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Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:12 pm
by slyweezy
I was wondering how, if it's possible to make the pistols in dx shoot only once per click of the fire button and not keep firing while the button is pressed (the half life 2 pistol for example). The melee weapons in the game function like this. Otherwise it's not really semi-auto if you don't need to keep pulling the trigger right? Cheers.

Re: Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:22 pm
by Sergeant Kelly
Hejhujka's Hardcore mod has semi-automatic dual pistols in it.

They're fairly easy to add in with basic knowledge of U-script.

Re: Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 10:25 pm
by DDL
Holy crap, I just tried this and you're right! You know, all the years I've been playing DX (and there have been quite a few of them), I have never noticed this fact...which leads to my next question: exactly how slow are your fingers? :P

Re: Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:26 am
by slyweezy
Dude were you able to do this, i tried to copy and paste some stuff from hejhujka's mod but i have no idea what im doing. help please :(

Re: Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:12 am
by Jetsetlemming
You holding in mouse1 is not analogous to you holding down the trigger, it's you telling your avatar to continuously shoot :lol:

Re: Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:41 pm
by slyweezy
Wait, what? sorry im a dumbass. can you point me to a specific file(s) where i can find this stuff? pleeeaaase.

Re: Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:07 pm
by Jetsetlemming
Open UnrealEd (it's in DeusEx/system), and on the right-hand bar at the bottom is a button that says "Export all". Click it, then click yes on the popup.
In your main Deus Ex directory you'll find a ton of new files, all from the .u Deus Ex system files you just extracted.
What you're looking for is DeusEx/DeusEx/Classes/weaponpistol.uc you can open it with Notepad.
When you're done making your changes to the stats, go back to the system folder and delete your deusex.u (back it up in a zip or something first).
Open the command prompt (Start -> Run, enter "cmd", hit enter), type "cd /", then "cd DeusEx (If your DX install isn't in the default directory you'll have to find it where ever it is. If it's in Program Files or some other folder with a space, put quotes around the directory, for example:
cd /
cd "Program Files"
cd Deusex
Enter the system directory (cd system), then type in "UCC Make". This will recompile deusex.u based on the contents of the deusex folder in your Deus Ex installation, now containing your edits to the .uc files contained within.
Then, just launch DX and your effects will be apparent ingame.

Re: Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:22 pm
by slyweezy
Thanks. Actually the whole export and compile thing is the bit i understand. I just wanna know what line or lines you have to add to the weapon file to get it to work.

Im looking in DeusExWeapon.uc right now and i found:

Code: Select all

// ReadyClientToFire is called by the server telling the client it's ok to fire now

simulated function ReadyClientToFire( bool bReady )
	bClientReadyToFire = bReady;

// ClientReFire is called when the client is holding down the fire button, loop firing

simulated function ClientReFire( float value )
	bClientReadyToFire = True;
	bLooping = True;
	bInProcess = False;

So it would make sense that if i set bLooping = False i would get the desired effect. But i tried that in DeusExWeapon.uc and it didnt make a difference.

Do i have to put bLooping = False in the WeaponPistol.uc instead? Or am i completley looking at the wrong stuff?

Thanks! I really appreciate it.

Re: Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:28 pm
by DDL
If you put (in weaponpistol) the following

Code: Select all

simulated function ClientReFire( float value )
It might work: in otherwords, clientrefire is still getting called, but it's just doing fuckall. :)

Re: Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:06 am
by slyweezy

that didnt work...

](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

One of these days i plan on actually getting around to playing the game instead of tinkering with this stuff i dont understand.

Re: Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:58 pm
by heliosentity101
Hey Guys , i'm posting here to ask a few questions about DX myself , while tinkering around with the weapons in game , i found that you could alter certain properties of the weapons , like shot time , reload speed , damage factors , and also how to increase the max range , and base accuracy of any of the weapons . also how to add the laser/silencer weapon mods without having to collect them first . then it made me think ... can i possibly do the same for the clip mods ? or is there a possible property which you can type in the game to set your own desired clip size ? or do i need unreal ed for this kind of thing ? i do have programming experience , but only very little...

any help or hints on this matter would be a great help ! thx guys !!.

Re: Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:30 pm
by DDL
Set Yourweaponhere reloadcount yournumberhere


set weaponrifle reloadcount 999

would give you a rifle with a stonking great clip size.

Re: Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:56 pm
by heliosentity101
Ahh I See now , that helps a little :) thanks DDL :) Though I Tried These On Various weapons , and the commands only ever seemed to give me a set number in a weapon clip , like say i entered 999 for the clip as you say , but it doesn't give me that :( only ever something like a 213 round mag with no spare clips to reload with ! but all in all , i guess there's nothing that can be done about that :) any other usefull commands you can think of to tinker around with the weapons would be cool for me to try out :) or even stuff to do with the npcs ... like say the damagepart code , ive heard you can do damge to npcs with this code , but when i try it , it only ever works on me ! :( i think im missing something here ? :lol:

anyways , Get back when u can on this matter !

Re: Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 2:18 pm
by DDL
Well, the reason it doesn't give you 999 rounds is because you can't carry that many.

Set ammo3006 maxammo 10000

would mean your new maximum is..well, 10000. Follow that with the allammo cheat and you'll have 10000 sniper rounds.

Killing pawns (or doors, or decos, or whatever) is done by looking at the thing to be destroyed and typing



Re: Semi-automatic Pistols?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 3:04 pm
by heliosentity101
Ah , i see now :) !! :lol: It's Just That i'm getting more & more into this console command stuff :) it's got me really intrigued now ! i try to look elsewhere on the net for a full set of console command lists , and all i ever get are the multiplayer ones :( i really just want to explore this in a bit more depth with what you can do in SP mode with these commands .. and the only best resource i'm finding right now is off here :) you guys are helping out a lot , and should keep it coming ! :) and yeah , i allready know about the tantalus code , as ive binded it to one of my keyboard buttons :lol: nothing stand in my way when i press the P Key ! :lol: i hardly ever need weapons now !! haha . though as ive said , the more console commands you guys can put on here , i'll be happy enough to give them a bash in dx :)