternatively the bleeding stops if you heal 5 points of damage, that would be 3 soda cans/water ). Also if you feel that smoking can make someone cool, a pack of smokes stops the bleeding as well, because maybe he puts a light cigarette in the gunshot wound to cauterize it (a google search says that it is semi-possible. Not 100% sure, but hey, it's cool imagery.) .

About damage, it could be 10% of the weapons base damage. rounded down (minimum 1) So for most weapons it would be 1pt/round, so an untrained player would take 10 points of damage over time from a pistol wound, or 20 from a sniper/shotgun wound. If the weapons on DX have different damage models (like bashing damage, slashing damage, piercing damage, flame damage) Maybe you could have weapons that deliver slashing damage (knife, sword, DTS) do double the bleeding damage, because the slash open a bigger area? I dont know about that one. Also flame and explosion attacks should not make you(or the enemy) bleed. That means the flame-thrower, plasma gun and all the explosives. The damage from the bleeding of course is not preventable, and it can't be reduced by augmentations or ballistic armour.

Lastly the player should be informed of the bleeding damage that he is sustaining. You could put in an icon, like when you get poisoned or burned. something like but in black backround


If you are unable to put a damage icon in the game, maybe you could use the log to inform the player. A message like "You are bleeding" would do.

Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:40 pm
by Cybernetic pig
Nice well-thought out game mechanic....but enemies don't bleed out anymore at all now, except for some of the weaker enemies (NSF min health=10, MJ12=0)

This was done for a few reasons-

1. For more challenge, because they fight to the death. You will see an NSF bleed out rarely.
2. They pathfind like complete retards, and this is even more obvious when they are running around bleeding. It's also why I made a lot of friendly NPCs Cower, so they don't run around like idiots, ruining immersion, being annoying and getting in your way.
3. More variety in behavior. Why the fuck would ALL NSF/MJ12 get injured then run about into walls? Sure, it only happened if their health was dropped to less than 30hp (I think it's actually percentage based), but all were set to do this.
Now it's opposite, all MJ12 Troops (Or MJ12 anything) do not do this, and NSF <10%, so you rarely ever see it. Okay maybe that's not more variety, but Whatever, I strongly dislike the min health mechanic, especially since it's set for ALL of the common enemies.

Anyway keep em coming, one may stick. *Goes off to test if MJ12 are toilet trained.

EDIT: No they are not toilet trained, seems the collision height for the toilet is too high. However if you were to reduce collision height & radius to 1 then just build and invisible box around the toilet using brushes, then yes you could have NPCs taking a shit, but fully clothed. :)
If the brushes wont work then placing an invisible, indestructible, unmovable seat there should.

Wait, why didn't I try just reducing the collision height? Not too sure how sitting works, maybe it can only work with actual seats. Cannot be bothered to test further, I already added a couple more sitting enemies in the mod (in seats).

Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:15 pm
by DDentonas
So.. how about what i said above, but without the bleeding enemies? It would make the game a bit harder for the player, which is the goal of the mod.

Also, i have noticed that if i shoot the enemy on the legs, he does not slow down? Think you could fix that?

Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:40 pm
by Cybernetic pig
DDentonas wrote:So.. how about what i said above, but without the bleeding enemies? It would make the game a bit harder for the player, which is the goal of the mod.
Would take a lot of work, already have enough big features to do- New Save system & Iron Sights.
Also, i have noticed that if i shoot the enemy on the legs, he does not slow down? Think you could fix that?
This is fair and a good idea. Yes, probably will do this, however ideally would need an animation too. I'll have to talk to my partner.

Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:33 pm
by DDentonas
Also i'm curious, do you writes notes in the code, to let other people know what you have changed? I may toy around with your mod (for curiosity and for personal use, not gonna publish anything) and i would hate to search for hours to find what you have changed.

Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:47 pm
by bjorn98009_91
Why not use a program to sort out identical files like DoubleKiller by comparing the HDTP source (that this mod is based on) and the source for this mod, and then compare any files that are not identical with a text editor like Notepad++?

