Long-term outlook of a career in higher education

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Long-term outlook of a career in higher education

Post by KennTober »

Seeking any wisdom from Bogleheads that currently work in higher education. My wife is very close to finishing her PhD and will likely graduate within the year (in a rather niche field so I'd rather not say what specifically the PhD is in, but it's adjacent to political science).

She has her heart set on being a professor, and has been an adjunct for around a dozen or so classes over the last few years. She's been applying for open positions for the two semesters, but so far she hasn't even gotten a single interview. She has apparently been told by professors that this can be normal for someone brand new to the field.

Besides the fact that she hasn't had any success with her applications, I have concerns about the long-term prospects of a fresh PhD trying to break into academia given the trend of declining college admissions over the last decade. She has also been told by several senior professors involved in hiring that the political climate in certain states is causing somewhat of an exodus of established professors and is driving up competition for job openings (I have no idea how true this is, but it's been told to her by professors that she trusts).

To add another wrench into things, we have zero interest in moving from our current location, which limits the amount of job openings she can apply to. We live in an area with 100s of colleges around so there are plenty of places here to choose from, but it's still a limitation.

I've been trying to convince her to also look into jobs within the government, higher ed administration, or at some sort of think tank. But she is adamant that taking any non-academic job will lock her out of academia forever (how true is this?).

I have a very pessimistic view of a long-term career as a professor currently, but I also don't want to push my wife away from what she has her heart set on doing. Are my concerns overblown? From my outsider's perspective, this seems like the absolute worst time to be trying to break into academia.
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Re: Long-term outlook of a career in higher education

Post by Rob55 »

Your concerns about the challenges of breaking into academia, especially in a niche field like your wife's, are valid. The academic job market can be highly competitive, and there are several factors that can make it difficult for new Ph.D. graduates to secure tenure-track positions.
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Re: Long-term outlook of a career in higher education

Post by Erfar »

I work in higher education, and I've seen firsthand that landing a professorship can be challenging, especially for fresh Ph.D. graduates. It often takes time and persistence to secure a position. The lack of interview invitations at this stage is not uncommon, as many applicants face similar hurdles. Regarding the declining college admissions trend, it's true, as there are alternative higher institutions and schools (like https://www.exploremedicalcareers.com/). There's a wider choice today.
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Re: Long-term outlook of a career in higher education

Post by royalbert867 »

Securing a professorship in today's competitive higher education landscape can be challenging for fresh Ph.D. graduates. It often takes time and persistence to land interviews and positions. It's important to remember that there are alternative paths within academia, and resources like Best Assignment Writing Help UK can provide valuable support for aspiring educators, offering opportunities to develop teaching and research skills while pursuing their academic dreams. Adaptability and exploring various options can be crucial to success in this evolving educational environment.
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Re: Long-term outlook of a career in higher education

Post by Tyrtyfipol »

Hey there, it's totally understandable that you have concerns about your wife's career prospects in academia. It's a competitive field, and the current climate can be challenging.
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Re: Long-term outlook of a career in higher education

Post by Henryharvey »

You're right to suggest looking into alternative paths like government roles, higher education administration, or think tanks. Taking a non-academic job doesn't necessarily mean she's locked out of academia forever. In fact, it can provide valuable skills and experiences that could make her a stronger candidate in the future. Also, you can take a look at IT Training Bootcamps. They can provide specialized skills that are in demand across various industries, offering more flexibility and potentially better job opportunities.
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Re: Long-term outlook of a career in higher education

Post by Gaskoin »

I had difficulties when I had to write a very complicated project that had to be done very quickly. I didn't know who could help me, but a classmate helped me out and advised me to contact https://www.capstoneproject.net/ these specialists, I didn't even know about them, but now I can safely advise others. They literally saved me and did everything for me. So if you need help with a project, please contact them.
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Re: Long-term outlook of a career in higher education

Post by mahmishal78 »

A career in higher education is something that I am indeed considering for myself. I'll even go as far as making fake documents if that gets me a career in higher education. That's how far I am willing to go.
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Re: Long-term outlook of a career in higher education

Post by vananoc153 »

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Re: Long-term outlook of a career in higher education

Post by vananoc153 »

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