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Post by KeliaDracu »

Now that Sports betting is legal in Ohio, I expect that many people will jump all over this and people spending money on betting than the necessities.
A very bad decision for the people that just won't be able to help themselves. I am not overjoyed with gambling of any kind. I grew up with my father and uncles throwing their money away on the hopes of winning big! We went without food and much of the what really mattered in life!
Every day hundreds of ads for betting platforms. A real cluster F&($ ,
When I went into the military, every payday guys were running quick card games.
I would just shake my head and chuckle. One day, one of guys running a game, called me out about my attitude! I told him what he was doing was a waste of time and money. My friend asked me if I knew how to play. I told him that I could make a killing off of these idiots, and walked away.
Later I asked my friend if he could play, since he was an ace at pool, I kinda thought maybe.
He said yeah. So we started playing between the two of us and he was good. Shortly another friend wanted to play. I told him that this wasn't just a game of friendly cards,it was scam!!
This card game took three people to win continuously. We got paid once a month, in cash.
The next payday, we setup in a secluded area and we started playing. Soon there were about eight guys throwing their money on the table, I told them that they had to watch for anyone that would write us up for gambling. Our games were always very fast and short.
The average pay was $ $135.
We made a lot of money in the three months of taking guys money and especially the guys that ran their own games. I told my friends that I wasn't going to make anymore money from these guys. I asked my friends to hang out by some of the guys that lost their money.
As I suspected, some of these guys were looking to borrow money from their friends. I told my friends that I too was in their situation for a long time, and I didn't want to put anyone else in that position.
I was making three times that of anyone in my division because of my rank.
I actually gave money back to many of guys that were in my division. My friends were disappointed with that
But since I was supposed to be a role model and a leader.
Afterwards if I told someone to do something, they didn't hesitate, or talk back, and there wasn't any grumbling about me behind my back.
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Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:00 pm

Re: Gambling

Post by ShadowVoyager »

When it comes to sports betting, it can indeed be time-consuming to stay updated on players and games for strategic betting. However, I find that casino games offer a simpler and more entertaining option for earning extra income, especially with some helpful tips.

Personally, before diving into any new game, I always make sure to read reviews and gather tips to improve my chances of winning. This approach has helped me consistently earn good extra money each month from gambling. If you're interested in learning more about tips and strategies for casino games, you can find some helpful resources here .
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2023 6:45 am

Re: Gambling

Post by Maeve »

Take into consideration checking out the 91 Club login if you appreciate gaming with the extra excitement of potential prizes. They provide a variety of gaming alternatives, including color prediction, casino, and sportsbook games, along with a selection of the newest titles. Among the noteworthy aspects is the chance to make actual money while having pleasure. To improve the overall gaming experience, they also provide extra incentives on certain days and an 8% return for each recharge. If you're seeking for fun with the possibility of earning anything, it's worth a look. Just keep in mind to play the games sensibly and take a measured approach to the thrill.
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