With that said I think one should always comment ones code.

Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:24 pm
by DDentonas
You said it. I had lost a 30% in one assignment and got a long long talk with the prof because i didn't comment my code. and coding is not even my major. fml

Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:32 pm
by Cybernetic pig

There is also a bit of //G-Flex and others here and there for some vanilla bug fixes and stuff like Drag n Drop code from eshkrw.

EDIT: And all the HDTP code obviously.

But in V1 there is no //GMDX because my only experience at the time was with noob coding, self taught (well, and some tutorials. It's not really an achievement either).
So wait until V2 release before you dig around in there.
DDentonas wrote:Also i'm curious, do you writes notes in the code, to let other people know what you have changed? I may toy around with your mod (for curiosity and for personal use, not gonna publish anything) and i would hate to search for hours to find what you have changed.
But you said my changes were crap, why would you want to dig around? ;)

half of the changes are in the maps too, just so you know. More than half, but they are less noticeable compared to something like Iron sights will be. Still, those interested should wait till V2, as there is a nasty bug (fixed), suppose I better release a hotfix, but there hasn't been much interest in the mod yet.

Nobody except a personal tester has reported it, so it can wait till V2.

Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:05 pm
by Cybernetic pig
Again, to those who have downloaded V1 I strongly encourage you to wait until V2 for bug fixes, tons of new features etc.

If you insist to stick with V1 then here is a hotfix for 06_WanChai_Market.dx, but it does not include everything as it needs the updated V2 DeusEx.u for those features:

Place it in the Maps folder and replace. If you are using New Vision Final then place it in DeusEx\NewVision\Maps and replace.

Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:30 pm
by TheUnbeholden
Didn't Biomod solve the issue, by allowing higher trained levels to carry more grenades (and untrained make it impossible to attempt to disarming a grenade). So more skill points in demolitions means you can use grenades more often. And swimming turned into athletics allowing you to run and jump faster/higher on top of the swimming.
Changing the game in other ways to make them more handy is possible but it would only give slight improvements.

Some people are save scummer's but thats just how they play, many people realize its better to play without quickloading after every mistake. I've taken that on in games and its become all the more intense because of it. Forcing it on people isn't the way IMO, as theres a limited number of checkpoints so you can't go back and load older ones or rename them so you easily remember what you where upto. And if the game does keep all of your checkpoints then the save game menu will be ridiculously overloaded. Some people wouldn't want to start the game over again when they realize they missed something earlier on.

The only issue I see is players who wish to save lockpicks by quickloading after realizing they found shit gear, but honestly lockpicks aren't so common so we should have the right to tbh. People who specialize in lockpicking still have the advantage of taking everything they find & everything seems to be more or less handy to have anyway... except for flares/nightvision goggles.

Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:55 pm
by Cybernetic pig
First and foremost, the mod is for myself, and I need save scumming restrictions forced on me, by myself beforehand.
You can try not to save scum, but it just doesn't work, at least for me there are still times when save anywhere gets abused. Anyway, it's optional difficulty, so no problems here.

The save anywhere feature sucks, it can be abused in so many ways. Yeah it also sucks if you have to go out with no save point in sight but you sacrifice 0-5mins progress, ideally. If you are the kind of person to complain about wasting 5 mins, then why are you even reading this post?

When it's done I encourage everyone with DX experience to give the optional difficulty setting a try, even those not so good at games, as with Deus Ex you can NEVER get "Stuck" since there are always multiple solutions to any problem. The save system will enhance the enjoyment, if someone ends up raging it will be down to a bug (hopefully not) or they are just too silly to use their head and find an alternate solution to their problem.

As for demolition, this is what I have got (hold on):

First the timer for grenades on walls are shortened, you can't just run past them on untrained or even deactivate them, you have to find an alternate route, shoot them, or whatever.
The player can pickup but not equip/use grenades as he is not properly trained in their operation.
Player cannot use them as a proximity mine as he is not properly trained in their operation.

