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Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:56 am
by Mr_Cyberpunk
In the words of Bill Oriely... "FUCK IT! FUCK IT!! WE DO IT LIVE!! WE DO IT LIVE!!!!" lol. That's fox right there.

Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:05 pm
by bobby 55
Hahaha! I think he needs to visit here and learn the correct procedure in ranting.

Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 2:58 pm
by Rex
The Fox News Mass Effect Porn Game was much better. Good thing Cooper Lawrence admited she was wrong.

Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:35 pm
by Jaedar
Jetsetlemming wrote:Don't care about that story (Tea Parties are racially motivated astroturfing), but that dude was way, way over melodramatic and backpatting, like he felt so clever and full of himself for misreading a Fox News print ad, and overreacting to what was implied that Fox News had the "real" story, not that they had the "only" story.
This. I mean since when is dirt throwing a surprising act?
Rex wrote:The Fox News Mass Effect Porn Game was much better. Good thing Cooper Lawrence admited she was wrong.
She shouldn't have claimed she was right from the start, bloody idiots that'll do anything to get on television.

Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:39 pm
by chris the cynic
My feeling is that when they used CNN's footage to say that CNN didn't cover the story they opened up the door for CNN to say whatever the fuck CNN wanted to about them.

Where was CNN? Behind the camera that took the fucking shot you're showing. Where the fuck were you?

If Sanchez wants to say they're all demonic feces, good for him.

(The answer to, "Where the fuck were you?" is actually somewhat interesting. They were actually conducting the crowd from off camera. If you ever wondered why the protesters all cheered together as if on cue in Fox news footage, it's because they were being given cues.)

Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:47 pm
by Rex
She shouldn't have claimed she was right from the start, bloody idiots that'll do anything to get on television.
In magazine I read, it was said that Cooper Lawrence was told that this game is blooooody pornographic, before the interview in Fox News, she didn't saw game before.So basicly she was there to show her new book(amazon collected lovley opinions after FN interview) and to say that she thinks that .. bla bla bla.. SeX-Box, Mass Effect etc.. and that's not her opinion. She said she checked the game ect. Fuckin' lol@! But well.. in magazine I read that on our tv someone said that there was a criminal who played brutal games.. and his favourite brutal, bloody, evil game was.. ROFLOMG TETRIS. I don't think that was a joke..

btw:What is name? Lawrence or Cooper?

Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:02 pm
by Mr_Cyberpunk
she won't be happy with Mass Effect 2 then.. its much much more pr0n and loads more swearing.

Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:08 pm
by Jaedar
Mr_Cyberpunk wrote:she won't be happy with Mass Effect 2 then.. its much much more pr0n and loads more swearing.
That's because it is trying to reel in the sophisticated Halo 3 crowd.

True story.

Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:51 pm
by justanotherfan
Jetsetlemming wrote:
justanotherfan wrote: It's always a stupid idea to acknowledge a losing competitor.
FNC has higher ratings than CNN and MSNBC combined and doubled.
True, but that's a metric for a TV show in general. As news, CNN does better for accuracy and trust, which they also point out in commercials stupidly acknowledging their competitors. How they measure up depends on what you see them as doing. Also, CNN has a worldwide audience, while it's hard for anyone outside America (or perhaps Canada) to watch Fox News. Since Fox News is the "Always put America first no matter what" group, it's easier to watch MSNBC outside America, but like Fox News they play in the domestic political mud, so it's alienating.

When I see Fox News, I think "This is assinine". When I see MSNBC, I think "This is pandering". When I see CNN, I get some news, but I often think "This is irrelevant and useless pseudo-news banter". When I see BBC News, I get news, but I also get "news" of sports (ooh, the latest Cricket scores from India!), and more of England's domestic news than necessary. This paragraph is just subjective opinion.

Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:05 pm
by bobby 55
We can get all of those news services on cable here and I hardly watch. Our local news isn't always interesting let alone other countrys local bulletins.

Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:41 pm
by ~Psychotic~
I never knew about the Mass Effect porn thing until now, just looked it up. Bloody rediculous. Whilst I do find the rating rather low for something that contains sexual content (it's R13 in NZ whilst many movies containing the same content would be R18). Though I don't know how much she exaggerated the matter, I've never played Mass Effect (but I want to).

In that matter, it wasn't BioWare's fault the classifications board rated it MA15. They don't control the ESRB or any classifications board. And besides, it's only sex. Yeah that's right, ONLY SEX. Something COMPLETELY natural, the very same process which is WHY WE EVEN EXIST.

I found this interesting however: ... ass-effect

Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:41 am
by justanotherfan
Oh, good point. My local news is awful. Apparently a dog in my city likes to eat cupcakes, and it's cold out now (point the mirrors here now!). I subscribe to my local and national news in RSS so that I'm in the loop, but I don't read the boring newspapers (local non-news and AP stuff).

I do want to say I like CNN's shows Amanpour and GPS (the global public square. I'm Fareed Zakaria). Rick Sanchez is annoying, sensationalist and his news is fluff. Cambell Brown's "No-BS" show has a good idea, but it doesn't always call out manufactured stories. It takes Jon Stewart's idea of a viewpoint like Fox's, but geared toward no BS, yet it doesn't follow through.

Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:58 am
by chris the cynic
When Cambell Brown described No bias No bull to Jon Stewart he said, "I want you have your baby." Made somewhat more interesting by the fact that, as I recall, she was pregnant at the time.

It is a shame it didn't live up to its goals. I think one of the biggest problems is that CNN feels the need to give both sides even if one of them is objectively wrong. They need to have their fact checker simply step in and call bullshit whenever someone is bullshitting. In politics I don't need to know the Republican and Democratic positions on every issue (unless I'm voting for these people) what I need to know is what is actually true.

Or, to pull words from America the Book:
A free and independent press is essential to the health of a functioning democracy. It serves to inform the voting public on matters relevant to its well-being. Why they've stopped doing that is a mystery. I mean, 300 camera crews outside a courthouse to see what Kobe Bryant is wearing when the judge sets his hearing date, while false information used to send our country to war goes unchecked? What the fuck happened?. "Was the president successful in convincing the country?" Who gives a shit? Why not tell us if what he said was true? And the excuses. My God, the excuses! "Hey, we just give the people what they want." "What can we do, this administration is secretive." "But the last season of Friends really is news." The unmitigated gall of these weak-willed... You're supposed to be helping us, you indecent piles of shit! I... fuck it. Just fuck it...

Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:04 am
by justanotherfan
She did well in that interview, and it was funny. No Bias No Bull did have the innovation of the non-anchor giving a "truthymeter" (innovated from I guess), but even that is strained and weak. It's as if they feel bad when coming near objective truth, as if objectively reporting absolutely everything as subjective and uncertain lets them bypass accusations of bias. Most of the truthishness meter things were contradicting wrong statistics, as if only numbers could shield them from bias. It was OK at first, but then I got bored with the manufactured "Oh my god what do we report for 24 hours today?" news.

I wish they could just say "This is a lie", but then they'd need to prove that in American courts when they get sued. That term "BS" should have been far more powerful, and I think some actual swearing would have helped (it's Cable, they can do that), giving it more power and seriousness (eg. the lie isn't Bird Spit).

Check out the America The Audiobook, since you can hear the inflection IIRC.

Re: Fox News got OWN3D!

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:49 am
by ~Psychotic~
No Bias No Bull sounds like a lot bullshit anyway. Bullshit it wouldn't have been biased. Yeah, for how long?