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Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:34 pm
by Jaedar
Hassat Hunter wrote:It's perfectly possible to have AP-style convo consequences, AND actually know what the hell you're talking about... which fails most times with the ME-wheel.
Actually, from what I heard, the game shows the full line when you mouse over the option, and otherwise the abridged version.

Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:39 pm
by Hassat Hunter
That would be nice.
It didn't mention that though...

Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:47 pm
by Nameless Voice
That still sounds like the dialogue is just based on picking the right options and disregards what type of character you're playing. Meaning that even a anti-social psychopath, completely optimised towards killing, can still make the same perfect dialogue choices as a more peaceful and less combat-oriented character. And any character can get the best outcome by skill, luck, or spamming quicksave/quickload.

Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:14 pm
by Hassat Hunter
I read there are social skills as well, like mindreading.
However wheter that unlocks additional convo option was not said/known.

Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:02 pm
by Jonas
Hassat Hunter wrote:Forced boss fights, ala Alpha Protocol must infuriate Jonas, no?
I wouldn't say infuriate, but I do find it rather disappointing. I previously argued against Jaedar's comparing it with the stupidly unbalanced boss fights in Alpha Protocol, but basically I strongly agree that forced boss fights should be avoided. Especially if they start with unavoidable dialogue that plonks you down right in front of the enemy when it's over.

Jaedar's right about it showing the full line of dialogue - didn't read you had to mouse-over, just read one of the bigwigs of the project saying "you have to do some reading" when asked if they'll be ME-style, or something like that.

Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:54 am
by Hashi
whats ME style? The only thing I can think of is Windows ME, which was really bad, so it makes me think that ME style conversation is bad too

Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:00 am
by Nameless Voice
Mass Effect style. Where you get to pick the mood of your response without actually getting to choose what you say.

Someone who's actually played the game can probably explain better than me, though. :)

Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:40 am
by justanotherfan
Boss fights suck. Deus Ex's style of "Hey, there's this really big guy somewhere. He'll probably try to shoot you or something" was more like a story than an NES game. The player-character had to do something rather than kill someone. From the videos, in DX3 you end up locked in a room with Wartime Kabuki Robot Kashiwagi, and probably have to lob enough LAMs at it's underbelly while it squats down to do it's Claw Attack.

Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:46 am
by Kee715
Hashi wrote:whats ME style? The only thing I can think of is Windows ME, which was really bad, so it makes me think that ME style conversation is bad too
Mass Effect style. I don't know what that is, though, since I've never played it. :(

Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:18 am
by Jonas
Mass Effect uses keywords to identify your dialogue options instead of showing you what your character is actually going to say:


It means you can sometimes get a little surprised if the actual line of dialogue you get doesn't quite fit with what you thought the abbreviation meant.

Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:02 am
by Jaedar
The way DX3 does it may actually be totally brilliant. The problem with not showing what you're actually going to say is that it is easy to misunderstand, but even with full dialogue, you can't always predict the tone your character will say it with. Since DX3 will allegedly show both tone and exactly what you say it might fix those issues.
Jonas wrote:I previously argued against Jaedar's comparing it with the stupidly unbalanced boss fights in Alpha Protocol, but basically I strongly agree that forced boss fights should be avoided.
They really weren't that unbalanced. But AP deserves some extra crap for letting you stealth the first boss and therefore making you think you could stealth the future ones. That's just very douchy design.

Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:16 am
by Jonas
I've actually just given up on Brayko for good. I can't see any way to beat him, if the controls aren't sabotaging me, my character build is, and I haven't found a way to survive for more than 3 minutes against him - when I do manage to stay in cover from him, his fucking henchmen get me. If I manage to take out the henchmen, Brayko pounds me into a bloody pulp. I don't have enough health to withstand the battery, and I can't rely on the injections because they have a delay and a cooldown. And of course... I can't lower the difficulty level because you can only select difficulty at the start of the game (motherf--). But enough of my whining, let us never speak of Alpha Protocol again, the first game to somehow be a greater disappointment than Invisible War.

Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:39 am
by DDL
Jonas wrote: It means you can sometimes get a little surprised if the actual line of dialogue you get doesn't quite fit with what you thought the abbreviation meant.
*Selects "This interview is over"*

*Watches in horror as shepard punches reporter in the face*

Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:54 am
by Hassat Hunter
Jonas wrote:I've actually just given up on Brayko for good. I can't see any way to beat him, if the controls aren't sabotaging me, my character build is, and I haven't found a way to survive for more than 3 minutes against him - when I do manage to stay in cover from him, his fucking henchmen get me. If I manage to take out the henchmen, Brayko pounds me into a bloody pulp. I don't have enough health to withstand the battery, and I can't rely on the injections because they have a delay and a cooldown. And of course... I can't lower the difficulty level because you can only select difficulty at the start of the game (motherf--). But enough of my whining, let us never speak of Alpha Protocol again, the first game to somehow be a greater disappointment than Invisible War.
Unless you're playing on a console of course (why are you?) could you upload the savegame? I would want to try the challenge ;).
(And even if your build does somehow cannot stand Brayko I know a 100% sure way to bug him up anyway ;))

Re: Deus Ex 3

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:56 am
by Jonas
Hassat Hunter wrote:Unless you're playing on a console of course (why are you?) could you upload the savegame?
I am playing on X-Box 360 because I enjoyed Mass Effect more on the console and AP seemed like a very Mass Effect-ish game. What is this exploit that you refer to?