Untrained= Player can pickup grenades, but cannot equip. Timer for wall grenades is 1 second

Trained= Player can equip and use grenades, Timer for wall grenades is 2 seconds + Vanilla damage and accuracy boosts.

Advanced= Player can attach grenades to walls as proximity mines. Timer is 3 seconds, + vanilla boosts.

Master= ???, Timer is 4 seconds, + vanilla boosts.

I only wrote this draft up yesterday so there may be changes yet, but I still need an idea for master. I was thinking every grenade pickup you get two grenades, but that would be unrealistic. Not much less realistic than a skill making proximity mines detonation timer longer as in vanilla but nevermind.

Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:10 pm
by DDentonas
Cybernetic pig wrote:Player can pickup grenades, but cannot equip.
Well that sucks badly... Also 1 second is plenty. I can disable LAMs in .25 seconds and most people can in .30 seconds.

Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:06 am
by Cybernetic pig
It's called a skill requirement, much like you cannot hack until trained.
TheUnbeholden wrote: The only issue I see is players who wish to save lockpicks by quickloading after realizing they found shit gear, but honestly lockpicks aren't so common so we should have the right to tbh. People who specialize in lockpicking still have the advantage of taking everything they find & everything seems to be more or less handy to have anyway... except for flares/nightvision goggles.
That's a bit skewed? "Players who specialize in lockpicking should be able to have everything, yet players who don't get to check every locked container and just leave it if it's crap?". So specialise in lockpicking which costs rather a lot and the only benefit is crap items?
Besides in vanilla, between keys, explosive crates, explosives in general and lockpicks you can raid everything locked yet have 20 lockpicks at all times untrained.
Not in my mod. You may need to walk away from a locked container if you have not specialised.
I think that is the whole point of the skill in the first place. Much like the skill system itself or the augmentation system, or the weapon modding system or the inventory system, you cannot have everything. It's solid design imo, meaningful choice and replayability, and also restricting you from becoming a walking tank. In most modern RPGs they just give you everything.
Lockpicking can be abused vanilla because the game was designed for new players (obviously), this mod is designed for long-time players.
Between all the other changes and this, I hope for it to feel like your first playthrough again in gameplay terms, better even.
I'm sure some will not like the mod, but I certainly will. :smile:
TheUnbeholden wrote:Didn't Biomod solve the issue, by allowing higher trained levels to carry more grenades.
Hmm, that may be a better and simpler solution. I'll have a think.

EDIT: Yes gone with this idea, it is better. Not that my idea was bad, this one is just better in this case.
And swimming turned into athletics allowing you to run and jump faster/higher on top of the swimming.
I have never played biomod, although I knew about athletics. How does faster running and higher jumping work- did Lork (I think his name is) nerf speed enhancement to counter the faster movement and jumping gained from the skill?
Does it make avoiding projectiles, grenades and melee attacks and general danger (hazards, mines etc) too easy without using speed aug?

Re: GMDX Mode- V1 Release

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:44 am
by DDentonas
Cybernetic pig wrote:It's called a skill requirement, much like you cannot hack until trained.

I have never played biomod, although I knew about athletics. How does faster running and higher jumping work- did Lork (I think his name is) nerf speed enhancement to counter the faster movement and jumping gained from the skill?
Does it make avoiding projectiles, grenades and melee attacks and general danger (hazards, mines etc) too easy without using speed aug?
It's like not being able to use a pc at all until you are trained. This change goes against anything DX stands for. You should be able to use, but suck at it if untrained, like with every other weapon skill.

As for biomod the answers are: No because it didn't need balancing, the extra speed just helps you cover long distances faster, nothing game braking. At master level i think it gives you the speed bonus of a level 1 leg aug.
And again no, it doesn't make avoiding damage any easier at all. Also you can't run past LAMs in biomod, cause you will die. Damn biomod makes the game hard.