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Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:05 am
by DDL
I think what you mean is YOU are finding a ton of things you can't seem to do in the old engine, so want DX to be working in a newer engine that you CAN do stuff with.

This isn't necessarily a general phenomenon, however: I personally very much enjoy getting newer, better, more impressive things to work in the old engine.

A lot of us (most of us?) really like the old engine. It's clunky, sure, but wonderfully predictably chunky (I love the DX physics!). It's like an old friend. Do you ditch old friends because newer ones come along?

It's emminently possible to support both: Akerfelt and co. are happily chugging along without any interference from the HDTP team. They'll do their own thing, in their own time. Asking us to go and do stuff for them shows both a misunderstanding of how the process works, and how much spare time we all have.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:55 pm
by Dead-eye
DDL wrote:A lot of us (most of us?) really like the old engine. It's clunky, sure, but wonderfully predictably chunky (I love the DX physics!). It's like an old friend. Do you ditch old friends because newer ones come along?
Lets all get emotionally attached to the engine, that's a good Idea. :?
DDL wrote:I think what you mean is YOU are finding a ton of things you can't seem to do in the old engine, so want DX to be working in a newer engine that you CAN do stuff with.
No, I can handle myself just fine in the old unreal engine. It just takes a LOT more time to do things in it, like daliver content. The only thing Unreal one can do easly is mapping. Everythinf elss can get tiresome, textures are a little bit harder to import, adding meshes is a bitch, etc.

I'm not saying dump the old engine, I'm saying lets start moveing to the new engine slowly. I don't think that the team should make HDTP souly for Deus Ex: Reborn but that content, like charector ainimation's should be proted to Deus Ex: Reborn. (Because there so much harder to do in the old engine the HDTP team cut them out.)

I have to go, I'll post more when I get home.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:31 pm
by ewanlaing
seriously, what is so lovable about UE1. UE2 has everything it has, but much much better.
i understand a few people may not have ut2004, but really it's easy to get, and it's a damn fine game in itself. and it's requirements are laughable by todays standards. the minimum spec features a geforce 2 graphics card, and really if you don't have that or above, then you shouldn't consider using this mod in the first place.
so i vote yes. though really voting yes means very little, as deus ex reborn seems to be co-operating fine with hdtp and NV anyway, so we WILL be getting this stuff on a new engine regardless.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:27 pm
by Fragbait
Since DX:R exists and is alive, this topic seems kinda pointless, but I won't leave without adding something even more pointless and random, seeing this:
ewanlaing wrote:the minimum spec features a geforce 2 graphics card, and really if you don't have that or above, then you shouldn't consider using this mod in the first place.
It's the future of gaming! :D

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:07 am
by DDL
ewanlaing wrote:seriously, what is so lovable about UE1. UE2 has everything it has, but much much better.

Er...except DX. Which is why lots of us still like UE1.

Plus a considerable number of us are still actively modding DX, and moving to a new engine would require us to wait for the DX port to actually be completed and fully playtested, learn the new codebase completely, port over all our own stuff, and then playtest THAT.

Don't get me wrong: I think redoing DX in a newer engine is a GREAT idea, but I just think that deadeye's implied suggestion that we drop everything and move there is both unworkable, inadvisable, undesirable and premature.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:31 pm
by ewanlaing
good point. but i'm not really telling the whole community to abandon UE1, just suggesting that maybe HDTP should.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:15 pm
by DDL
It's a fairly close-knit community, though:

TNM & HDTP are both OTP-hosted things, for a start.

Plus most of us now share code and stuff fairly indiscriminately so we're all on the same page (shifter is HDTP compatible, TNM will be, my stuff will be, etc). So having HDTP just up and leave the Unreal engine before we're done.... isn't gonna happen.

More to the point, HDTP shifting to the DX:R version is a redundant waste of time. They already ARE getting all the HDTP stuff. Anything HDTP makes for DX is fully accesible to them, as and when they want it. All we'd do (that we're not doing already ANYWAY) if we shifted over there is ask annoying questions the whole time, and otherwise twiddle our thumbs.

It's a much better use of our time and effort to finish up stuff (for the unreal1 engine), and then call it a opposed to giving up now, and calling it a day.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 7:00 pm
by Dead-eye
DDL wrote:
ewanlaing wrote:I just think that deadeye's implied suggestion that we drop everything and move there is both unworkable, inadvisable, undesirable and premature.
In a post on the last page I said I made an Error. I don't think that HDTP should drop everything for Deus Ex JUST the new character models and start work on porting the new character models to Deus Ex:R.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 8:17 pm
by DDL
The character models are already dropped. Read other posts, man!


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:19 pm
by Dead-eye
DDL wrote:The character models are already dropped. Read other posts, man!

Yes I know. But is HDTP going to work on getting them Into Deus Ex: Reborn? Yes i know that too. Everything is covered and everything in this thread was already covered before.

The only thing I can add is that I would like to see Deus Ex Reborn before the end of 2007. But I'm positive thats not going to happen. Feel free to prove me wrong.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:22 pm
by justanotherfan
It's already settled, and we're getting the best of both worlds. We get HDTP in DeusEx.exe (I use .exe to show "old hacked up UT engine Deus-Ex"), but without the characters since that's far too much difficult work. We get HDTP in DXR, probably with the new character visuals when DXR adds the option for them.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:31 pm
by Jonas
Ahem. You get HDTP in TNM.exe as well. From where I'm standing, that's the most important part.

But then again, I may be slightly biased ;)

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:28 am
by r00tb33r
Ehn... I'm playing UT3... I think HDTP needs to move in this direction now. LOL
Its sad to see no changes on the site and gallery when I come here once a month. I'm on a 4 week long winter break so I am offering my help with whatever I can be taught. Short of reverse engineering the main binary into source.
I think Duke is getting jealous. Hes gonna be out one of these days... right? Don't we all believe?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:29 pm
by justanotherfan
new, active discussion on HDTP progress- viewtopic.php?t=1203

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 1:05 am
by r00tb33r
You know I am one of those people that appreciates video games as an form of art. And so, I appreciate old games. I never complained about the quality of the original Deus Ex release. To be blunt I will say that it was just perfect.
I don't want to hurt any spirits of the makers of this mod, but this "high definition" mod is not really keeping up with the new "high definition" standards. What I am feeling is that DXR will be just as absolete by the time this mod comes out.
Sorry for hurting any spirits.
I have played through DX 1 and 2 so many times, including with the release 1 of HDTP and I can say that HDTP does not blow a second breath into the old game. Its a great game of a good vintage. This mod does not currently have the potential to make it fresh again... Using technology as old as the game.
I was digging around the sound library of DX:IW last night to extract the music... I must say I like the newer theme better... As well as Kidneythieves songs included in the game. I will surely import those when HDTP or DXR is complete.
True that Unreal 3 engine is an overkill and that its hard to take advantage of all the new visual bling, but Unreal 2 engine is definitely a solid bottom line.